Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/507

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1193 5 rrrnn ze.-cruurzvu. conn 4; ` $ prevent the importation, traneportation, or sale of birds or bird panneege manufactured from the feathers of barnyard {owls, r may 25, 1900, c. 553, H 3, 5, 81 Stat. 1%; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, 4 § 242, 35 Stat, 1187.) \‘ E 303. (Criminal Code, section 243.) Marking of packngeq.—-·—· C All packages containing the deadbodiee, or the plumage, or < ports thereof, of game animals, or game or, other wild birds, 'Z when snipped in interstate or foreign commerce, shall be 1 pminly and clearly marked, eo that the name and address or the 1 eioigepor, and the nature of the contents, xnay be readily ascereoéned on an inspection of the outside of such package. (May I

3;, ISGO, c. 553, I 4, 81 Stat. 188} Mar. 4, 1909, c. 321, § 243, i
2; Stat. U3?.) ‘ · <

394. (Criminal Code, section 244.) Same; penalty.-—I{‘or < noo}: evasion or violation ot any provision of sections 891 to` 893 (

 this title, the shipper shall be fined not more than $200; (

me consignee knowingly receiving such articles so shipped and transported in ,violation§ot*mld sections shall Rbe lined not E more than $%0; and the carrier knowingly %rrylng or trane- < porting the same in viclationof said; sections shall. be hned il not more than- $200} (May 25, 1900, c. 553, { 4, 81 Stat. 188; t Mar. 4, 1909, c. 821, { 244, 35 Stat., 1138.) ‘ — ‘ t 395. Dead bodies of game animals or game or song birds, 1 subject to laws of State.-All dead bodies, or parts thereof, ot c my foreign game animals, or gnine or song birds, the lmporta-_ ~ I tion of which is prohibited, or.,the·dead bodies, or parts thereof, ( or any wild game animals, or game or song birds transported ~l into eny State or Territory, or remaining therein for use, con· < snmption, sale, or storage therein, shall upon arrival in such ·< state or .Territory* be subject to the operation and edect of the t saws of each State or Territory enacted in the exercise of its o i police powers, to the eameextent and in the same manner as". t though such animals or birds. had been produced in such State c or Territory, and shall not be exempt therefrom by reason of I being introduced therein in original _; packagef or otherwise. -l ¢May%,1 `,c..663,$5.818tatQ188.) _` _ , 1 * — 396, (Crguinel Code, iection 245, amended.) Importing ° and tramertlng obscene books.--—Whoever phall bring or cause 4 to be bronghtlnto the United States, or any place subject to ,q Ure jurisdiction thereof, any foreign; country, or shall. c merein knowingly deposit or cause to *be' deposited with any w express <50@§>£B] or officr common mrrler, for carriage from 1 one State, Territory, or District ofdne United States or place 1 noncontlgnone to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, to any `i other State, Territory, or District of the United Btatengj or c place noncontiguoue to butjubject to the jurisdiction thereof, ; or tron any glnoe in or subject to the. Jurisdiction of the { United States, through] a foreign coimtry, to any place in or t rubject to the jurladlotion thereof, orfrom any nlaco in or 1 subject to the jurisdiction of the United Staten to n foreign ‘ g pountry, any obscene, lewd, or lucivious, or any dlthy book, 1 pamphlet, picture, motion-picture nlm. P€P91', letter, writing, `I Drint, or other `xnatter ot indecent character, or any drug, medi- c cine, amcle, or thin; designed, adapted, or intended for hre-·· t renting conception, or producing abortion, or for any indecent 3 or immoral use :, or any written or printed card, letter, circelar, c book, pamphlet, edvertlnement, or notice of any kind giving information, directly or indirectly, where, how, or of whom, or 3 by what nouns any of the hereinbetore mentioned articles, = matters, or thlnn may be obtained or made; or whoever shall` c knowingly take or, muse to be taken from meh exprex oem- 1 may or other commm mrrler any matter or thing the devout-4 ‘ G lng ot. yhich for carriese is herein made unlawful, Ee l sued not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than are .c years, or both. (Feb. 8, 1@7, c. 172, Q- Btnt.f512; I‘eb.`8,·10iR$,` i c. 550, 33 Stat, 706; Har. 4, 1909, c. 821-, { 245, 85 Stat. 1188: I June 5, 1920,. c. 208, 41 Stat.-1000.) _ 3

zvn omuznzu rnoennnzzn § 4% 897. White-slave traEc; terms de§ned.—·—The term “ interstate commerce," as used in this section and sections 398 te LO4 of this title, shall include tranepcrtation from Snny State or Territory or the Igistglct of Columbia to any ether State or Derritory or the District of Columbia, and the term " foreign

o1nmerce" shall include transportation from any State or

Derrltory or the District of Columbia to any foreign country md fromeny foreign country to any State or Territory or the District of Columbia. (June 25, 1910, c. 396, § 1, 36 Stat. 325.) 898. Same; transportation of woman or girl for immoral rurposes, ur procuring ticketf—-Any person who shall knewngly transport or cause to be transported, or nid or assist in mtainlng transportation for, or in transporting, in interetnte Jr foreignfwommerce, ore in any Territory or in the District ef Jolumbla, any' woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or lebauchery, or for any other immoral purpex, or with the ntent and purpose t_o induce, entice, or compel such woman or

11‘I_t0 become a prostitute or to give h rself up to debauchery,

>r to engage in any othenimmornljpractlce; or who shell mowlnglyl procure or obtain, or cause to be procured or obtnlncd, or aid or assist in procuring or obtaining, any ticket or dcketa, or any form of transportation or evidence of the right hereto, to be used by any woman or girl in interstate or ferzign commerce, or in any Territory. or the District of Colum- >ia, in going to any place for the purpose of prostitution or lebnuchéry, or for any other, immoral purpose, or with the ntent or purpose on the part of sucheperson to induce, entice, _ >rl compel her toglre herself .up to the practice of prostitutio , >r to give herself up to `debaucheryyor any other immoral pre; ice, whereby- any such woman- or girl shall be transported ln nteretate or foreign commerce,. or in any Territory or the Diszrict of Columbia, shnllbedeemed, guilty of a felony, andrupon zonvlction? thereof shelllbe punished by a nne not exceeding 55,000, or by ixuprigon ent of not more than nre years, or by xh:l;$1ich nne and lmpzllsonment, in the discretion of the court. [June-25, 1910. cl 395 I 2. 36 Stat. 825.)` A — .. 899. Samerinduciilg transportation for immoral`prrrpeses.—— kny person who `ehelll knowingly- persuade, induce, entice, or goerce, or cause to be persuaded, -lndnced;·einticed, or coerced, xr nid or assist in pei·suHl¤z, inducing, enticing, or coercing any woman orglrl toio from one place to another in interstate or Eoxeign commerce, orln any Territory or the District of Columbia, for the purpose of prostitution or debapchery, or for any other mmoral purpose, or- with the intent end purpose on the part _ at such person. that such women or girl shall engage in the >ractice"1of·_prostltntion or debauchery, or any other immoral mi.e¢,1te,` whether with br without her. coneent, and who shall hereby knowingly cause _$ or __ aid or aseiet. in causing auch woman or ezirl to go and to be carried or transported as a. pashenger upon the ‘ line or route of an? common carrier or carfieri ln interstate or foreign conunerce, or any Terrltery or the Jistrlct of Columbia, shall be deemed guilty of a felony end on zdnvlction thereof. shall be punished by e Bne of not more

han $5,000, or by imprisonment fora term not exceeding nve

rear: or by both such Hue and imprisonment, in the. discretion »f the court. (June 25, 1910, c. 395, [3, 33 Stat. 825.) · 1 499. Bane; inducing interstate transportation of woman or girl under eighteen for immoral pm*poeee.—··-—Any person who . dull knowingly persuade, induce, entice, or coerce any woman >r girl under the age of eighteen years from any State or Perrltory or the District .of Columbia to nny other State or Perritory or the District of Columbia, with the purpose and ntent to induce or coerce her, or that she shall be induced or roerced to engage in prostitution or debauchery, or any other rnmoral practice, and shall Ln furtherance of such purpose rnowtngly induce er caueeherrto go e`nd`to be carried or transported as s pmger ln interstate commerce upon the line or