Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/932

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515 TITLE $8.·-JBDIULLL clerk to execute auch new bonds, hte cme shall, be- themed want,. Attamey G eaera1l may at any time, apoa like

  ca   the district attorney, require a bond ct  

amen in dlscrenon, stron: aay at sale clerks within the limit ¤ * the ameant above specined l; and the failure ot the clerk ta ex to the eame shall in like manner yvacate ma omce. » All bones given by the clerks shall, after, approval, be gecorded ia their, 1·&pective e&m, and cepies thereef from the records, · certiaeed bz} the clerks respectively, antlexj seal of comtt, ehall . be cenapetent evidence in any `conrt. The original" bonds shall be Sled ia the Department of Justice. (Feb, %, 1875, c. 95, § 3,18 Stat., 333;`·Ma1•. 3,19 , . 231, § E0, 36. Stat., 1152.,) » ,_ `- j 515. Aagiented cf‘$§rks.·—Whe¤ever·qthe-business oi the courts ia any judicial 8 strict shall make it necessary, in the opinion of the Attemcy Gcncml, for the clerk·to furnish grmter security than the o$cia1 bond theietofere/gi€ren,· at bond la a earn not to exceed $40,0U0.eha1l be"giveu when acquired by the ” Astemey General, who shall Hx the amount thereof. .(Feb. & 1875, c. 95, 52, 18 Stat. @3.) _ . . " . 1 515. Gcrksi Bead; 1~enewgi.—Thc Attorney General ls_ authegiw to require`15l1e bonds of clerks of United States courts to be renewed every tour years, and to ’¤x_ the amounts of each bends within statutory limits. Faifure to take snob actlen shall not affect the liability under such bonds, but (npon failure or xzctuaal of anyeélerk to execute suclfinew boridf or `bentls his shall be deemed vacant iby cider of the Presldent and so _ declared by the district attorney in open court. (July 1;, 1918,c. 413, Q 1, 40 Stat. @3.)- l _» _ A , , . — . 517. Bonds at deputy clcrks.¢Any dlstrlct court —1nay reqnine say deputy clerk thereof to give bond to the United States a for the`falthturdischarge`fef his duty as such deputjain- the eatae ,penalty,~’and with surety at the same manner, as is re qpirecl by law et cle1*ks;, ana such [bond shall be recorded and .presc1·=ved in like manner. 1Bnt the takingof `énch bond shall not affect the legal responsibility ot the“‘clerk' for the acts of such deputy. '(R. S. § 796.) · _‘_ . · ‘ I -

 518; Clerks; list of judgments, and report of gnoncya paid

` in internal revenue caeée-··—Every clerk of a, distfict eonrt shall, ._ within thirty days after the adjournment of each term thereof, ferward to the Solicitor of the Treaaury a list of all judgments »» and decrees; to which the United States are parties, which have been entered aaicl court, respectively, during such term, ahowiag the tamanat agljudgétl or in each case, · for or against the United States, ana the to which execution thereon will be returnable. 1 ~ l ~ ‘ -_ I He shall also, at the close- ot_ each quarter or within ten days. thamfter, report to the Commissioner of Jnteinal Revenne all nfoneya paid into court on account of cases arising under the internal tcvenue laws, as Well aa all moneys- paid on eaita on honda of collectors of internal retyenue. The report shall shew the name and nature of each case, the dateof pay- ment into court, the amount paid on account of debt, tax, or penaltj,. and also the amount on account of, coats. z If. auch money, oxaany portion thereof, lhaabeentpald by the clerk to any internal-revenue atllcer or other 'perwn, the report ehall ’ show to whom each of each-payments was made; and 'if to an iH{Ef}l,8lj?€V€*Il119 officer, it shall be accompanied by the are ceint of auch odleef. »(R. S.] 797, Mar, .1, 1879, c. 125,] 2, %)Stat.327.)' ’ . to , _ Ai 519.- Same; account of payments and aioneya in court.-·-Al _, " each itegnlar-‘amaicn’ of any ’com·t of the United Statea, the clerk ahalfpreacnt to the courtan aeconnt of all moneys remaining therein, or anbjcct to its oideai, stating ln detail in what eaaa&· they are Acpoalted, and in what causes payments ‘ have been made; and said aéconnt and the voucher? thereof ahali be med ta the cmxrt; (R, S. §· T98;) _A . · »· SM. Mandnmm compel retamé ang, penfarmanee- of duties.--The eearts an the Baked {or pur-


 {ncsa eil eeetieee w, @7, 514, 515,,% tee   sm_598‘et this

» title, ehellheve power to award the writ of , e ,,,,; as, decem- , ing to the course dt the commen law, umu iwkm let the AL l tcmey General er the dzletriq stmmey ct, the Hettléd States, tt,

any emeer thereet, te compel him te make the cmeme em
perform duties reqizired by eaiid sections, (Feb. 22, 1875, »

a lc. 95, § _4, 18 Stpat.333,) ‘ € _ ~ ’ l ,? _· 521. Cletlce; ,?_ failure to gerfcei , remeval {mtg l dEee.g§e·I£· any clerk of any district mart et the Edited Stetee l shall willfully refuse cr eegleet tdmxlte any PGWYE Qéifiécate, , statement, or other doeéteent icqdired by law; te he thy hite mede, or shall willfully refuse 01* lnegléet te fefillafde any each f report, certidcqte, etatement, of Hccdmeht to the department, l ‘ef’dce1·, qv person L tdwhcm, by law, same eheuld be fecl_ wagrded, the President of the United States is euipewered, and I ‘it is made- his duty, in evéfy each cese, te remove each clerk ce r Ogéhdillg Lromt omce by an turtle: in writing, te: that ¤§3!']}0S€F. , u p0¤— the ’preeedte;tlen of I such erder, er é. thereet, · authenticated by the Attorney General of the Bnitéd States, tel glthe judge df thegéouyt ‘whei·eéf meh is eierk, meh l "clerk shallethereupcn be deemed et is e , and ehell s_ hot exercise the funetloés sdeh diurict fudge l shall appoints. sdccemr. ‘ so  ;,,,»,— ~» shell l hot be eligible to guy eppointmét sel clerk, er ldemty elerk r for the éerlod eftwo yeurp, next aftefmeh remoyal, ‘(Feh. -. 22,_18‘I5,‘c.96, Q5, 1Q*8tat.;8%.S ~ l ~ 4 ’ . 522; Same; misdemeanors; .fnmishhe¤t.—éIf any clerk meetioned in section of this title shell willfully refnw er neg- ·_ lect to. make er toj totwurd any ed®.` eertiémte, ¤etelv meut,_‘or document therein memieued, he“.ehal1~be deemed e guilty of a misdemeanor, nrgdishall pméiémd by él due mit e_ exceeding $1,000, er by` lmprleehment net ekccedlug year, l in the dleclfetieir at the court {but `a cenvictieu tmder ‘° this

section- sh8.l1_n0t'·be· necewary as a ccndltlen precédeette

l.- the ‘rem0va1’ from odlce provided t01·»ln`seetie:l 521et this l 'chapter. (Feb., 22, 1875, .c. 95, { 6, -18 Stat. %4.) ” e ` I . 523. Clerks; “qaths"tc permits- in pdniraity c¤¤@-Jfhe . clerks of The district cedrts may, ie the absence or in eeeee . of the-disability of the ‘judgeg•,, administef oaths to all, pee l sons identifying. papers {sued 0:1* heard of- FY`éS$GIS of else l_ where, to be used en, trials in admlralty cedees. (R.°S, ’§ 799.) l 524. Residence cfdistrlct stt¤mey¤,t§anhals, ned clerics-—— ., The Attorney General- is authorized to Ex. and declare the -` piece of the cdlcinl resldehce df the distrlctnttemey edd df each of his aseietdnte: Pfevlded, That the ®id`eseiste11ts l must be resldenté. ,0fN the. district .for which they Qere ep~

  • peinted. _The previsimié reletiveyte the residence of .di.etriet

I attorneys, assistimt district ettemeyé., and marehelscshell rmt l ~apply to the Territory lei? Alaske, 8116* theprevisieue- xjelatleg T to the teeidehce of district ·et_terney¤, ged existant district - attorneys · shall hot epply, te] the l southern district tot New · York and the northern, district ef-1llin0·ls.‘ The mershelk l· 0$t:iel` iesideuce ehall be (iQ€l1l€d te be et one of the places »_ ct holding court nih the district, and; the Attemey General I vslhnll be authorized · to] Hx, end declme~e_ the place of such l »etHciel` residence., Ever cletk et the di_strict.cem·t ..ef· the · United Stateehehell resi e permanently ln the distfict where

his oiilclal dutlee emte be V rfemiéd. · _ · — t

,Su<·h district att<mj1ey,f·ma`mhal, and clerk shall give his f pei·e01:ie1,'atgntien‘te'»hie respective emclel duties; end the é case any edch emcer shell remove from his dietxflgct or to come - plece other than the place of his, official rwideuce, er chall l fell to give pepsonel ettehtieh to the duties of his 0&ce, except l flu caee of sickness, Such office shall hep deemed yacent. ~In

  • the seutherntdlstrict ei `Heer York said dl&·cre may reside
 withinktwenty miles df theif digtrietgz, l (June 30, 1874,1:. 3%,

’ §· 2, 18 St¤tQ.109; Hay 28, 1896, c.·252,` 9} 8,.12, —% Stat; {181, ~ @21 t ~ “ ·· · e e . { < ·