Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/388

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’§ 201 Q,. Tzsrhh rs;-vouym "partmént of the Treasury to the Dephrtmeutfo4! Commerce. The Secretary of Commerce is authorized, it. by him deemed advisable, to‘ consolidate the Bureau off Customs Statistics with the Divisionof Statistics of the Bureau of Foreign and Domes-·_ tic Commerce lnto Qone office, located in either Washington or New. York, .or partly in either place, `in the discretion. of the Secretary of Commerce.; the statistical bureau hereby author-· · ized to be located in New _York·under theojurlsdictiou and com _ ' trol of the Department of Commerce shall continue to occupy. the premises in the New York customhouse which were on Jan-“· _ uary 5, 1923, occupied by the Bureau of Customs Statistics, and " ‘ additional space as needed shpll be_assigned;in the same ,bul1d··" . ing for its use by the Secretary of the Treasury upon request ` of the Secretary of Commerce. (Jah. 5, 1923,-c. 23, 5 1, 42· Stat. 1109-—)" ,`-i · n .- _ .., ‘ Clmpt¢r‘..6..—4-WEIGHTS AND MEASURES AND STAND}-. ARD TIME; ‘ WEIGIITS, MEASURES, AND“STANDARlDS GENERALIX" · · Sci:. _ _ . _ I - l _ . i ,201. ‘ Sets of standard weights and megsuresior agricultural colleges. ·- d 202. Repairs to standards. ‘ ·- ‘ — » ‘ 203. Replacing lost standard weights and measures;. cost; -` ` 204{Metrfc system authorized. · '- 205. Authorieed tables. ‘ __ _ . % i 206. Standard gauge for sheet. and plate iron and steel. · '· 207. Preparation ot standards. .. . · 208. ‘V_uri&t.lons. V _ ( ' 209. Standards torscrew threads to be adopted. 210. Promulgation for uqe by public; ' _ .. S’11AND.~tRI$S· CF ELECTMCITY 221,. Unlteot electricek measure. · A t Q -` _ · STANDARD- BéRRELS — Standard ba,rre1‘£or aiaples; stcel_barrels.` 232. Barrels below atppdard; marking. .233. Penalty for violations. _ , _ . 234. Standard barrel tortruits or other dry commodlty. . · _ 235. Sale or shipment ot barrel of less capacity than tandardg`; punish- °ment.·°~,-·. 236. Variations from tandard permitted; prosecutions: law not certain barrels. " . 237. Standard barrelsior lime. .- 238. léfenalty dor selling- in barrels not marked.

  • 239. Salem containers ot less capacity than barrel.

240. Rules and rekulutions. ‘ _ _ · . _ . ` 241.` Penalty ilorselling limein unmarked barrels and containers. 242. Duty ot district attorney to enforce law. · _ — ,· _ $TANDARD. §ASKETS AND CGNTAINEQBS - 251. Standards for.Cllmax baskets.; · · I ° J _ · 252. Standard basket or container toramall tx·ult• and vegetables. , 253.··i<‘al1ure to conform to standards; pena1ty__;—exceptlo¤. _ - , 254; Examination and teqt by 'Department ot Agriculture; rules and regulations. ~ _ ' · 255. Duties ot district attorney. _

 5 256. Guaranty of meuufécturer of baskets orcontalners `asdedned. _' _

_ ‘ ‘ · ,8TANDAl1D '1fIME_ ‘ y 261. Zoneq for standard time.? I '_ . I ” —262. Duty to observe standard time ot zones. . . 263. Designation of zone standard times. . _ l _264. Part of Idnholu third zone. _ . , T V 20Ll. T_m¤¤!c·r_ot ocertuln territory to staudardtcentral time zone. \YEIG`lf’1`S, ;MEASURES, AND STANDARDS GENERALLY . Seetion "2_01..Sets of stdndard weights I ind measures for . ` agrioultural colleges.——>-The Slecretary ot; the Treasury is °direeted to czmse a complete set of all the weights and measures · -_ adopted as standards to be delivered, to the governor of each State in the Union, for the use ofagrlculturul colleges in the '. States, respectively, which havereceived ¤'gra.ut.o£ lands from Q the United States, and also one set of the same for the use of the Smithsonian Institution: Provided, That the cost of each set shell not exceed` $200.- (Mar. 3, 1881. N0.- 26, _21 Stat. 521.) “ 202. Repairs tostandards.-T-—$uch necessary repairs and udjustments shall bemude to the standards furnished to the

cam AND TRADE _ 374 several States and averixgorxég an may beréqumted by théjg0v· ernorsnthereot, Wand also tg standard weightmand measures; than have been, oxjmay be, supplied to United States customhouscs · and other ¤Ect;s qt mg United States, under Act of Gongresmwg when requested by the·_Becrctai·y of the-Treasury.` (July 11, 1890, c. 667, { 1, 26 Stat 242;) I . 3 . . . 203. Replscing lost stshdard wveighti and nensuru; ¢ost.—— The Secretary of Ckgilnmerce is authorized and directed to tm-. nish precise .c0p1¢s of standard weights aug! mmsiuw hearing; the seg1_.dt the Burcéu of Standards and scéompnnled 'by suitable ·ccrtii1cnte; t0_ any Bfgate, Territory, or inmtution hm;. tofegre furnished with the Sflmé, upon appliéaticm in writing by the governor 11i__l;he case of a State or Terr1tory,'or by. the otiicial head in thé case of an institution; scttmg.tort.h’that· th.; copies df standards applied for are to · replace smilére cms _· heretofore furnished; in accqrdaucg véitli law}, which have been lost or destroyed: Prb·v¢dcd,°Th;1t-thé applicant shgll, betmke the said standards gre delivered, hrst deposit with Hthe Scorer! ¢ary`oI-·O0mme1}ce the amoziut; of mtméy necessary ta defray _a1l expenses incurred bi the Bureau of Standards ui furnishing _thB‘S&11l8,.WhiCh amount shall be covered info` the Treasury oi the United States to'the credit of miscellaneous receipts, as s00n_.ns the weights or measures `are delivered fof- transportation infb thehauds 0i[‘such_persons as hre designated by that officcrs orderiugxthe same. (Aug. ·18,`.1894, .c. 301, l 1, 28 Star; 383; LM8I._' 3, 1901, é..872, {1, 31 Stat. 1449;. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 10, 82 Stat._829; Mar-4, 1913, c. 141 $,1, 37 Stat. 736.) · 204.· Metric sysfch authorized.-——It shall be lawful throughput the United States of {Amcrlgn fb employ the weights uml measures of the metric system; and no qpntrgctf-pr dealing; hr pleading an any court, shall be deemed invalid or liable to qmjqctiou because the weighis or measures erpxtcséed or ref¢·m~.l_ to therein are weights pr measures 91* the xixetrjlc system.- (R. S. §3569_)°·A _ {. _ . _· — .. ~ 205. `Authqrizcd.€ables.—~The tables in the schequlennnexml · shall be recoiulzed in the cdtistruction of contracts, ahd inkill legal proceedings, as establishing, in terms of- the heights _¤h·l measures now [July 28, 1868] in use in `the United —St¤te~s, the} equivalents ot the weights and measu1·és*expi·é$ed therein in terms of the metric; sbtexu; and the tables méy lnwfullj be used for computing, determining, And expressing in customary weights and measures the weightsnud measures of thé_ meme system. (R. S. S 3570.) * ‘ ~ · `· _ _ MEASURES 0F_LENGT¤‘ _ Metric de nomination and value! Equivalents in- denominations an use ` M ia.m¤¢é.:.;.. ·10,—000mtm.. 6.213?1DH¤8. Q . Klfgmem, ,.,... · 1,000meters.- 0.62137·mi1m as 3,280 mt and 10!11chc5. . · H§0£0mB$8f-;.--..,..- 100m¢\¤l‘S.- m Qh Elldi [DEQ}- ‘ Doksmetgr,". .. : 10 m¤m.;·$0.7 inches. . Mator.._..-,., ., . .,..., .. °1Fme¢§...’ lpchen. Declmeter ,... ., . , 1/100tsmet . .. 3.%; inches. Cer1tima.t.erJ. ... 1/100 ctn meter,. 0.303?·ipcha¤. · Millimeter . . 1/1000 of • 0. 0094 inchm. ‘ ’ MEASURES OF CAPACiT_Y I . · _ Matrlé donomlnationé and values Equlvaleuls in denominations in use Names ‘ (‘uhic-measure Dry mhasum U L*‘*g°é_§’{¤,§‘°°j §¥§%2.%.2.?€Ff?f?; *0% };i3‘§?§“§E§% §‘é?..¥..‘*£‘§§`a?*'%‘?§s" @34%} §€ff§§’; Hckalita . _ » .10 10 cm dxf- sz q¤¤m.--,. .2.8417 gallons. Iéter _,,, , ... . 1 1 tguhicx `deci· 0.908 qua.rtsL,, 1.0567 quurw F D¤ci1ltcr.-.,.,. 1/10. 1/§Q?;`¢iéblc· 6?l®2 cubiciuch.- 0.§4.5gi1la. · ` fientilitar ..,.. 1/100 10g§>§;cx:1.i· 0.6100 cubic inch., fluid cunts. Mill11lt•r. 1/1000- 1 ::;:32;-c¤¤ti·· 0.061 —_cubic_inc.~h,., 0.27 f1ulddra.xm·