Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/598

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' § 252 T1TLl£'1Q.—jCUSf ` (5) Tugs enrolled and licensedto engage in the foreign and ¥ -~ coasting trade in the northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers when towing vessels which are required hy law to enter and clear. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 356, Title IV, { 441, 42 Stat. 952.) _ 252. Goods destined for ·pofts other than port of entry at which vessel first arrived; b0uds.———Any vessel 'hugving on board xnvxwlzn-xzdisc shown by themapifest to be destined to n foreign po1·:_ or place muy, after the report and entry of suchyessel under th(}_]l1`0§’iSiUl1S of this chapter,. proceed to such foreign port of destination with the cargo so destined therefor, without unloading the same and without the payment of duty thereon. i Any. vessel mriving from 11 foreign `port or place having on board merchandise shownhy the manifest to be destined to a port er ports in the.United States other than the port of entry at which such vessel first arrived and mode entry may pnwpcoed. with "such uierchamlise from port to port .0r from .distz·ic·a. to district for the unladihg thereof. .The‘ Secretary of the Tl`reasury may, by general regulations or otherwise, require

  • the nnester or owner of any vessel so D1°(!CE*£‘di.l1g‘ to a foreign

porter to na `port or district other than that at which the vessel iirstnrriged togive a bond in an amount;,eq_uul‘*.:t0 the estimated duties- conditioned that no merchandise shall be lauded. in the `United States from suchyessel without entry therefor having been made and a_ permit secured front the customs officer and for’the production of such-landing certificates or other evidence of compliance with such bond `as the Secretary of the Treasury may by. ge0¤c·m1 regulations require. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 350,, Title I_V, § 442, 42 Stat. 952.) 253. Manifests; ognrgoes for different districts or ports; permits for departnie from port or Erstlarrival.-—-ItIerchz1n— diSe arriving in any vessel for delivery in different districts or ports of entry shall be the. manifest in the order of. the districts or ports at or in which theesame is to be uuladen. Before any vessel arriving in the United States with any such merdxandise shall depart from the port of first arrival, the master shall obtain frorn the collector n permit therefor with gr certified copy of the vessél’s` manifest showing the 'quantitles _ and particulars ,0f the merchandise entered at such port otentry and of that—ren1alning' on board. (Sept. 21, 1922,-c. 356, Title IY, § 443, 42 Stah'953.) ¤" 254. Entry at nnother port.--Within_twent5··four hours after the arrival of suc_h vessel at another port of entry, the master shall make entry with the colleetorlnt such port and shall pro-, duce the permit issued by;tl¤e_eol1ect0r at 'the port of first , arrival, together with the eertided copy of his manifest. (Sept. . d24,~·1e2e,’¢. ssc, Tune 1v, 5 444, 42 sm. oss.) l ‘ » ·—255., Failure to obtsinor to produce permit;-·-—If the master _ot any such- vessel shall proceed tondother port or district withoutylmving ohtalned npermit therefor and s. certified copy of his manifest, or if he shall fail to produce such permit and certified copy. of his manifest to the collector nt the port of destination, or_if he shall proceed to any port not specified in the permit, he shell he liable to a penalty, for eeeh offense, of not more than $500. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 356, Title IV, S 445, 42 Stat. 953.) . _ 256. Stores- retained on b0nrd.·-—~·\’essels arriving hi the , United States from foreign ports may retain on board, without the payment of duty, all coal and other fuel supplies, shlps’ stores, sen stores, and the legltiznate equipment of `sueh vessels. Any such supplies, ships’ stores,_.se41 stores, or eqnipment xsnoetr and dellvered from such vessel shall be considered end trented as imported mer<·handi_se. Bunker coal, bunker oil,-ships? stores, t sen stores, or the legitimate equipment ofi vessels `belonging to regulnr llueq plying between foreign ports and the United Statm,‘ which delayed in part for any grouse, may be transferred under n permit hy the collector and under customs supervision from the yesselso delayed toauother vessel of, the same line,

TOMS DUTIES i 584 and owner, and eugeged in the foreign trade without the pay-_ ment of duty thereon. (Sept. 21, 1922, c. 355, Title IY, 5 446, 42 Stat. 953.) · 257. Duty on equipments or repair parts for vessels,—The equipments, or any Diirtv thereof, luclutllng boats, purchased for, or the repair parts or materials to be used, or the expenses of repairs made in a foreign country upon a vessel documented under the laws of the United States to `engage int the foreign ,01.* coasting trade, or n vessel intended te be employed in such trade, shall, on the first arrival of such vewel in any port uf b the United States, be liable to entry and the paymeugor an ud va1q`rem duty of 50 per céntum on thecest thereof in such fereign‘ country; and if the owner or master of such vessel shall willfully and knowingly neglect er fail to report, make CIltl`.Y. and pay duties ns herein required, such vessel, with her tackle. [apparel and furniture, shall be seized end forfeited. (R. § 3114; ·Sc . 21, 1922,.c. 356, '1‘it1e‘IV, S 466, 42 Stat. 957.) <258. Rerxesion for necessary repairs.——It the owner or master ot any vessel mentioned in séetion,257 of thistitle, hmvg `ever, furnishes good and sufhclent evidence that such b vessel, while in the regular course {pt, her veysge, was compelled, by stress. of weather or other eusualtyhto put inte such foreign port and purchase such equipments, 'or make such repairs, to _ secure the safety of the vessel to enable her te reachlher port bf destination, then the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to remit or refund such duties,‘and such vessel shell not be liable to forfeiture, and no license or enrollment sn¢1,li<·en$e. or renewal of either, shall hereafter be issued to any such vessel until the collector to whom application is made for the ssme shall be sstisfled, from the oath et the ewnerecr master, that allsuch equipments and repairs made within the year lm- _ memlletely preceding suchnppllcntion have been duly ccéunfegl forunder. the provisions at thishsection and sect;ieré7 of this title, and theydutles accruing thereon duly pelgl; and if such owner or master shall. refuse to take such oath, or take ltglsely. the vessel shall be selzed and forfeited. _(R. _S. S 3115; Sept: 21, -1922, c. 356. Title 1v,"§ 466. Q2 State em.) · ·‘ . · 259. Place of entry and smla¢ling;·,merchandiee in bulk.;-——·It shall. be unlawful to meke entry. ot any vessel er to unlede the cargo er any part thereof ot any vessel elsewhere than et n port of entry. ‘Up0n *500+:1 cause therefor being shesvn, the Secretary of Commerce may permit entry ot any vesselyte he made at n place other than a port et entry designated by him., under such conditions as he__ shall prescribe. Any reesel lsden with ‘merclmndlse ln` bulk may proceed alter entry of such vessel te any pl designated by the Secretary et the Treasury t for the `pu unlnding such mrgo, under the supervising: bt customs Otllcers it the collector shell censlder the same necessary, end ln such case the cmnpensntion `nnd expenses ef such efhcersshnll be reimbursed to the Guvernment by the "_ party in interest. (Sept. 21, 19%, c. Title TV, § 447, 42 Stnlt. 953.) , · h ·_` ‘ _ ‘· » 260. Unlsdfng before entry er report of arrival and grant of permit; preliminary entry.——Exeept ¤»·1l1el1 ip. mason 251 ot this tltle,. no tnerchencllse, passengers, or bayge shall be unladen from any vessel or vehicle. arriving 1'rmn A Icirelgn port er place until entry of such vessel pr repurtof thenrrlval ofsuch vehicle has been made end s permit for the nnladlug " ~01' the ssme issued by the eelleeter. The msremuey make tr preliminary entry pif n` vowel by making oath or amrmstlen te the truth of the stetetpents contained in the vessels manifest and. delivering the mnnltmt cn the customs ofllcer whe bssrtle such vesselyb but the melting of such preliminary entry shell net excuse the master trbm nieking formal entry of his vessel at ‘the-custemheuse, as provided by this `chapterl After the " entry, preliminary (or etherwise, of any vessel or report et the arrival of any vehicle, the celledtnsmny issue e permit to the f muster ot the vessel, or to the person in charge’0t»the vehicle,