Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/91

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77 TITLE 5.-—-—~E1'EL'D"7`1i'E DE}’A1€?`MEIv'TS, W _ Q bonu Q. _` :;,,3; QL sssrszieal, Swd EGSDNHY 5=€#I‘\`1<?e; trenspertatiaxn m;po;~;g;eg_ ; the`! Q1, , ~_‘· ,.-usmgiqrw to heirs in case of death. _ Q,] g l;_mxy,t {Q personal represelltative where death results within six 08UU "`“` i QW,-,3; transportation of remains; burial expenses. make ,1;} i ,`yy;§§%:f:l‘fi{¥D. et monthly pay of employee. tim} Ly; gx ;;··»;3ar1;ing Capacity. Shan

,.”1 g·.\;;Ny;t ei lump Slim; dviE¢‘!‘millation of ammmt, _

QQ;. X nite of injury. _ IS ps ·-UT y; imo; flliillré to gi"-B- -.,` ‘%’;·;:;·~z1 claim. _ · Q; ;,,»,l ; form and requisites; waiver. Gr H ly., game im- makfeg claims. · · USE ( L; H,}\~;,·a1—{»;¤mlxeaattens; refusal to submit te. Suzi;

 >_ rw; dieglzreement between physicians. 75

jj ~;;m·§ []l1)`z5i(‘ii!—¤S, i€€$• _ , .

;_. iu.;- m cummisslcm as to injury. ab";]

yy: g,<{g’T;¥:'lPBt of claim fn; compensation. _ DSC! gl; >.Ez>m;,·ati0¤ of United Statesfto employees `right ot action; as- tion qgggmesizt by eumloyee`; disposition _0£ `moueys eolleeted {mm than p<·!‘<0B liable. _ _ e _ _ {Y . - ‘ · ·. $331;

y_ x¢1_i=2Si1ll¢*H*I ln case of receipt by employee of moghey or property ·*

. in satisfaction of liability ot third person .___ ·· ‘ fllll yp M iteel Staleg Empl<>yecs’· Cempenssition Cammissloxn. _ · for l

._ eww; qther eslclal bodies discontinued-; reports from other case

.l·—;lm·tmeuts to; transfer ·0£ clerks and employees. QH W

~.» sxme; subpoenas. for witnesses. ~ ‘ j _ In

`;`; >:;,g¤.l—; assistants, clerks,_~ and other employees.; civil service. OY “m

`;_ s-une; estimates of nppreprixlluns. ·` — the l
-,· ?€
1Hl4*;`!‘I.l]{?S'&Bd regulations. Sons

$4, S;lm¢·; !'é§)01’tS. l $5 lfmgrlrsyéezf compensation fund. ?€)m] qw; }·‘imliugs and award by eommisslpn; payment of compensation. CHP?] BI. ?':2t!fl1"; t€$’¥EI. _ _ _ _ _ _ — »whe;

~~_ 8;
1110; cancellation; recovery of compensation paid. ploy

·;~e· }°i‘1l:llt}' for perjury. - * cmg ’i;·¢• '$`•·_rm$ defined, — ‘ _ V wl. Injuries wglch occurred prior to September?. 1916; ipjurles for Such which Pafinkla Railroad Company liable. _ (3.45 To:. '1`rlmsfer of ndcelnlstntlen et chapter a¤,c0¤c_¢rulng employees of V 75 .\}:lSRl1 Railroad. A _ A - ’_ tw. 'fmusfer ut edmlnieirition at chapter to qtpexj bodies; regula- Sum ‘ peyaemz .e¤mp1ey:ees~.¤L;eH¤n1ma.,--lC;1ua1Je11d-.».n£.» -.,}EBgS M Al:•el»:au Engineering Commission. °.-— muh 7* lg ¢`lm;»ter applicable to employees of District of Fclumbia. peri, Ti 1. lmzzgveusatioa paid to employees of United States Shipping xcont Bmnitd Emergency Fleet Corporation. ._ . ‘ , "E I _ _ _ ‘ . . _ isa [1 Melina 751. Disability or death of empleyee; willful mis- Sew <·¤nfiuct.e—The‘U¤ited States shall pay coulwusatiouus herein—‘ me e :¢f*··r swacified fpr the disabiliiy or death Qf MGB emplilyée TBQUIC-_ § 7_ lm.; 1'mm`a personal injury sustained while in tlge performance 75 ··a` his duty, but no compensation shall be mid if me injueyor at { ·i~:wi¤ mused by the willfgxl miscongluct df the employee or by Siqgk Kim ¤·mploy*ee’g.intenU0n to bring about the iujury Or dwth Qi gem l·%z¤~··lf ur of another, or it“intuxi<.~ation of the ixijured empkiyee in q i~ llw proximate cause of the injury Or tleilth. (Sept. 7, 1916,- of d <e QM, § 39 Stal;. 742.) , · » ‘ _ _ I ‘ PI, 1$ N2. Timeof sccrmisl of right.--During the Hrs: threedays of 75 ·ii-:{2»‘ili~;y me emplgyee shall pot be entitled te compensation .exp4 · wp: as provided in sectlen 759 ofthis title. No eompensm ploy

 shell at gnytime be paid-01* such period} (Sept. -7, 19QB, clis&

V, lT»~2,.·§ 2, 39 Stat? 743,) · · —~ · , -` the Q`53. Tqlai disability.-·—-It the disability is €0ta1_jtl1e United. med >~·;;:l·; shall pay to the dixsahled empleyee dxgrlng such disability relu ·¤. zmlltllly €{Jlll[)€I§S51tiGDxE€fu§ll to 68% per qeutuizu of his monthly turn 2-»:» .»pxmpt_ as hereinafter pmvided, ·( Sept. 7, 1916, e. 458, 5 3, whe ·1* rémt, 74;;) 4 _ 4 · - _ ‘ . . phy! » U4. Fujian] diiabililyg |$d|_vit;—»-·—II the disability 13 partigrl mw l we- (Suited s¢;gm¤·glw,ll pay to the disabled employee during if U yell llimbillly a memthy Gfl1§1}}@§UOB_ equal tc' 66% gper html ·jé·2·t•1m of the difference between me monthly and his mw _ ¤».._»mllly wegeearmng capacity afteri the beginning. of {such me {¢;»a%‘llll1- di>é¤l»llity. The commission may, {mm ztimeéito time, 39 E .¤··;uinje an ;3m·tlal,ly dlsableH;_ex11plnyee to make an- ¤§é1svLt. ji il ~ 1.» me wa;:e.·sA which he is then reeeiéiug. In su~eh a&dn#it sum life l‘1llp]»lrly&{5 gglmll include :,1 statement c£.t.l1e·value QI h0\18i1l$, `WY

, t}1·`b‘i£C§'EI£S, AND EMPLQYEES 760 rl, lodging, and other aslvsntsgos whish nrc rocoisml from employer as a pm·t—of his remuneration and ·s·l1it·h crm lan noted in money?. If the employee, when required, fails to 2 such nifidavlt. he shall not be entitled to any conngpmxssxwhile such failure continues, and the period of such failure l ho dodu¢:t@d`from the period during whivh compensation zynble to him. (Sept. 7. 191.6, c. 458, § 4, 39 Stat. T43.) _ 5. _Same; employee to seek other e1nployment.·——If a pm-- 5* disabled employes refuses to seek suitable work or rofusss eglects to work after suitable work is offered to, procurexl lr secured for him, he shall not be entitled to any co:npen~ m. (Supt; 7, 1916, c. 458, 5 5, 35) Stat. 743.) · 6. Monthly compensation for total and for 'psrtial distty; énrmase on basis of expectancy ofprodnstive csty; decrease on account of age.-——-The monthly compensaforiatotal disability shall not be more than $66.67 nor less l~ $33.33, unless the_ém;1l0yoe’s monthly pay is less than i3, in which case hisymonthljr compenssition shall he the amount of his. monthly pay. The monthly compensation partinl,disabillty shall- not be more than $66.67. In the of persons who at the time of the injury were nxinoxs or loyed in a lczu·uer’s capacity and who were not physically mentally defectire, the commission shall, on any review after timé when the monthly wageearning capacity of such perlwould probably, but for U15 injury, havé increased, avéafd pensation baséd on such probable monthly wage-earning lcity. The commission maygon any review after the time n the- monthly wagscarning capacity. of the disabled emec i would probably,. irrespective of the injury, have dssed on account of old age, award compensation based on lprobablc mon_thly‘wage-enrnlng_capacity. (Sopt.7, 1916, $8, § 6, 39 Stat. `743.)" ; ‘ . _ . »'l; Person receiving not to be paid for other services: pens.-·¥As long ns the employee is lin receipt of c¢;•1npéns:1tion

_li‘s, __gh_ggt_g1j,__or,,_ lf he has been paid a lump sun: in comlition ot sinstullment~fi@é'xY£§Q"iHi?iT"ilié” ésiii-stiibni of me

od during which such installment payments would have inued, hé`_shall_ not receive from the United States any ry, pay, or remuneration whatsoever except in return for iqps actually performed, and except pensions for service ln Army or Navy of the United ~Statos. (Sept. 7, 1916. c. 458, 39 Stat. 743.) __ _· » i8.— Employcojhaving annual or sick leave to his credit.-——·lt he time the disability begins the employee has annual or leave to his credit‘·he"may, subjeét to the approval ot_,tlno l ot the department, use such leave until it is exhausted, glilc·h_ case his compensation shall- begin on the fourth day .isability'after_the annual or sick lsuvo has sensed. (Sept. H6, c. -158, § 8, 35 Stat. 743.) k ·‘ _ - · d · ` 39. Medical, surgical, hospital service; transportation ans¢s.—~5;Ir:zx1»1édintél;·‘after nn injury sustained hy an om~ so wlsilain tho porfornmnco of his duty; \\'h(}th€i" or. not bility has arisen, and for a Lréssonablo time Etlxawaftor, ` United Statosshnll furnish to such employees rsasonshis iéal, surgical, and hospital services and sn»pplies‘unléss he ses to accept" thén1._ Such `scrviées and supplies shalli ho lished by United States medical oihccrsnnd hospitals, but rs, this is not practicable shall be fnrnishntllsy private slclans hospitals- dosignstéd or approved by the comtion and paid for from the é:npl0yoés’ compensation fund. lncmary.for·tl1s securing ot `plopor medical, surgical, and §ital_t1‘aatn1cnt, the employéo, in the discrotiurl of the comsion, may be furnished transportation at the expense of ompl‘oyses’ compensation Innd. (Scrpt._ 7, 1916, c. 455, § 9, ltnt.*743·)` ` , · ‘ , W. ‘Compens•tion to. heirain nano of death.-———-If llrntlx ros from the injury within sixhyoars the United Stzmgs sllsll to the following `porsons for the following periods u