Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1197

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. ·sne. 11. on. ies. 1921. 1157 For trees, shrubs, plants, fertilizers, and skilled labor for the Tm- P*“'·°· °°°- grounds of Library o Congrem and for repointing and repairing masonry wall around Library grounds, $2,500. For necessary expenditures for the Library Building under the R¤¤¤¤¤.¤¢¤- jurisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol, inc uding minor improve- ments, maintenance, lrzpair, equipment, supplies, material, and appur- tenances, and (perso and ot er services in connection with the mechanical an structural maintenance of such building, $28,300. For furniture, including partitions, screens, shelving,and electrical rumimm, shaving, work pertaini$g thereto an repairs thereof, $14,000. °°°· For two ca catalogue cases of special design and size, for exten- cud cstalcsuecws. sion of the catalogues of the main reading room and of the catalogue division of the Li rary, $12,000, to be immediately available. Bornmc GARDEN ”°**¤*°°·*°°¤· Salaries: For the director and other personal services in accordance ¤.i?"°°°°"°”°°°"°°` with the Classification Act of 1923, $79,417 ; all under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library. mmm i Repairs and implrovementsz For rocuring manure, soil, tools, mma, aé. m°r°v°` purchasing trees, s rubs, plants, and) seeds· materials and miscel- aneous supplies, including rubber boots and aprons when required for use by employees in connection with their work; traveling expenses and per diem in lieu of subsistence of the director and his assistants not to exceed $475; street-car fares not exceeding $25; office equipment and contingent ex nses in connection with repairs and improvements te Botanic Gargeen; exchange, care, and mainte- nance of motor- ro lled vehicles; purchase of botanical books periodicals and hook; of reference, not to exceed $100; general repairs to buildings, greenhouses, heating apparatus, packin shed storerooms, and stables; painting, glazing; repairs to footwsks and roadways; repairing and putting comfort stations in sanita condi- tion; repairs and improvements to direotorfs residence; 3 under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library, $47,800. ~ Ml h The sum of $150 may be expended at any one time by the Botanic mmdiiiaxvliriaxiiies Garden for the purchase of plants, trees, shrubs, and other nursery R·“··'°°-“’°°·¥’·"’3· stock, without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. 1.1sRAnY or CONGRESS ‘*""“"°'°°°°"°’~ sirname For the Librarian, chief assistant librarian and other rsonal °°' md W services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, §'i04,805. oorrxroirr ormon °°”"“h°°m°°‘ For the register of copyrights, assistant register, and other personal uml. I 'md www services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $175,100. nacrsnurvs m=:rnanNcn smzvrca s¤i”:$i°¤v° Rumw To enable the Librarian of Congress to employ competent persons ¤.€§°3°$}£ii {°” °°"` to gather, classify, and make available, in translations, indexes, digests, compilations, and bulletins, and otherwise, data for or bear- ing upon legislation, and to render such data serviceable to Congress and committees and Members thereof, includinglnot to exceed $5,700 for employees engaged on piecework and work y the day or hour at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, $63,650.