Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/456

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§ 79'ZN T1 ME 16.-we at whlgh are newarylm appmmimc in the m§.lz;tc1:a.¤s+e sms mleratixm of such unit. _ . " Pmject work; " nuns the physical stmuetures of a pmjcvl “1'€‘e£ inv<zs£n—wn£" in a pmject means the actual leglftimati arigmal mst {B€¥'E·9f§S dcmmd and ilntarprcied i¤_t1m "<:Las slfi·mntl<;m at wvw l rimd and equipment of steam roads issue of 131-i, Interstate Cammaraa Cc»mml$si¢}s1,"’ plus similat exists ci additmns theretc and bettermms thereof, minus thi sum at the mllcwing items properly all ted thereto, it am to the extent thst such items hsve been accumulated daring the period at the ll from mzvnisgs in emerge of a tai; reiam ® smh mvfmmt: (sn) Fnapprepxiated surplus, (bf: ngmgatle medi; balances of current depreciatimx accounts, am {{2} aggregate approprimzinims ci surplus or ixmameheid in amor tizatisn., sinking fxmd, or similar reserves, or expended fc; adxliyicsas cr b€¥.t%!' tS*`(}?? used for the pmposes for whici saw rewwm were craatéé. The term "co¤s;.·; " shall ‘im·lmle in as {nr as apmicnbie, $#:2 amen t$ therfeof pres ss.i£ ciawéwtkm, but shall mt imzlmia €X%Ii€ii2B!'€Bfom` funds

 through dm¤ati®s by States, mu¤i~cipalities;l’~<»1gdlvidual& or * others, and   classiémgtiou ct investment of thx

Interstate Gammerce ilwmimicn shall in sp far as applicable he pub1 spd prpguigated as a part of the mics and regulations of the csommlsslau. (Jmae 10, 1920, iz., 285,,5 3, 41 Stat. 1063-l - JW, Geneni of wmmimwn.————The ccmmisshm ls - hereby autiwrizcd and empowered--- _ ` Inmxtlgaiiom and data; xmtenwnts as to investment 0} licenses hs gw*0,§c~ctx_: awcxs to pmj<·?:t.e¢. amps, and so forth.-—(&) To maké l}i}’V€Sti§&HOBS and to c0lMt and record data concerning the utilizatigm of tlm waterirésources ofany region to be dwmlnpcd,. {flag .wa§er pcwerwindustry nm igs telation to other industries and lp iatsérstaye nr foreign coiumeice,. and concerning the lacdticln,. eamciiy, develqpmeat · costs, - and ielation to marketé of puwer sitesl] and whether the power from Governmsmtdagmz cam he aévautagebusly uséd by the Unitedl States mr its public pu`rpases , and what is_ a mir value of such power, to the extent the commission may deem naccssary_ ·0r useful for the of this chapter. _ - In order ia aid tim mmmiésion ln, determining the net in- _s*es=tm"m2t at gu licensee in hhy project, the Hccnsee shall, ubcn mih, witblx; u, mnmngjtsle period at time, to be liked by the capmiwicn, after the "cmmtmctlaur of the original project pr miy sdgiiilm `therém- or betterment .thérj90f, ~ille_ with thl _missicu, ilu . su—éh idemil as —th~e_ bommission l_rg§}¥§é:$e,"";H smtgmeat in duplicate 'slmwing mg actual legl atc . cost cf, mnstmction of sucla projqbt, addition; or bett » ent. myd the 'pritwa mid fm- wntegrights, rights of w§y, lands, r interest in lands. 'Phg 'cwijngxisslcn slmll_ deposit one of staféments with tha Swrvtqyy cf, {hc Trgaasaky. The limnl shall bg1'8Hf to the c<smm,lsslc»q*9r to its. duly authorized/as zlgggg,/`z{}:e.nts, at -:111 i·e·a_r—mgalak;l free a cl1_,p1=¢j¤•t$ ae glltimi, ya- betterment. paid to all Ymrcnles. lcontrqéqts, rvqirls of enziamfs, gqggpéla, ljmoké, regwids, gnél all cfher pgyi $.&f}-(1 émzamems mladagi/laerclb. R · - _- ¢’ ’ _·"" _ Cmlp%·ru:io»·{4¢~i1hl¤‘c.z·¢i·¢·ufh~c_ dvpartm§c•zfs,• lnfpwmtfon line! ¢1idj¤jg:§F.céI·mmmfss%0¤.~(la) Tb § # with YKE *execulivé" kk cther “age:ic·i Stage ér. National Govern- ° lg; wh,· imjilistlgatlcus ; {gr such pinrpam the several depmj;g1¢»v¤tss“?~`i{¤l£&agen:·lE~_s _ 9f_`?(1;e Natlmml Govemment are gutjaéhzm mxq ;ll1—e<·ted xabbggpe request at the gommlsslem, to furnish smh raéérdsjz, and iuformatlgsr jg Tbelnj posses-Q .¤i4m`as-may bewequésted by the mgalqsin rl tc D0l‘8l'ilyY to detéll to the bommligasinn such §;l)lc·cré or aT·1¤nY"§q . N . ¢»·~:*.»···* , ~ w ,..5~ necessary in such i;1ms£lg·¤tlo¤s..j_ · ‘ · . _ . ‘P:eh1li¢·:'t;;0h_¥ bf €3lf(l?*13!€l#ibH, forth: reports to Grin-] grcaa.~+gigIé::l‘6"1;1ake publlcgrcln tiHl8§t0·H1l1é the lufcrmatloga

?Q1§’sERl?Ai(‘1uh’ 4.;,2 d necureti hereunder, and to pronlde for the Dublicnilon of egg reports nnd lnrcetigatiene in such form and manner as gsm-

_ be beet ndppted for public informtien and use. The cen»

E, sion, on or before the Bret Mennay in December of each yvszr, é, snail submit to Cengrm ter the new} year preceding e <·1:;teg_ L j tied report ebowing the permltsnud licensee issued under algae ,· 1 clmpter, and in each case the parties tberete, the :¢·¤·el—n E prescribed, ned the moneys received, if shy, on aeeonxxt tnm ·.»e5_ 1 Issue of licenses for construction, cmd so {erik, of dams. {mea g dede, reservoirs, and so forth!.-——(d) To licenses to citlzt nn I. nf the United States, or te any amoeintion of seen citizene. my , te any corporation organized der the lawn of the l’m:»·4i I States or any State thereof, or to any State, or mnzzlciyezms`. _ fer the pnrpoee of constructing, operating, and mnintnimn; L. dams. water. conduits, rmervoirs; power henna, transmienénn l lines, cr other project works JR0 11 er cenvenient fer Flies ’ development and improvement of nayigatinny and fm- the I development, tmnsmisgion, and utlllzetion of power ncmte. 3 along, from or in any of the navigable waters of the L'x»izm _ States, or upon any part of the public lands and renezwnsmpg ,· of the United States (including the Territories), er fer me , purpose of utilizing the surplus water or water power {mn

, any Goverxmzent dam, except as herein`pmrided

That licenses shall be within nny reservation only nftcr . e Ending by the commission that the license will not interfere I or beninconsistent with the purpose for which st§ch'ireservn:§=»·n was created or acquired! and shall be ambject to and cnnzeie It sec? condi: Emma as the Secretary of the idepnrtnxent under wnnimte · supervlsitm such reservation falls shgll deem necessary for the adequate protection and utilization of such reservations: ' Provided further, That sftercblnrssh 3,;f1e921, no pemeitg Y license, lease, or nnthorizetinn for Hams, ciimftgts, reserx·»»ir~. power houses, transmission lines, or ether workin for stomge cr · carriage of. water; or for the development, irenmreissien. ei .ut111zam»i». ot power, tvithin the limits as c0nsti,tn.teé, ltitmlt 8, 1921, of any national park or natioxrnl me·¤nment.shu1I, Ec granted or made without speclnc nutnerity of Congress: · · S Provided further, That no license affecting the navi;:el»1c _ {capacity of any? navigable waters of the United Statu shell he isnned imtil the plans of the darn or otl1er`strug:tmfes eHe<·tinr.: the navigntid`p`»hare` been approved by the Chief Ef°Engineg·;·s “ and- the Secretary of War. \T’l1erxever·t§e‘_eentemplated im- ~ provement is, in the jtitlgment of the cemmlssign desirable and n.llSfm5¢3d_1_I}`___tb0 public interest for the purpose éf in1prox·lam: or

 dev'5'fbp’lng at waterway ornwaterwnye'tor the use or benetit ef

_ interstate or foreign commerce, an ilmllng to that e§’ect shall be mace by the commission" and shnllylxecorne n part oftlw `reeorels of the commiseion: Provided further, That in cane the

·cu.mn1lsel0u shall find that any GO·\`€PIlIl;l€llt dem may be ml- _

vtmtéaseounly used by the Uniteci··S_t_nQtes for pnlzlie purposes in addition to nnvigation, no ltmnmwtgerefor shell be issued until two years after it skhall hetvérféportedi gte Congress the f:x&·ts _ and: eenditions relzttlqg. th ·_t§g__[bl. vision slmll ·— not apply to any Gqve;jn_p;ent‘ ern constructetl pri®~to June me 14920: AnrL~pi·67§Eéd further, »T11at upon the Bling df mx? application m»·°¤’1xt·e¤Se which jms not"‘ been prccecled BF =¤ [)l°l)llll11¥1H.I‘3+`°[)€*l‘1I1l; nngler subsection (e) nf this section, m»tit·en ·el1n11 be given arid published as required by the pronto of said nnhqection. · ·· , Y ‘ _ _ L ' ’ I’v·elih;Lue:·y permits; notice of epp1icatio~nl—·-(e) To i$#¤¤*‘ -pre1ii1llH5r3* permits fer the pprpese of enabling applicants for n` license hereunder toxsecnre t _;_g.n.d_m t;re_*1';g?rm the_8<¢¢>¥ required by_ sectl ·· 1 1 c1e»_;,.‘pter: Proe:z¢£c·§*{p<cczi‘¢i3r‘, m e n; q ‘ ne tiling nf any applicfftion fer at preliminary pep. finit by any person, association, of corporation the commlesinn, before girnntlng such application. sballnt once give notice of nucl; application in writing to any State or municipality likely tube interested in or emected by such application; and shall