Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1198

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1158 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cn. 168. 1927. °°"‘“"‘*°‘°“· DISTRIBUTION or cnn wnnxns i°i“‘“’““°“’°""°°°· UF or the distribution of card indexes and other publications of the Library, including personal services, freight charges (not exceeding $600) expressage; postafge, traveling expenses connected with suc di¤|1•ibution,»exxt}:enses 0 attendanoei at meetings when incurred on the mittenmu and direction of the and including not#€toeteeed·$%B;000 for employees >eng?ed¤onipieeework and wor · · by•the¤day*¤or4hour<at rates to be*fixe by¤;the»Librarian; in all, ,,.mmm,m,m_ $118,010, of whichi*$8,000—shal1 inmiediwtely? available ‘· _- _ - ‘ ~ ¤Tnm.¤oanr sinrvroas: For specaal and temporary service, including extra·special_ services of regu ar employees, ‘at rates to be fixed by Suda 0 ui the Libra1·ian,·$3,000. “ { 4 Y °° "Q sunnnr ornmnc Exinmu To enable _the Libra of Con ess to be kept 0 en for reference YY sr P ` useon Sundays and on holidays within the discretion of the Libra- rian, including the extra services of employees and the services of additional employees under the Librarian, at rates to be fixed by » the Librariau,_·$13,125. I ·—; ¢* harm M Lt »— L semis OF me mem eegmhm °i b°°kB’ I purchase of books miscellaneous periodicals and newspapers, and all otheramaterial, ior*the increase of the Library, including payment in- advance for subscription books and society publications, andfor freight,} commissions, and traveling—ex·p;ises, and all other expensee ‘ incidental to the acquisition - of kskmiscellaneous periodicals andinewspapers, and all other material r the increase of the Libraijy, by purchase, gift, beguest, or exchange, to continue ' available durmgftheiiscal year*¤1929,> 105,000. _‘ r l _ LN b°°‘¤*·°*°· ·» For purchasewf books and for periodicals for the law library, Bm for Summa uni`lert`e dig·ectic;1·ef‘thmii{;ef iIust§e, $3,0:0. ‘h S » pp orlp _ _ -o new o ·re rence orit ei rome urt hmm. to be ·a part of the Library of Congress, and purclfased by the '1parshal 5g)1e Supreme; Court, under the direction or the Chief y ’ , i rmwrmo Ami nmnmc iuiiriutm wd bm` For printing and bindingilfor the Library of Congress, including the Copyriggit Office, and t e binding, rebmding, and repairing o Ummm O, Tm library boo , and for the Librar Building, $260,000. Entries. ‘ . Cblgoiythe &blJl(3§;g>J606)f the gatalogue of Title Entries of the » li CB1 > · CONTINGENT.E.XPENSES or run manner °°°°°'°°t°°°°°°‘ ,.For miscellaneous and contingent expenses, stationery, supplies, stock,. and materials directly purchased, miscellaneous traveling expenses, postage, transplortation, incidental expenses connected with the administration of e Library and Copyright Oiiice, including not exceeding $500_for expenses of attendance at meetin s when gguogd ,0n the written authority and direction of the L§brarian, Uhm b““*”°¥· · ’ . LIBRARL nmmmo ,,, ’§;, lg; A-Salaries: For the administrative assistant and disbursing officer ¤<>¤¤¤1- and other personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $120,402. 4 -