Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/565

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551 J rzamn 19.--GU» 2% eents per pound: otherwise prepared or preserved, and specially provided for, 85 per centum ad valorem.- ( , Pu. 737, their natural state, sulphured, or in mine, i2 oentl per po¤nd`·;-rnarasch1.¤o cherries and cherries p;·epared.o1• preserved in any Vnianner, 40 per) centum ad val0¤¢¤r `‘’' · V 1 ,— .-,_ PAB..738.`Cld¢1‘,‘ 5 cents per gallon;. vinegar, 6 cents per pr-oot gallon: Provided,. standard proof for vinegar shall be 4\per centunr by weight oi acetic meld. . · , ` Pu: 739. ‘ Cltrons and citren DWL crude, dried. or in brine. 2, cents per pound ;, eandied er otherwise prepared or preserved, 4%`cents°per pound; orange and lemon peel, crude, dried, or in brine, L2 cents per pound; cendled, or otherwise prepared or preserved, 5 name per pound. · · · ‘ - Pax. 740. Rigs, fresh, dried, or in brine, 2 cents per pound; prepared or preserved in any manner, 85 per centum ad valorem, . _, _· · " ·. _P.4.n. 741. Dates, fresh or dried, 1 cent per pound; prepared or preserved in any manner, 85 per éentum nd veglorem.

·Pai.._742. Grapes in hulk, crates, barrels or other packages.-

25 cents per cuhlc foot of such bulk or the capacity of the packages, aceordlng as imported; raisins, 2 cents per pound; other dried-.¢¤8D¤6. 2% cents D8? D0\md; currents, Zante or other, 2 cenw per pound. t · f . l · Pai. 143. Lemons, 2 cents per pound; limes, ln their natural state 0i' i¤ t¤'i¤¤» we GM-¤¢¤B. 1 cent DQ! pound; grapefruit, 1 cent per pound.! · _' Pan. 744. Olives in brine, green, 20 cents per gallon? ripe, 20 cents Perl Ellen; pitted or studed, 30 cents per gallon; dried ripe olives, 4 cents per pound. Pats. 745. Pmehes and pears, green, ripe, or ln brine, onehalf of 1° cent per pound; dried, deslccated, or evaporated, 2 cents penpound; otherwise ,.prepared,or preserved, and not specially provided for, 35 per, ceutum ad valorem. Pan. 746. Plneapmes, 22% cents per crate of one and ninety- six onehundmdths cubic feet; in bulk, three-fourths of 1 cent each : candied, crystallized, or glaze, 35 per centuxn an vslorem; ’ otherwise prepared or preserved, and not specially provided for, `2 cents per pound. , ` Pas; 747. Plums, prunes, and pmnelles, kreen, gripe or in hrine, onehalf of 1 cent per pound; drlm, onethalf of 1 cent per [)<H1Bd§¢Q{hQX'WiI¢ Dfvmfed or preserved, and not specially provided for, 85 per centum ad·-valorem. ?`» _ _ Pu. 7gt8. All jelliee; jams, msrmeledes, and fruit butters, 35 per centum ad islorem. , . l C C Pu. 749. Fruits ln their natural state, or ln brine. pickled, _ dried. detlcceted, evaporated, or otherwise prepared'. or preserved, and not meclelly provided {or, and mixtures of two or more fruits, prepared or preserved, 35 per centum ad mlorem: » Provided, That all specinc provisions of this title for fruits end berries prepared. or preserved shall include fruits und berries prmerved or packed ln sugar, or having sugar` added _ thereto, or preserved or packed in molasses, spirits, or their own juices. 6 ( _ _ ‘ Pan. 750. Berries end fruits, of all kinds, prepared or preserved inany menner, containing 5 per centumcor more oi alcohol shall pay in xaddition to the rates provided ln this title repo-, proof gallon on the alcohol contained therein: Provided, hotaever, That nothing in this chapter, shell be construed as permitting the importation of intoxicating liquor in violation of the eighteenth ¤men•1xne_nt_ to the Constitution, or any Act of Congress enacted in its enforcement. PAsQ 751.. Tulip, lily. and nerclesns bulbs, and lily of the valley pipe, $2 per thousand ; .hyeclnth_ bulbs, $4 per thousandw orocus bulbs. $1 per thousand; all other bulbs and roots, root stocks, clumps, corms, tul1ers,(nnd herbaceous perennials, lmported for "hortionltursl purposes, 30 per centum hd vslorem; ent Bowers, fresh or preserved, 40 per centuxn ad valoretn.

erous norms -=· § 121 · P4:. 752. and cutting of Hanettl, multliiora, brier, rugosa, and other rose stock, all the foregoing not more than three years old, $2 per tnouéand; rose plants, budded, grafted, orx grown on their own roots, féents each; cuttings, seedlings, and grafted or. budded plants of other deciduous or .eYergreen_omemental trées,` shrubs, or vines, and ull nursery or greenhouse stock, not specially provided for, 25 per centom ad valoremi ·_ t _ _ ·- t PAB. 753. Seedlings, layers, and cuttings of apple, cherry, pear, plum, quince, and other fruit stocks, $2 per thousand; grafted or budded Quit trees, cuttings and seedlings of grapes, currents, gooseberries, or other fruit vines, plants- or bushes, 25 per centum ad valorem. . _ _ . p Pm. 754. Almonds, not shelled, 4%, cents per pound; shelled, 14 cents per pound; almond puste, 14 cents per pound. ' PAB. 755. Cream or Brazilrnuts, 1 cent per pound; Blberts, uotshelled, 2% cents per pound; shelled, 5 cents per. pound; -pignolia nuts; 1 cent per pound; pistache nuts, 1 cent per pound. ° p _ Pm _756. C0c0nutsQ one—halt· ot 1 cent each; coconut meat, shredded and désiccated, or simildrlj prepared, 3% cents per pound. ‘ . - the - ` Put. 757. Peanuts, not shelled, »3 cents per pound; shelled, 4 cents per pound. t t PAB. 758. Walnuts of all kinds, not . shelled, 4 cents per pound; shelled, 12 cents per pound; pecans, unshelled, 3 cents l per pound; strolled, 6 cents per pound. . — Pu. `759. Edible nuts, shelled or unebellcd, not specially pro-· vided tor, 1 cent per pound; pickled, or otherwise prepared or preserved, and ·not spectally provided Tor, 35 per `cewm ad valorem; nut and kernel paste not specially provided for, 25 per centnm ad valoremz Provided, That no allowance shell be made for dirt or other impurities in nuts of any kind. shelled or unshelled. p _ l » · Put., Oil-beuring seeds and materials: Castor beans, one··ha.lI of 1.cent per pound; Buxseed, 40 cents per- busheltot fifty-six pounds; poppy seed, 32 cents per one hundred pounds; eundower seed, 2 cente per pound: apricot and peach kernels, 3 cents per pound; soya beans, one-lmlt ot 1 cent per pound; cottoneeedr dine-·third of 1 cent per mum!. . ‘ ~ t Pm. 761. Grass seeds: Altsltu, 4 cents per pound; alsike clover, 4 cents per poundrcrimson clover, -1 'cent per pound; red clover, —·it cents per pound: whlte clover, 3 cents per; pound; clover, not specially provided for, 2 cents per pound; millet, ` 1 cent perpound; timothy, 2 cents per pound; hairy veten, _ 2 cents per pound; spring vetch, 1 cent per pound ;;'sll other » grass seeds not specially provided tor, 2 cents per pound: Provided, Thnt no allowance shall be mode for“dirt or other p impurities in seed provided for in this paragraph. d k Pun. 762. Other garden und field seeds: Beet (except sugar L` beet), 4 cents `lper pound; cabbage, l0 cents pe`i’pound: canary, t 1 cont per pound; carrot, 4 cents per pound; cduliflower, $25 l cents- per pound'; ¢e1ery,_2 cents per pound; knle,. 6 cents por pound; kolxlrubl, 8 cents per ponnd;,_n1nr1gml»w*urzel,‘ 4 cents por · pound; mushroom spawn, 1 cent per; pound; onion, 15 cents T per pound; parsley, 2` cents por pound; parenip, 4 centsper s pound; DGDDGP, 15 cents per pound; radish, 4 cents per pound;

epinuch, 1 <%nt per pound; tree and shrub, 8 cents per pound:

» turuip, 4 cents per pound.; rutabagn, 4 cents per pound; newer, · 6 cents per pound; all other garden and Held seeds not_hspeoiaHy· - provided for, -6 cents per pound: Pro-vidc·d.» That the provisions for seeds in this schedule shall include such seeds whether used s for plnnting or for other purposes. .

Pon. 763. Beans, not specially provided for, green orutznripe,
_ 0I1€·h8lf of 1 cent mr pound; dried, 1*%; cents per pound; in

- brine, prepared or preserved in eny manner, 2 cents per pound.

’ Pon. 764. Sugar beets, 80 cents per ton; other beets, 17 por

centum ad vnlorem. · ’ ‘ l