Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/564

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.§ 121 `TI`TLE`1Q.-—·-GUI vv  » the annie nnh&lth§¤l,·¤nvéholmme, £)1"*H;Il¤t‘fof

       Qmeggw   .wg&_g_;B  

and ·< ~ = moo by the ot

   into     States in eompliance lx with

limited mmts within meaning of *a:§id·

 to;&e provislom   sections 71 `to 9h ot Title X21, com-
    _  th e `“41§eat ln   on Amnmnentilf and eections

loin 15 G! TilZ¥B 21, “M M;  !` th&_‘f Fwd and the Q A$°i‘c¤l£!I!Q`§8\&i1t!10!iiBd to m·ge`»l¤;éq—¤q¤

 to mm mt me pnlpnes emma pmé¤1ne¤,; lng that

in sneh rnlw rxulhtiohs the of Agriculture may ii  » : we the h.nd_condJti~ons for the `d€S\21‘l1Q`u0D` of hll

     —   _ fof   `£m» refused admixionfinto the

United uma the he by`. the ooneignee wime Mee in mk roles M gezuleuonsr Em. $*07, `fméh, ·2% cente por gallon; sou; milk and

 1 com on aim: - cream; 20~‘C¢l1&8_   gellont
 13% For   milk éontaining more than T pet
 of .bnttert•.t shall he dntiablej ee`. ononm, nucl cream
 amefhan $5 per oentnm·.of buttertat éhnll be duti-
         w ..

U or eirapornted: in`·hermetlcally

     1 t cont ewr pound. ?¤we¢§¢¤¢d.

155 other, 1% cents perT`;10nng1»;l_ whole

     ner xnpnnd; create fpow<leix_‘—7 cents per
  w e   powde1·,‘1$§ cents pefpound: melted
       or   et- or subétitutoo for milk

umm, naioreml ‘ t o cents not pound; oleognergarlne anq other hntm pet pound;. j ‘ 1 { W` PA:. 119. therefor, .5 cents wr wound, but nm then. % eentnxn `ngnelorem. - _ .

{111.   31ve:__1~?ot1ltry,_~’3‘·oents. per pound; all other,

vnlwtl et we or 1m_eaph§—$0 eeiits _.ea¢h,; voluegf at inore than $5 ee&,_2Qpe:{ ed mlonem. * _` A ‘ Pu. mm;. § * ** 1 =»* ot undressoil`: Poultry, 6 cents

 no ne}; nil othw, S éenw por pound; all the foregoing.
 or p    lnnny naahner; endrnot specially Jpro4

vwwt eéntnm ad velorem. L _ o t ’ i’n;x;_f11§. Q ponltryhin the $1211, 8 eenta per dozeni whole my eg yolk, ind egg nlbuinen, £—ronenjor· otherwise

   or t9 lf?¢Q, and mtsiawinlly pmvid& tor, 6 oents

(per Et .¥ ¢l * — t °’who1e eggejdriéd eggnyolk, and dried egg

 T _ n    · ’-·.  

‘Pnn. 71gl. Hornee and §1lo¤, valued atenot more than $$50 per hm~t1,`§3Q» ner heed; neluod at more than $150 por head,

eentnne id imllorem. ‘ · -` it » ‘

` PA; 715. flliwe animals, Vertebrate and invertel>m$!b· not mentally psovlhd tor, lhlper oentuno nd vnlorem. · 1*1;.*716, Honey, 3 eents pen pound. · A · Pen. 317,. Elm, tw boson, or necked ln. lee: Hollbnt. semnon; meckora; and nwoncinslu, 2 oents oper pound ;.otlne; tleh, not npocln1ly·31¤ov1ded tor, 1 cent pound, ·.¤ __ . A n Pen, $*18; Snzlnzon, pleklod, mxok®, kinpered, or otherwlee or oremwm, % pen) eentnlni od `nalorem'; hnneu h ndd1e,Nn%·pe1? oentum ” od velmvem; dried hah, salted on un- 8hlted,`1%6, eente per pound; smoked! .herrmg} skinned on bone, 2% cent; ner pound; gnllother _§nh,`·skinned on honed, in·`;bu1k, on- gin innlnecllnte éontnlmrs weighing gwith their contents more than `iltteen pounds oooh, QM eenta per poundj not weight. l Pu. *;*19. Henring ond 'mnckerel,_ plokled on salted, ééhother or not boned, when in bulk,_'_or_. in immediate `containers weighingtwith their contents more than Btteen pounds, eaph,. 1 cent pen- pound not weight. _ · ‘ ‘= _` [ __ “ lun. mc, Fish (excepto shellfish), b5l"Wh&téS'&=P name. known, packed in *011 .og·—jin oll.1ln d other substinncee, 30 pe: contain ad ‘volorem»; nll ilnh (exeept* ehellileh), pickled. salted., smoked,

ETQQIS DUTQES 559 _ NPRM.! or otherwise prepared or preserved (etwm ln. ell

 or in oil and other sobetmm); an immediate   welsh
 me ~wléb·jtlnelr cooteote not more than   memos each, 23

l oeutumod veloifcmi. lu bulk or ln tmwlate containers

     their co¤teut¤~_ ueore   fifteeu pounds eeell,

Héeceotsper poondloet weight, ’ · . ·

 ~ .P1l_.i..721.`.0rab·r;1eet, packed in ico or   or prepare or

L wpreserved in only moooer, lolpercwtum sd reform;  :§ac1g _· end siege, 30 per mutom £d`velore:o other §sh

   tor`··tood ,_ =   wekéd ‘l;rf”lco‘ or {room.,   or

.» oreeervedi by thexeddltioo of ee, tjin our amount, or by other » means, 30 per ceutum ad_.—valoré¤;f · ” . · » · ,

 Q   Pee. 722. Harley,   or lmlwllcd. 20   vcr 5&l or

{ forty-eight pouudg; barley .melt.· 40 cents per houdreo »· pounds; pearl berley, potent barley end borley Sour, 2 come perooumlw _ ’ · .`g ‘ .— . · Pen, 723. Buckwheot, lmlled or ounhulled, 10 foeote ver one

 lrundred poouds ;. buckwlreot Hour and grits or groots, ooo-hal:

·» otlcent l$61°·l><$ll¤d~·` ‘ ‘ .." e ‘‘~' . ° EPAQJ, 724. Corn or nialze, lrrcludlog erected 15% céets per ·_ bu§hel·of‘·&fty-six. pou¤ds;“cor¤_ @1, ·_ dud door,. ond elmilxir pmouete eo lem per omneeoeee monde o _ 2 - ’ Pu, 725.§Mo.coronl,. vermlcelll,-noodlosi and dmilar lnlirréu- . tary .;$dstee,— 2 cents. per pourid. · ..‘, _ ' » ,· Pen, 726.j·?Qet.s, hulled or_u¤huL1ed,,15‘cent.h·per bushel ot · ·thirty4two pounds;. uuhulled ground oats, oo cents perom hen- L pounds ;‘ oatmeal, rolled oem, oet grits, ood similar, oot 1 products, 80 ceote per one hundred bounds. , e ` t P41;. 727.i Paddy or rouih rice, 1- com pound ;_ brovm rice { `(llulld. removed), 1%‘_cente per poood; milled rice (bran re· W moved), ‘2_eeut¤‘ per pound; ·brokeo rim, and meal, door, »_ polieln, ood brim; oue·balf"o,t Icom: per pound. . . _ ' · Pear *723.- Rye, cents, per bushel of &tty-oix pounds; rye l Hour aud meal, 4{rceuts per one hundred periods. — Z ' 1 X `Pu. 729. Wheat, 30 cents per bushel of sixty pounds; wheat door., somoliull, “crusheq.l or. cmcked wheat, end similar wheel l prodocte not sgeclolly prorilled for, 78 cents per one hundred . pounds. · " . 1 ‘ · · _ ‘° . _ j Pm:. 730: Bran, shorts, Cby—prodoct feedeobtoloed in milling wheat or other cereals, 15 per ceo_t‘ir¤¤. od` voloreul: holla of _ dots, barley, bockwheot, or other grains, groom!. or eogrouod, > 10 ceute perlooe lmndred pounds:-drled`beet `polp. malt eproote. = end brewers’ , groins, $5 per top; rulxed feed; `of r am odml·xtui·e‘ ot grolne or grain products wllh ell cadre, ‘ ollcoke meal; molasses, or other Sfeodduds, 10 per cerztum ed X volorem. .· f [ g -° ‘ 0 r PAR; 731. _Screcelngs, slcolplrlgs, chaff, or scouring; of wheat; Hoxoeed, or- other grains or" Geode; Uogrouml, or. grouod, 10 » per ceotum od lvaloremf Prqooided, That when grains or aaede -conl:alu— rrlore_ than 5 per centom of only; one torelge matter ‘ llutidble or e_ rote higher than that applicable to the grain or · ®d theuentire lot shell be llutlable at such higher roto. » A Pen. 732._CereaI‘ breakfast foods, and slmllor cereol preparatiolee, by whotever,¤e—melkuow;1,.proe*esscd further thou mill- ‘ in:. o.xld_ not specially-provided for,a*20 per ceutum ed. volorem. { . 733. Biscuits, \vefet·e,·eeke, cakes. and sllixllglrx baked · articles, ood -pllddln@. all the foregoiog byl ¥\’hA{Q¥éI’ mrme g known; whetller or H0t_C0{lt§iBiHg .cl1ocolote,.x1zz*ts, frulték or . confectionery of any kind. 30 per cenmm rnd vallorem. ( ‘

  • ‘ *Be;s. 734. Appleegreen-or ripe, 25 cents per bushel ot. 50

··%'po1mde;_ dried, deelccetedpor ovoporoted; 2 cents per pound; · otherwise prepared or preserved, and not specially provided · @:,2% cezgts per poim,d.` Q — . _ 7 { . . L» ·PA.¤. 735;,`Apricots, gx*ceu,_ripe, dried, or in, bring, one-l1£1lf· '· ot rcent per pound;‘otl1erxviee lpreporell or preserved, 35 per

 centum od valorem;_`   — _ . .`_. ‘· - `. `

, P1lrn.,736.· Berries, edible, in their uuteuml clomlltion or in . brine, 1,% cents per pound;. dried, llcsiccoted, or evupomtell,