Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/795

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SIXTY-ININTH CONGRESS. Suas; I; Cns. $$1-633,638. » 1926. 755 »S1¤.iQ~ The 13h!. to alteqianend, orrepeal this Act ie hereby ¤=•¤*”¤•°’~ expressly reserv ~ ~ Approved, June 19,*19%. “ , 87 Anhctihantbzg. ·¤0¤¤l!td.c0¤$’1t0tbBPlttIb¤!$h, :ui°'1m Fw-t cueeedagre and t<;u 'T§[z%5§Ti¤i`»ig:`it`i" Be it enacted the Senate Home o A Repreeentatieesiof the United 8tate•i;£merioa;•d6'm»gt1i~(::is)nem£led, '1’£i_a.t tbevconsent 05 3}};***** ‘?·‘¤¤*•°

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Chicago Rggvay Company, its succgsegx; to construct, g§gE,‘I§,§y°§é§’ tain, ·a ` " ri , p to · xs: Fha Er ·* ·..P°*¤* ···:;Ei;.*;*t;.¤*m* , orinstntiolxaof Clark, um•t Tognshii Lake $:!~;=¤;_¤*& `aua sooo ance ° rovisioneo an ct enti r ` " Act to e construction gf bridges over navigable waters," a V v 2. 28, 1906. s e e umm' 2‘ Tm £‘El‘° ‘°v.°°i%..l1’ “°$;.§3“£’f§€;.“2d acer ““ E mi ’ · wars, ri. ' co y ’ ct is y gran to and Chicago mganphits mcceseors ‘ 4 amgns, any ration to w ` ` ts, poyera, and priyilegee may be sold, assigned, or transfcrrlei pr {which shallwacquxre the anne by mortgage foreclosure or otherwise · mhenb authoruedtoexercnsethesame as fullyasthough conferred herein upon snch corporation _ _ mm 8%.3. 'I`her:§ht to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby dm"; exp y rece . . Approved, June 19, 1926. CHAP. 888.-—Joi¤tB.eso1ution Authorizin the Secretaryof War [iii? maxi.! to accept and install a tablet commemontingiitheidesiina on of May 30 at each WEB. EE., Si6`.Tz‘Z.1" §'i‘§..,..." ”‘f.°°e......¤.”“ ”"' "’£°°°"‘ ce.; .2%*.* G....¤"“”°°°'°“»....‘, a¢“.1§‘.°°¤2,Lw. ’°‘“‘ S Beeol·v;d;5y the »$enatz’¢md H owe of Rzigkréifegwighd M D. twtu 0 merivd ' .0ngre·¤a»emb_ at e_ ,_ `_Q‘0_ mm,,`m ’· Warbe, and be is and to ¤;é;b§i Commander in Chief 0 _ the Grand Army of the Repuhc gjablet in mum mean; of suitable material, deégn, and inecrigion the °°m•*°*"·"* designation of May 80 of each year as exnorial Day lg neral Order Numbered 11, issued from the headquarters of p e Grand Army of the;B.e&;1ibhc on May 5, 1868, by General J ohxrA,. Logan, Commander in ef, and to install the same 1n some suitable p ace in the amphitheater in the Arlington National Cemetery of Virginia. Approved, June 19, 1926.

 688.--An det Granting certain lands to the city of Ogden, Utah, te mmm Faiidim`]

protect the watershed or the water-supply system of nid city. [Public, No. {T7.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Regresentativca of the United States of America in Congress ascemb .d, That upon the ’;‘§{’§‘€O’}f"§§ O,d.,,,_ ggiment of $1.25 per acre there is hereby granted to the city of §_°g_§;jgj¤g{gf**·¤>¤i“ _ en, Utah, and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to xs:-me patent to said grantee for certaxn public lands m