Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1117

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1066 Approval by eac h State and Congress required . Right s of Mexico not construed . Title of Act . December 21 1928 . [S.4302.) [Public, No . 643 .] Battl e of Fort Fis her. Federal Point Light- ho use Reser vation, conv eyed to Wilm ing- ton, N. C .,asamem- orial to commemorate . Description . Rever sion on fail ure to maintain etc ., the property. Rights reserved . December 21, 1928 . [H. R. 13665.] [Public, No. 644 .] United States Su- pr eme Court Bu ilding Commission . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. II. CHs . 42-44 . 1928 . (b) No such compact or agreement shall be binding or obligatory upon any of such States unless and until it has been approved by the legislature of each of such States and by the Congress of the United States . SEC . 20 . Nothing in this Act shall be construed as a denial or recognition of any rights, if any, in Mexico to the use of the waters of the Colorad o River syste m . SEc. 21 . That the short title of this Act shall be " Boulder Canyon Project Act ." Approved, December 21, 1928 . CHAP. 43 .-An Act To authorize the Secretary of Commerce to convey the Federal Point Lighthouse Reservation, North Carolina, to the city of Wilming- ton, North Carolina, as a memorial to commemorate the Battle of Fort Fisher . Be it e nacted by the Senate and Ho use of Repres entatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce is authorized to convey, subject to the co nditions contained in section 2 of this Act, the Federal Point Lighthouse Reservation, North Carolina, to the city of Wilmington, North Carolina, for improvement and maintenance as a memorial to commemorate the Battle of Fort Fisher . The property to be transferred under this Act was conveyed to the United States by deed of April 7, 1817, from Charles B . Gause, registered in the records of New Hanover County in Book P, page 305, and is described therein as " a certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying, and being in the State of North Carolina and County of New Hanover on Federal Point near the new inlet of Cape Fear River, whereon the beacon erected by the United States now stands, to contain one square acre of land, the beacon being the center of said square acre," together with "the use and privilege of the most convenient and usual landing place on said point from the river and from said landing place free egress and regress over the said point of land ." SEc. 2 . In the event the city of Wilmington should fail to improve or to maintain the said property in the manner contemplated by this Act the Secretary of Commerce may at an time by letter addressed to its c hief ex ecutive offic er or o fficers notif y the c ity of Wilmin gton that the property conveyed will revert to the United States, and if the city of Wilmington does not begin or resume the performance of such improvement or maintenance within a period of six months from the date of such notice, the said property shall, upon the expiration of such period, revert to the United States without further notice or demand or any suit or proceeding, such conditions to be recited in the deed or instrument of conveyance . The United S tates reserv es the righ t to r esume owner ship, possession, and control for Government purposes of the said property so conveyed at any time and without the consent of the grantee . Approved, December 21, 1928 . CHAP. 44.-An Act To provide for the submission to the Congress of pre- liminary plans and estimates of costs for the construction of a building for the Supreme Court of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby created a commission to be known as the " Unite d Stat es Sup reme Court Building Commission " and to be composed of the Chief Justice