Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/494

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. . * [ §. 270 TYTLE`18.-BfURIHIN4L conn used in stamping or pxinting, or in making some other toe! or Implement used er iltted to“ be used in sumping or printing, any kind or deseriptien cfwbend, bill, note, certhaeatef evupon, e postage stamp, revenue stamp, fractional cnriency note, or other paper, instrummt, obligation, device, or document, new or hereafter authorized by law to be printed, stamped, sealed, o prepared, issued, uttered,,ol: put in circulation on behal.t"9i’ the United States; or whoever, without sud; authority, shall so secrete, en1bezzle,_or take and carry away any paper, patchment, ·0r other material prepared and intended to be used in the making of any such papers, ii_qstruments,° obligations, de— “ vices, or documents; or whoever, without such authority, shall so secrete, embezzle, or take and carry away any paper, parchment, or other material printed or stamped, in whole or bart, and intended to be prepared, issued, or put in circulation on behalf of the United States as one of the papers, insfmmeuts, or obligations herelnbefore named, or printed or stamped, in whole or in the similitnde ot any such paper, instrument, or obligation, whether intended to issue or put theieame in circulation or not, shall be lined not more than`$5,0Q0, or imprisoned not mote than ten yea1‘s,,or both. (R. S. § 5453; Mar. 4, 1909, e. 321, 5 155, 35 Stat. 1117.) . l 27 9. (Ctiminal Code, section 156.) Connterfeiting foreign wc¤ritiu.~\Vhoever,’ within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, with jntent to defraud, shall falsely make, alter, fergje, or counterfeit any lgond, ecertiilcate, obligation, or other security in imitation ot, or purporting to be an imitation oi,‘ any bond, certificate, obligation, $ or other security of any foreign government, issued or put forth unde1·_ the anthoglty of such foreign government, or any treasury note,

 bill, or promise to pay issued by sucheforeign government, and

intended to circulate as money, either by law, order, or decree of such foreign government; or whoever shall cause or procure “ to be so falsely made, altered, forged, or COH!1t€lff€lt€d, or shall l knowingly aid or assist in making, altering, forging, or counter-`§ ’ feiting, any such bond, certincate, obligation, or other. security, ` or any such treasury note, bill, or promise to pay,. intended as l aforesaid te circulate vas money, shall be lined not more tfhau $5,000 and imprisoned not mcse than ilve years. (May-16. 1884, c. 52, { 1, 23—Stat. 22; Mar. 4,1909, c. 321, { 156, 35 Stat. 1117.) _ T ~ _ _ i ‘ 271. (Criminal Code, section 157.) Uttering counterfeit foreign se¤urities.—e—Wheever, "within the United States o1·"any place snbject to the jurisdiction thereof, lfnowlngly and with intentlzo detriind, shall utter, pass,___o_g__p;qt ot, in- payment ew ,_, unterfeited bond, certihcate, oblizuticn, security, treasury note, bill, or promise ~ to pay, mentioned in ·eeetion/270 of this title, whether the same was made, altered, forged, or connterfeitedwithln/the United States or not, shall be Hned not more than $3,000 and imprisoned not morethan three years. {May -18, IES4, c. 52, { 2, % Stat. 23; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, { 157, 85 Stat.·1118.) , M 272. (Criminal Codqsecticn 158.) Canmterfeiting notes ef foreign amiss.-—Wlloever, within the United States or any “ place eubject to the jurisdiction thereof, ylth intent to defraud, shall falsely make, alter, forge, ozgcounterteit, or muse or pmcure to be so falsely made, altered, gorged, 91* connterteited, or shall knowingly aid and asslet in the false making, altering, forging, or counterielting ot any bank note or bill issued by a bank or corporation of any foreign country, and intended by the law er usage ot such foreign country to circulate as xnoney, such bank or cerpcrration being authorised by the laws of meh country, shell be tlncd not more than $2,000 and imprisoned not more than two years. (May 18, 1&4, e. 52, { 3, % But. 23; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 158, 35 Stat. 1118.) 273. (Griminal section 159.) littering eeanterfelt notes of foreign banks.~—-Whoever, velthln the United States or any place subject to the jurisdietion tbexjeof, shall utter, pass, e

ANQ QRIMIJAL PROQBDUEE "_ 480 put $,__0I.' tenéer in mm intwt to e my smh {glee; forged, altered, or terfeited hmk note or bill, men. Geneéinsocnouffée thiatttlqkaowhgthenmmbeeo nlse, forged, altered, nnd_comerféw& ¤¤*th¤ @ same was i made, forged, altered, or cmnterfdted withtnthe United States , or not, shall be Hned not more than §1,m® i ed not more than one year. (May 18, 1884, B. &, S 4. % Stat. %; Mop, 4, 1909, c. 321, [159, 35 Stat 1118.} ~ · 27L (Cri mnl Code, aétion ISE.) P%sion of oonntetfeit foreign sccmritics.—Whoever, within the United States or any place shbjéct to the 'juriediction thereof, shall have in his possession anyifaleo, forged, or connteifelt bond, ccrtiiimm-, obligation; security, treasury note, billppremise to pay, bémk . 'notio, or bill lssncd by a bank or corporation of any foreign conntryywith intentjo nttexypnss, or nut cr! the mine, crm. .d‘elivér the same to -h_ny other person with intent that the seam- ‘ maytthereafter be uttered, pissed, or put on as true, or slum knowingly deliverethe some to any other person with set-l»_ intent, shall ebéflned not more than $1,600 and imprisoned not more than one year, (May 16, 1884, ct 52, 15 5, 23 Stat. 2:::‘ Mar. 4, 1909, c, 321, 5 160, 35 Stat,1118.) l _ _ 275. (Criminal Code, section _1G1.) of oonntenl feit ;5latos_ of foreign `eeénritjes.—W1loever, within ljnimi States 'or any place subject to the juriecllction thereof,-exmtz by lawful authority, shall have control, cmtodyf or nmescssion of any plete, stone, or 0th`&1‘,thiB_g, or any part theyeef, Tmm which has been printed or may: be nrinted any c0unterfelfm»u·. »·bond, obligation, or. other security, in whole or in part, of {my foneign government, bank, or corporation, of shell use sm-}: plate, stone, or other thing, or knowingly permit or same: the same to be need in counterfeiting soon foxjelgn . onligtions. or eny port thereof; or whoever shall make- or engrevc, or oeuee or procure to be-nude or engraved, or shall 'asslst in making or engraving, any plate, stone, or other thing [ln the likenose; of slmilttfade, of any plate, stone, or othe'5 thing dcsimnted for the printlng`>ot the genuine issues of the obligations of any foreign governwt, mult, or eorpox·a.tion·; or whoever shall print, photograph, or in__gny other palm, »enecute, or -sell, or cause to be printed, photographed, made, ex eente:l, or sold, or shall aid in printing. pbotgrnphing, making, executingf or selling, any engravlnggplxotogrnph, print, ox- impression in the likeness of any genuine mto, bond, obligation, or other security, cron? Dalit thereof, of any forégn governmmt, lmnk, or corporation; or: whoever shall bring into the United States or my placesnbject to ulG`]%8di€t10B thereofany connteo felt plate, stone, or other thing, or photogrgph, print, or other lmpxseesione ‘ of the notes, bonds, obllmtions, or etlxer

 securities - of any foreign gevernqent, mak, or corporation,

a shall be med not move than. $5,000} or imprisoned notfnxore ?than five years, ox both; (Hay 18, 1884, .c. & ‘§ Q 23% Stat. 1%; Mar. 4,,19®, c. @1, Q 181, N mt. 1118.) `. 5 276. (Criminal Code, 162.) * Connecting parts of different blib.--—-Whoeirer xml! so ptnoe or connect toéether ,dl¤erent p¤rt¤_el? two or more notee, bills, or ether genuine instruments, {md under the authority of the United States, or by any foreign governxnent, or corporation, an · to produce one instrnment, with intent to defraud, shall be donned guilty of ·, forgery in the same manner as if the parts so mt together were falsely mncle or forged, and shall be lined not more than $13390, or imprieoncd not mom_tl;en· Eve years,. or both. (Mar. W 4, 1909, c. 821, { 162,85 Stat. 1119.) 1 ~ _ _ _ IT?. (Criminal Code, section IM.) Couterfeitipg gold or eihcr {mlm or hr¤.¢·#—-·Wboeyel· shell- falsely :n.nd?, forge, or, § —c¤untcrfelt,”`oa· coupe or procure to be falsely an e , forged, or etmnterfeiteé, or shell wllllngi! nid or assist in ¤lsel;y;_mekln¢. forging, or counterfeitlm any coin or bars in- remmblance or slmllltucle of the gold or alive: ’colns or here which have been. ofhereeftcxr may be, coined or stamped at the mints and assay