Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/455

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441 TITIJE 16.~

,.;_ ;¤
;.;,p.—m;oe• of commission generally; subsistence allowance to e

ployocs on Held work. ’ pb; xx‘o;·d¤ uso:} in chapter defined. . 7 »·;_ moor-nl powers of commission.

_,~._ mrpos.4· and scope ot preliminary permits; transfer and G

vvllntion. _

·.·._ 1,17-·o¤se; duration, conditions, revocation, alteration, or Surreal}

N.; l’r¢·fer<·nces in issuance of preliminary permits or licenses. roy, ‘1‘;~nusf¢·r of license; obligations of transferee. t.»_;_ lns`ormotio_n to accompany application for license. r .1, cwlmlitions of l.iccnse_genernlly. · ro, l’mjl·¢·fworl·:s :1Eectlng navigable waters; requirements insertnt in license. _

 l’m·ticlpation”hy Government of cost of locks, and so forth:

No. Tlxne limit for construction of project works; extension of tirr It‘l'flllUllIlU`!l or revocation of licenses for delay. · pr lllzht of Government to take over project works; componsntlo comlemxmtion hy Federal or State Government.- · we Now lioonees and removals; compensation ot old licensee. No ·;‘.~mporury.u¤e by Government of_, project works for nation i sufcly; compensation for use. · - sw. znioposition of charge; arising from licenses. sz:. eaporation of navigation facilities; rules and regulations; p· ultics. ` { sl:. Public service licensee: regulations by State or by commlssl 0 as to service, rates, charges, etc. , · em, l·owe»r.cntorlng into interstate commerce; regulation ot ra clmrgos, and so forth. - sz:. Exercise by llcenneeof povqer of eminent domain. - mr., cumtmct Ito furnish power extending beyond period of ‘llcem _ obligations of new licensee. , 82+3. Pres··rv,ution of rights vested prior to June 10, 1920. M7. i’rojects_uot ndfectlng navigable waters": necessity for Fede license; [· "' _ . 4 » ‘ S1~·:. l·’u{»lic lands included lu project; reservation ot lands fm entry. . { . Sw. Ullonseh; punishment. . · 8.20. l'_z·oceodlng¤‘ ln equity for revocation of license or to prevent v I lotions of license. · S21. State `laws and water rights unatected. p · 82;:. Itoservotion of right to:-alter or repeal chapter. 8::32. Roper! of inponshstent lnivs._ Section 791. Short title of chapter.——The short title oi tl: e·lmpte·r shall be “The Federal Water Power Act." (June 1 1920, c. 285, § 30, 41_ Stat. 1077.) . . 792. Creation of Federal. Power Commission; memben qnorurn, seal; and chairman.-—rS._con11uls:slou is hereby creat uml ··>¤tahlislne¢l._to be known as the Federal Power Uomn1issl» <lz·—:···iunfter referred to. in this chapter as -the`commissior _xslli··h shall he composed not the Secretary of yer, the Secl _m:·y of the Interior, and the Secretary of Agriculture. Tw m··ml¤·rs of the commission shall constitute a. quorum for t · tm·zma•·tion of ’bns=ineo:<, and the Qmmission shall have nn 0: cial oval, which shall be Judiclally noticed. The Preside shall designate the_chg,lrn1nn of the commlssionp (June J Jzazo, 4.-. 285, § 1, 41 Stat. 1063.} . 793. Executive secretary; detnll of engineer eicer.-i——’l‘ mmaxnisoion shall appoint an executive secretary, who sh: ¤‘~····iv¤· a salary of $5,000 n year, and prescribe his dutle and the commission may requeohthe President of the Unit >1x_zm·o to detail nn otllcer from the United` States Engine ¢i.»¤·ps to servo the commission as engineer o$cer, his dultl lu he preszcrilwd by the commlosion. (June 10, 1920, c. 285, 2. -11 Sint. 1063.) . l _ 79 4. Performance of work of commission generally.-LTL work of the commission shall be performed by end through t l>··pzu·tauont>a of War, lnterior, nnd’Agriculture and their e

.z»o··oring, technical, clerical, and other personnel except

moy_l»e otherwise provided by lnw. {June 10, 1920, c. 285, § 41 Stat. 1063.) ·· 795. Expenses of commission generally; subsistence allol ance to employees on Eeld work.-—··All the expenses of the co: xmssion, including rent ln the District of Columbia, all nece nary expenses for transportation and subsistence, including, the discretion of the commission, a per diem ot notexceedl

—·~CONSERli1T1ON § 796 · $4 in lieu of subsistence incurred by its employees under its ’m' orders in making any ixnvcstiguiion, or conducting field work, · or upon ofliciul business outside of the District of Colunibiu and away from their designated points of duty, `shnll be nll<>w_cd m- and paid on the presentation of itemized vouchers therefor uper proved by n member or officer of the commission duly author- ' ized for that purpose. (June 10, 1920, c. 285, § 2, 41 Stat. 1063.) 796. Words used in chapter defined.-·-——Thc words deiined in ' this section shall have the following meanings for the puring poses of this chapter, to wit: c ,"1’u.bli4:.Zonds" means such lands land interests in lands owned by the United Ststesns ore subject to private appro-

  • 9; priation ond disposal under publicdnnd laws. It shall not

,,1; include ." reservotions,"' as hereinafter defined. "ReservatlZons" means national monuments, national perks, national forests, tribal lends embraced within Indinn reserveml tions, military reservations, and other lands and interests in lands `owned by the United States, and withdrawx1,.reservetl, en- or withheld from private sppropriation and disposal under the mn public-land laws; also lands and interests in lends acquired ond held for any public purpose. _ - tc, "Corpomtt<m" means »a corporation organized under the laws of any State or of the United States empowjered to de Be _ velop, transmit, distribute, sell, lease, or utilize poorer in addi ' tion to such other powers as it may possess`, and authorized tc transact in the State or States in which its project is located ral all business necessary to edect the pur of a license node: this chapter. It shall not include " municipalities " as herein om - · · . after dedued. e - ‘ . "Stdte" means n State admitted to the ·Union,· the District ’i<>· of Columbia, and any organized Territory of the United States. "Mmvic£pality " means n city, county, irrigation district, drainage district, or other political subdivision or agency of a State. competent under the laws thereof to carry on the hnslns. ness of developing, transmitting, utilizing, or distributing 10, ¤°“’°’·. s . , "Na~v£gable · waters " menus those ports of streams or other ,1, bodies of water over which Congress has jurisdiction under Ed its authority to regulate commerce with _ forelp nations and on among the several States, and which either in their natural , ) _— or improved condition, notwitlxstanding interruptions hetvveen m_ the navigable parts of such streams or waters by tells, shel- ,,,0 lows, or rapids compelling land carriage, are used or suitable hg for use for the transportation of perwns or~ property in interm, state or foreign commerce, including therein all such interruptmt ing falls, shallows, or rapids; together with such other parts ot lg, streams as shall here been authorized by Congress for inn " pmetueut by the United States or shell "hsve been recon:.-4 M ·meuded to Congress for such improvement alter investigntion all under its authority. — BS, ".l{cmicipaI purposes " means and includes ell purmes ed within municltial powers as detined by the constitution or laws pm- of the State or by the charter of the municipality. , ies "GovernL•uen¢ dam ’ means n dem or other work, constructed , 5 or owned by the United States for Government purposes, with or without contrlhutton from others. l he "Project " means ceinplete `unit of improvement or develophe ment, consisting of e power house, all water conduits, all dents »n-, and sppurtenant works and structures (including navigation as structures) which are s part ot said unit, end ell storage, E, diverting, or torebsy reservoirs directly connected therewith, the primnry line or lines tronsmitting power therefrom to the ur- point of junction with the distribution system or with the interan- connected "prlmsry tl·ensmis=sion'syste1n, all uriscellenelleus strucg as- tures used and useful in connection with said unit or any part in thereof, and ull water rights, rights `ot xvey, ditches, dents. ng reservoirs, lends, or interest in lends, the use end occupancy