Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/36

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1468 OONGRESS. I.—· .C¤e. 2:2, 247-•249.' *102e. e¤f=Thomae% formerlyaoarpeieran lo edintheecutraotion ¢¢.:tha.Ge•at. ° cantcmnmt, Fort Ngiudehd.

‘whie.imidevthe Fort   the

m _ 0• ' *, , I L. 1, V ·. Approved, May 3, 1926. ‘·

 OKAY. 847.-··Au Act For thenreliet of Nma B. Sherrie: Johnson.
 NL ···§e   ,6;; the     Home of .RQ£Q6807I#C$!d7Z8 bf the

m,,,,,,_ am" Umvd State.: of Amcnoa on 0 me asaemb , That upon the nyu? P•°°°* *°· ”* payment, tberefor..at_.the rateaoimgli.5 per acre the Qecmetary of · the Interior_ba,·and is. hereby, authorised, in his to

 ·· issue apatuwqwhemmaftex h%ed, to;Nox·a»B. Shemer, Jelumon,

‘ 1a,u :_ Lets ?_3, and 4, •e¤t1on_§Z4, tovmshnpré range vgntanmng smutye. ,·¢h¤¤6, . . dah] ‘ . ·1!1.¢XIB* §,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ with the Idaho: Proeékdz That tberabe the United States alleil, ezzkor other tgunerals ..,.......¤····-»··~···· M- ··~ ?;“w.¢%'““;4‘£&Z.“f%;“£°.?.4?$?.i’£$°§*.¤*°“¤.p....i”"°’ .. NESS .¤..u° “‘*£e be snirggect to prospecting `locationp _or patent, unless and resto to disposition under the mmmg aws by express order of the Secretary of the Interior. Approved, May 5, 1996. EQYQ . , cnn. 2¢ie.—An Act For theyzeuet Pride. w" ° a me enacted ty the sA44¢»:}»£J`u¢}¤.» or zzepmmmm pf ue ·;·‘{§','S{‘ {Z*°$,.}m. United State; ¢•f_Ame¢sb¢°in‘0ong:%aa assembled, That-the txtlehof g';} *“*’°'”·°°"‘ l(avy_M. Ptidk in and to ,fraotionaLsee·t=;%oa1g?;5i:1oc;%vnship bg south, ` rang+•.13_rvvgpt, .memdaan," ` east A ' asaw tundary l' ‘and.eight ozwhundredths .acrea,· Golbert

   the same is hemb%§uieted and eonfirmed,
  • ""°’“*°"°°·°*° and patent therefor uid issue to the said_ ry M. Pride upon the

payment of $1.25 per acre and the of a agstract of_title or other evidence showing that t e land is free from a verse chums. · Approved, May 5, 1926.. __: ;_. —.—*——»—ii;.»:.‘.i“’.E""..$.".. ¤..°.?.....· ”*°s‘;‘;‘11".;¢°.§.1’»’i‘i &;*&'§'.°£“%..‘e?1'.“¤....“i°2‘;d““t.b. °“.¤”“.,“:.d,..*‘2$ ' _ ' seq Maryland for paymentaof travel and subshtence expenses eqn

eertiiiedandapprovedvouchers.   ,;_ I , __ '    

·;»,,·;,»»,;,,,~, §..% “§’“°.....“Z;”’£.......""°§‘”£‘.f¥0“”“’..,...°"T**.§. .. . »» •¤¤·•¤- oiiicers of the United States be, and- are eeby, autho ' and directed to alkawj in settlemexg o the a;c¢§unts f Gal L. T 't llector an uréing agent, istrict o ary-

 ynnd, tg? paymlzzitscgaf travel and     qua of

$1,6·§i16f(:1ag;a to Deputy0fC0]1ector oi Internal Bfvenue Eafilay ·· a;;voved=voiz>i:ars, on part. 5 Y, · · 'VL44- I .i.'i;f&'j. `. M . , - ll,} ` w