SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cue. 267-269. 1926. 1469 cnn. sev.-an Act see me and cf Jaw-w. L¤»¤¤. MI; gg? Be it enacted the Seed} and House of Representatives of the ""' ‘*°‘ United Statealofqmeriea in Ooszreu assembled, That the Secretary {,•:¤¤• Vi-green. cftheTre•surybe,andheis ereby,authorized anddirectedto "'°°‘ pay, out of .money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of aid; to James W. Laxson for a refnmd covering timber taken from his homestead entry. Appmved. May 7. 1926. CHAP. 268.-An Act For the relief of the owner of the lighter Eastman Mg li>l]m' Numbered 14. Private. No.41.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reggeaentattvea of the Uni¢edSta¢eeo£Anwricain 0¢Z;y1·eee_aaeemb ,Thattheelaim,,,’,{“*“¤ P- ms of Franklin P. an owner the lighter Eastman Numbered °°$v lrlns me me 14, inst the United States of America for damages alleged to1g;¤°:i¤d?s°$Q¢l°m$ havdaen caused by a collision on November 26, 1918, between the “·”*” °‘* saiilkllighter Eastman Numbered 14 and the United States ‘ W , a, at the Thirtv-first Street Pier, Brooktlgn, New York, w ' e the mid Vvakullawas owned by e UnitedStates of America and was 111,.ltB naval transport service, may be sued fortg the said Franklin P..Ead;man in the Distrid; Court of the Uni f Statesdfor th: SouthcrndDisQ:l1;ict;`l:>1f New York, sittingasacourto ' tyan actinguner e es ove ' such court; and said court shall have jurisdiction to and ’“’*°‘“‘”‘°°°‘°°“"· determine such suit and toenter a judgflnt or decree for the amount of such and costs, if anfy, as. be found to be due against the United tes. in favor o Franklin P. Eastman, or against Franklin P. Eastman in favor of the United States upon the same Eerinciples and measures of liabilit as in like cases incadmiralt tween private parties, and witll the same rights of appeal}; P , Provided, That such notice of=the suit shall be- given to the Attorney mee.; bw., to .4:- General of the United States as be provided by order of the '°“‘°’ · said court; and it shall be the duty o the ttorney General to cause the United States attorney in such district to appear and defend for the Unitui States: Provided further, That said suitshall be ,,,R{""'”°"°°"’°"‘ °‘ brought and commenced within four months from thedate of the passage of this Act. Approved, May 7, 1926. ‘ CEA!. 269.—An' Act For the relief of the owner of the American barge Texaco nnmbaed 153. Be iqemeted by the Senate and House of iyresentativee ef the United Statee of America. in Congress aeeemb , That the claim of '{g;°§,,°;·;¤gg,¥€ ,0, the Texas Compapy, owner of the American barge Texaco numbered ¤¤¤¤¤¤g ¤·¤=¤e¤¤ to 153, against the nited States of America for damages alleged to i:°°;&1 T$?§°ei?3¤`E`¤ have been caused by collision between said vessel and the United °°°"· States Coast Guard steam tug numbered 84, on or about the 4th day of November, 1919, at or near the dockof the Texas Comp , at Bayonne, New Slersey, may be sued for by the said the TexasnEm- pan§ in tl;f”D1str1ct Court of the United States for the District of ew J y,_s1ttmg;as a court of admiralty and acting under the rules governing suc court; and. said court shall have jurisdiction ’°"""°°°“ °'°°“"* to hear and determine such suit and to enter a judgment or decree for the aznonmt of such and costs, if any, as shall be found to be due against the Unite _tates in favor of the owner of the