Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/517

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sixrrmwfrn cozmunss., .,Sms.>]$. e cn; ew: 21920. 477 ~ For"e0¤tihui% road and bridgyconstructién and maintenance on ,,0’,f_••,:,’•*g‘j¤ K°•*"* tZ»nKe¤ca1er0- di•¤:sBe.genvat1nm, in ·NeirMetio0,·inc1n¤i2ing the td<Q<餕i¤·¤¤¤·$¤¤¤w¤ me cf eqtnxpmmpap and supplies; theexnplnyment of md"

a¤d the east estimates;

$9,000, —gp;be rembnunediiopa any of the Indums.·c£¤·said nsurvatmnnew or-hereafter on Jiepesit un the Treasury of the Umted p,.,,,.._ Statzs: Srovided, That Indian labnirahzll be employed as {anu ’°°“” ’°*’°'· prac we e. For continuing the work of ennstructinqiroads and bridggs within e£{°v°i`$$Y R°°°"°' the diminished heshone or Wind River eservation, in yoxning, ,,,‘,§’;,"{‘,g’,f?‘f°°°*"°“ $6,000, nid sum to be any—funds¤which arenoyv or mayzheraafter be placedin the 'I‘reasury=¢tc=*the credit 0f* saxd Indians to remain a charge and lien upon the lands and "funds of said Indians until paid. p A ANNUITIEB nm carrrap PAITQIENTS A’”’°“*°’· °°°-

    treaties with   ei   York: For   "°°•°•’·N·Y#
 hou: ef  ,(Act-_ of February ,19, 1831), "°‘·‘·*’·‘“·

I _ ’;·;tu, `sii‘is»¢a4s¤”0;er.f$zqw,r¤¤k, ra ¤¤~»¢¤¤··¤.N·Y- permanent annmty,,u{.cIpthmg.;aud,,0ther`·usefu1, articles (article 6, V°‘·’·¤·“· $T?*·Y¤fNHY¤¤€¥l2‘§g·i7g;17?:r}2» ,¤500· ·OklaH· »i:_·,F · A rt Chmwwm

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treaty of une 22, 1855) $3,000; for permanent annuity for suppqrt x}0¤.u,p.m. cg treatfy of 18, _J£.&fand article — 0% _0_ ,11116 _ * ._‘,0!`P¤¥'m%¤,- Hm.;°¥`,,, fmt ofiblacksmith '(article 6, treats hf October 18, 1820 and agp e 9, treaty of January 20,1825, an artieler 13, treat of :Iune 22, 1855) $600; for permanent annuity for education (isrticle 2, treaty oi January ,20, 1825,; article, 13, treaty nf ·1,855),;$6,Q90’ for permanent anmnty»fo1· n·on,,·,a.nd-·stee1·,(art1 e,,Q,~trea .,pi J¤=3¤1:%O2ygéD1825»»,»wd ¤r¤<=i¤, 13; twtywi Jrm¢¤·22,»1*85¤9,»%20,; m » r J •. be r `· sz-; v » . A11"} ` ' ,;T,,car¤yLe11tth », vw¤' .fJ Qf,S@Eb¤mbB., . w£““‘°°‘°"°"""’* ` (Tenth_§nrt(i1tes "i*‘w';¥**·**°°·

 vi. the   $14»1&Qe,» ¤¤¤¤kg¤e,,¤¤d;   Hm M

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