Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1759

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mmzx. ccixm Thirtyecighlh Street SEE, D. C., Paso. Timber, Public Landa—C0ntinued. Pan. appropriation for paving Alabama dead, sales, etc.; upon existing claim Avenue to Suitland ltoad; from only on consent of claimant .... 890 gasoline-tex fund ..... - ....... 1305 money to be kept as special fund Thirty-fifth Street NW., D. C'., until claim determined. ........ 890 appropriation for paving, Prospect if claim approved and patented, pro- Streetto Wisconsin venue; rom ceeds, after deducting expenses from gasoline-tax fund- ........ 426 of sale, to claimant ........... 891 Thirty-first Street SE., D. C., rejected, proceeds, if 'Ipublic lands, appropriation for grading, Alabama to be deposited in reasury .... 891 Avenue to W Street ........... 425 if of Indian lands to fund of tribe- 891 Thirty-fourth Street NW., D. C., Timbcrlanda, Cul-Over, appropriation for paving, Porter to appropriation for investigations, etc., Quebec Streets ............... 424 _ for develdgcment of ............ 485 for paving roadway Massachusetts Time and Savings posits, Avenue to Garfield Street; for- allowed national banks; rate of interest mer app1·c§>riati0n available .... 1307 restricted- -.......--.....-... 1233 Thirty-sixth Street W., D. C., Time Measuring Devices, appropriation for paving Reservoir no part of Army appr<?yriations avail- Road to T Street; from gasoline- able for pay o officers, etc., tax fund -.-....--..-......... 1306 using, on work of empl0yees-- 287, 1137 Thomas Jefersvn Centennial Commission, Navy appropria.tions` available for Sesquicentennial of Amerimn In- pay of oilicers, etc., using, on dependence and, work of employees -...--... 61, 1295 establishment and functions of .----... 327 Tobacco, Thornton Township, Cook County, Ill., apfropriation for census reports on- 354, 1204 bridge authorized across Little- Calumet or investigating improved methods River in., -------.-..-......-- 933 of pr uction, etc ....------- 610, 987 Three Mile Creek, Ala., for investigating insects meeting- 517, 993 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be tax on, manufactured or imported made- .--.--..-.---....-.--.- 1019 cigars ....-....... . -..-.-.-.. 87 Three Tree Point Military Reservation, cigarettes -..-.--..-.--... .. .-.- .. 87 Wash. manufactured tobacco and snuff .--. 88 sale of abandoned, authorized ---....- 205 Tobacco Cootferalive Growers’ Associations, Thunderbolt, Ga., not regar ed as dealers in leaf tobacco- 91 preliminary examination, etc., of har- records of purchases and sales to be bor to be made ----.-. - .---- .,- 1018 kept by; purpose of, described-- 91 Thurberia mbr h_ Togus, Maki f V I we appropria on or es is mg qua.ran— appropna on or expenses, 0 un r tina against -..--.-..--.-.- 851, 1002 Soldie1·s’ Home --.-.-.--.-. 293, 1144 deficiency appropriation for emergency deficiency apprc§riation for Volunteer use, eradicating ............... 851 Soldie1·s’ ome .-.... - ..... 880, 1260 for establishing quarantine against,- 852 Tokyo, Japan, Tickets, Foreign Passage, appropriation for ground rent of em- stamp tax o¤· Canada and Mexico bassy ..-.---- . ---.--... -- 332, 1181 excepted. ---...--.---...-.-.. 103 for additional land and construction costing less than $10, exempt-- .... 103 of buildings for Foreign Service Tde, establishments at ....-.-... 332, 1181 appropriation for study of Oprooesses, Toledo, Ohio, etc., in manufacture ..--. 357, 1208 preliminary examination, etc., of har- Tillamook Bay and Entrance, Orcg., bor, to be made, for construction preliminary examination, etc., of, to of breakwater, etc-, ---.---.--- 1020 be made ..........-.......... 1021 Tolovana River, Alaska Timber Depredatians, Public Lands, improvement of, autlxorized --.-...... 1015 appropriation for expenses preventing 457, 938 Tomah, Wis., Timber, Indian Reservations, apgropriation for Indian school at--- 471, 950 aptpropriation for preserving, etc .--. 461, 941 de ciencg appropriation for Indian or sales expenses ....-............ 942 so 001 at -..-. ., -.---,-.---.--- 1257 deficiency appropriation for preserve.- limit of cost increased, public building tion, etc ....... n .............. 1252 at- ----. .. --.---.-.--.--..-. .... 872 _ for care of ..-..................... 1257 public building authorization for .-.--. 632 Tzmber, N alimml Forests, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington appropriation for preservative treat- National Cemetery, Va., ment, testing, etc .......--- Q 513, 990 competitive designs for completion of, for sppraising, etc., for sale .....- 514, 991 etc., to be secumdn ...-..-..-- 914 export allowed of lawfully cut, and in amount authorized for ............. 915 _ Alaska .... - .................. 242 subject to approval of designated Ttmbcr, Public Lands, C0:nmiss1ons-..- .............. 915 dead, down etc.,,on lands outside na- Tombigbee River, tional forests including ugon bridge authorized across, near Aliceville, ceded Indian lands, to be sol at Ala ................. - ....... 214 auction, etc .................. 890 between Choctaw and Merengo proceeds to be covered into the '1‘rea.s- Counties ......... - .......... .. 216 \11"y ................. ,. ....... 890 Cochrane, Ala .... - .... . .......... 897