Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/506

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§ SS? inria; 1e,»Mtrse;o1 1,»eit,L ooo}; ,4 sections 38:3 to 38.3 or this title, or any reguiation made hy the Interstate Coniinerce Conmiission in piiifauance thereof, tire person or persons who snail have so knowingly violated, or cause to be violated, such provision or regulation, shall be dried not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. (RLS. § 5354; iiiar. 4, 1909, c.‘321., § 236, 35 Stat. 1136; Mar. 4, 1921, e. 172, 41 Stat. 1445.) $$7. (Criminal Code,_,section 237.) Importing lottery tickets; interstate carriage.-\\·’l1(oei»·er shall bring or cause to be iironglit into the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, from any foreign country, for the purpose oi? disposing of the same, any paper, certiiicate,,or instruinent

aii—;en·ting to he or to represent a ticket, chance, share, or -

interest in or dcggondent upon the event of a lottery, gift enterprise, or >:;imiiar scheine, offering prizes dependent in whole or in port upon lot or chance, or any advertisement of, or list , of the pripzos drawn or awarded bymeans of, any such lottery, gift enterprise, or similar scheme; or shall therein knowingly · deposit or cause to be deposited with any express coinpany or other common carrier for carriage, or shall carry, from, one State, Territory, or District of the United States, orplace noncontignous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, to any other State, Territory, or District of the United States, or place noncontiguons to but subject to the jurisdiction. thereof, or from any place in or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States through a foreign country to any place in or subject to the jurisdiction thereof, or from any place in or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to a foreign country, any paper, certiiicate, or instrument purporting to be or- to ~ represent a ticket, chance, share, or interest in or dependent , upon, the event of any such lottery, gift enterprise, or ctmirap scheme, or any advertisement of, or list of the prizes drawn or awarded by means of,. any such lottery, `gift enterprise, or { similar scheme, or shall knowingly take or receive, or cause to be taken or receivedyany auch paper, certificate, instrument, advertisement, or list so brought, deposited, or transported, shall, foxxthe iirst ohiense, he fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than two years, or both; and for any subsequent offense shall be imprisoned not more than two years. (Mar. 2, 189;*5, c. 191, 28 Stat; 963; Mar, 4, 1909, c, 321, 5 237, 35 Stat. 1136Q) · ' . i _ ir , ‘ · . 388. (Criminal Code, section 238.) Intoxicating liquors; by . interstate shipment; delivery to other than bona tide consignec.—-—-Any officer, agent, or employee of any railroad company, express company, or other common carrier, who shall lgnowingly deliver or cause to be delivered to any person other Y than the person to whom it has been consigned, unless upon the written order in each instance of the bona tide conalenee, or to any iictitious person, or to any person under a fictitious name, any spiritnons, vinous, nialted, fermented, or other intoxicating liquor of any kind which has been shipped from one State, Territory, or District of the United States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, into any other State, Territory, or District of the United States, or place noncontiguons to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, or from any, foreign country into any State, 'lferritory, or Dietrict of the United States. or place noncontiguous toobut subject to the j_uri,ediction thereof,, shall he timed not more than ·‘$2$,ooo, or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. _ (Mar. 4, Jani);. c. 321, 5 238, 35 Stat. 1136.) . _ 389. (Criminal Code, section 239,) Same; carrier collecting, purchase price of interstate ahipnient.—·.·&uy railroad coinpany, express company, or other common {carrier, or any others person who, in connection with the transportation of any spirituoua, virions, melted, fern1ented, or otherintoxicating liquor of any kind, from one n State, Territory, or District of the United States. or ‘plaec· noncontiauous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, into any other? State, Territory, or District of the

torn ciar.2r1.x*coiL wtotsesn eifiii United. Statee. or plane noxmintigiieria to but ealxjeet te jurisdiction thereof, or frenz any fereign cemitry inte an- State, Territor3*, or Dlstriet of the United States, or ;;};.,l;. noncontiguoui to but sx;i»jel~t to the jurisdiction thereez. shall collect the [}ll1`Cl.lllSt§ price ms any hart thereof, l>< on, or after delivery, from the coneignee, er from any etihe person, or shall in any manner act aa the agent of the l~>n;eVe or seller of any isncli liquor. for the purpose of buying or seiiin; or completing the sale thereof, saving only in the actual iam.; portation and delivery of the SHIRE, shall be iined not ximr. than $5,000. (Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 239, 35 Stat. 113*3.) 390. (Qriminal Code, section 240.) Same; shipping p:.n;3,t _;_;__ges in Antertsme commerce not plainly mari<ed.-~‘\i»’1ir.t.·rt shall knowingly ship or cause to be sliipped, from one ’Sz,;g.._ _Territory, or District_ of the United States, er place Yit}ll€*.,}i3Q_,;_~ uous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, into any tithe State, Territory, or Dietrict of the United States, or pi;n;»~ noncontigutius to butisubject to tlieljuriedictien thereof, we fronr any foreign country into any State, Territory, or ,1.>ietri·=; of thelinited States, or place noucontiguoue to but subject iw the juriecdictiouxlhcreof,any packageof or package containia; any epirituous, viuous, melted, fermented, er other inixtoxicatin.;

liq'uor.0f any kind. unless such package be so labeled on tile

outside cover as to plainl·y show the name of the consigrnea the nature of its contents, and the quantity contained thereie, shall be fined notgmore thangzid.000; and suchliqnor shall be forfeited to the United Statesfaml may be seized and condemned hy like proceedings as those provided by law for the sseizmw and forfeiture of property imported into the United State» contrary to law. (Mar. 4, HN}9, c. 321,.} 240, 35 Stat. 113T.l 391. (Criminal Code, section 241.) Importing injurious birds and animals; permits for foreign wild animals; specimens for museuins.~——The importation, into the United States. orany Territory or District thereof, of the mongooee, the socalled "¤ying foxes " or fruit bats, the English eparrow, the •Starling, and such other birds and animals is the Secretary of Agricnnlture may from time to time declare to be `iBj\l1’l0l°l.<· to the interests of agriculture or horticulture, is hereby prohibited; and all such birds and animals shall, upon arrival at any`port of the United States, `be destroyed or returned at the; expense of the owner. No person shall import into the United States or into any Territoryor District thereof, any foreign ewild animal or bird, except under special permit from the Secretary of Agriculture. Nothing in this.sect·ie1i shall restrict the`importation‘o£ naturabhistory specimens for lmuseums or seientitic collections,_or of certain-cage birds. such as domesticated canaries._narrots, or such other birde as the 4Secretary· of Agriculture maydesignate. The Secretary of the Treasury is herehy authorized to make regulations ter carrying into effect theprovieions of this section. (May 25, 1900, c. 553, § 2, 31 Stat. 188: Mar. 4, 1909, e. 321, § 241.35 Stat. 1137.) .` _ ~ t , 392. (Criminal Code, section 242.) 'hansportation of illegally killed game; ahipmentsin game season; feathers of harnyardl fowls.=—·——lt shall be unlawful for any person to deliver to any common carrier for trans=pertation,_or for any cronnnmen . carrier to transport from any State, ’1‘erritory,`or District of the·United States,_ to any other State, lerritory, or District thereof, any foreign animals or birds, the importatien of which is prohibited, or the idead bodies or parts thereof of any wild _ animals or birds, where such animals or birds havei been killed or shipped in violation of the. lawsof the State, Territory, or District in which the same were killed, or from which they were slnipned, Nothing herein shall prevent the transportation of any dead -bir¢l:·s oranimals killed during the season`wl1en the same may be lzuy·t‘_ully captured, and the export of which is ,not.prol1ihite<l by law in the State, ilterlritory. orilliatrict in which the same are (‘flDl}il1`£‘Ll or killed. Nothing herein shall,