Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1182

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II . Cn . 102. 1929 . cost plus 10 per centum ; reproduction of foreign patent drawings ; photo prints of pending application drawings ; and photostat and photographic supplies and dry mounts, $230,000. The headings of the drawings for patented cases may be multi- graph ed in the Pate nt Of fice for the p urpos e of phot olith ograp hy . For investigating the question of public use or sale of inventions for two years or more prior to filing applications for patents, and such other ques tion s ari sing in c onnec tion with appl icati ons f or patents and the prior art as may be deemed necessary by the Com- missioner of Patents ; and expense attending defense of suits insti- tuted a gainst the C ommiss ioner of Pat ents, $ 800 . Fo r furnitu re and fi ling case s, $60,00 0 . BUREAU OF MINES SALARIES AND GENERAL EXPENSES Salaries and general expenses : For gener al ex pense s, i nclud ing pay of the director and necessary assistants, clerks, and other employees, in the office in the District of Columbia, and in the field . and every other expense requisite for and incident to the general work of the bureau in the District of Columbia, and in the field, including not to exceed $3,000 for necessary traveling expenses of the director and employees of the bureau, acting under his direction, for attendance upon meeting of technical, professional, and scien- tific societies, when required in connection with the authorized work of the Bureau of Mines, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce, $91,500, of which amount not to exceed $79,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Investigating mine accidents : For investigations as to the causes of mine explosions, causes of falls of roof and coal, methods of min- ing, especi ally i n rela tion t o the safety of min ers, t he app liance s best adapte d to p revent accid ents, the pos sible improv ement of con - ditions under which mining operations are carried on, the use of explosives and electricity, the prevention of accidents, and other inqu irie s and tech nolo gic i nvest igati ons perti nent to t he mi ning industry, including all equipment, supplies, and expenses of travel and subsistence, purchase not exceeding $2,400, exchange as part payment for, operation, maintenance, and repair of motor-propelled passe nger-c arryin g vehi cles, purcha se of l aborat ory gl oves, goggle s, rubber boots, and aprons, $422,000, of which amount not to exceed $50,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia ; Mining investigations in Alaska : For investigations and the dis- semi nati on of info rmat ion w ith a view to impro ving cond ition s in the mining, quarrying, and metallurgical industries as provided in the Act authorizing additional mining experiment stations, approved March 3, 1915 (U. S. C., p. 31, sec. 8), and to provide for the inspec- tion of mines and the protection of the lives of miners in the Terri- tory of Alaska, including personal services, equipment, supplies, and expenses of travel and subsistence, $11,160 ; Operating mine rescue cars and stations : For the investigation and improv ement of min e resc ue and first- aid me thods and ap plianc es and t he teachi ng of min e safety, rescue, and firs t-aid met hods, inc lud- ing the exch ange in pa rt p aymen t for ope ratio n, ma inten ance , and repair of mine rescue trucks, the construction of temporary structures and the repair, maintenance, and operation of mine rescue cars and Gov ernme nt-o wned mine resc ue st ation s an d app urten ances the reto, personal services, traveling expenses and subsistence, equipment, and 548351-29-pT 1-75 1131 Mul tig rap hed he ad- ings allowed. Inv es tig at ing prior use of inventions . Fur nit ure . Mines Bureau . Director, and office and f ield perso nnel . General expenses . Attendance at meet- ings. Services in the Dis- trict . Inv es tig at ing mi ne explosions, accidents, etc . Mining industry. Services in the Dis . trict . Investigations to im . prov e conditions in mining, quarrying, etc . Vol . 38, p. 959. U.S. Code, p.31. Alaska mines . Mine rescue cars and stations. Improving, etc . Rescue car stations, etc .