Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/516

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4'Z6 SIXTY-NLNTH CONGRESS. Sass. ·I. Cu. 277. 1928. °¤•¤*•’ °¤¤••' *° Fortheem oymentef ` 'alc0unse10oasaistStateandFedera1 "“"“%2$°°“°“ ¤um·· Mar qmzmpe uma omum. ww a mam • roaeeuuem o monde: amp mm intheuiiu-::1 twti1ig°hi11themurder£§'£O:}•ge·Indiam tag-fc; upenn an au x*0see¤ti¤n‘· , g401' so mucbf ree as may be necemry bo bepiminediatzelyl available, tp be paid fgem funds Q1a1d;xlK»¢the‘· Iifuiwd Stames-in*=;:rust·ter said Indiana, wr be axpmdeil ' approval 0f,·1nd"under the supervisionfofg the Onmd N S0cr0t\1'yF 0fth8IIltB!'i0l‘. _ jh .%· n _:; 4 7ct- ¤,,,.,,,,,,,, or expensesmcoxm 0_au· pmdu ibn mm »‘*°"‘7 amaaugl Baaiaaa ··émp£§58¤;¤;lam& of

 7 r"¤1¤ ¤.Y¤¢¤+··¤‘¤’¤H¤z7 ;¤XP¤¤¤¤¤»   »"" ¤g¤P `¤€
 ‘   aiidoperatidggef automobiles,

$60,909;.t0»_be*p£id; ~ ’ the ds lield¤l;*§0tlie Uuited·>States m M {mum i¤r0Hm mats _m‘ ¤ U l >.. ion wi, ashmg" " &°?·h°€•&<¤ at ,the—*Osage Tribat_’¤C01mei1 and other mem? bdéslof said m·ibe,· _en<du1y·•;uthcrized¢‘0r*a51pmved bygthe/See _ éot ¢he·Iam·iez·, $10,000,*00 be paid tyomg eifunds held by the ‘ %’m?t1Z1Sutea1u¢raecta¤¢h¤·0saga· ma ’ a ‘ .,§§‘6’.:.‘ft‘ ’“""’ » bf-i$1!§9,(D0 as<be¤·ebyaapp§;>¤~;a¢¤d out or the E;-imspai ,_,,,,,,,,gg,§,*j>¤*°»’*°°= ui che¤e1·eglic»0t the Cemtedera ·Bandsot Ute g · s,‘#the ei$7 f£j_'d ‘t.f0,thbeu§c fh U M ' gum_*·400p0m1am0uu,r e e otete ountam mm"- of Indiana in Colorado, and .7 e‘gmia·ef $35 00070 sai __ amount, for theiUint.ah, Whits*River,· and ‘ Uue01Hpahg*z·e`{Bmd§e0f_’UteIadians iiieiltalyaugl the sum of$30,000 6£_s•Qid a` 0u¤t’f0;*`thé, S0ut1;¤1·¤0‘Uw·Indiaus m·Co1erade,‘which suma"·.‘·&'r‘7sa1 ,`8.l16 e,0e S_u_mm°,c ‘sHaEbe‘ch§dta dbands, _dthSe¢rta1·yfth, amp `hdifr0mh'I‘1·casuth m·¤·»c'1¤m¤%Z *1a°' " 0 `tO’;`W1t'I'llW` ‘t e ‘ry_ e

 " `   ihC1H€iI1g,J\1,hB 30,1926,   ·t1;e¢‘iunds of

W 37 W edegated Bands pfgflle Indiana app1j0p1j1a@ed,7under‘

  • ·"· ‘ the Act of h ,95,1913 Statutesat; Large, page
 s·7 »·;>`7··—’— ~..,$. . 7

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tcfiidikxis ;z`!1e,empl ymeiiii of labdr on 1_‘r0¤ds'c0i1sh‘t1cted ,_ _ om g¤£;&?1i§,Y¥¤¥9i¥§."¤Ppf0PYi¤¢¢d f¤¤¤1 ¢§¤7f¤¤dS pi the C0¤f¤d¤f¤t¢d‘ Bmdygudumy, »..;.; .,,4, .$ .xe·.`* r , —.$..?~ ,. . K; all M ****2 R°°°"°‘7 ` "Fétm 7'6 'rdads andbfi ` ‘ theRedLakeIadi` 'an “°<$"¤¤?#'*·§`?`¥¤*··¤¤¤·¤ ,Pl,H‘¤h§S0 ggguial equipment, 0 and °"“"““°" supgf , ‘ ‘t1ie*e%ijp eymenf of labor, $9,000, to paid the ····~» =·*’§.*a?’»;E’:%..“i*§”‘ *****3 i¤~1‘i.‘}. Ind’“q&*· "' Hai; · .¤:' .` hu? ·7 •~·‘ >1·;: ;‘••,‘. •` · ·· ‘ ’ ’ * , ¤h··&l=>¢·@¤¤1> 9Y‘?$1.*$ far »e7;>¤a¢t·¤¢¤¥z!<=· 7. 7 _ 7 7 7 ami?. may rwgsxgegég *¤;$•i§g¤7J¤11(,*?¤¤¤ F¤1jmA¥;;g¤ ·~ · ` ' `·.* 13 ,.3 *1*9,2.0:. , 'x7 * .&1 il .m· l` , S

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