Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1465

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1414 Description. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cns . 388, 413, 414 . 1929 . under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, or its authorized agents, a gift of certai n lands situa te in the cou nties of Bento n and Walla Walla, State of Washington, described as lot 8, section 21, and lot 5, section 3 3, all in tow nship 7 north, range 31 eas t, Willamette principal meridian, containing six and ninety-seven hundredths acres, more or less, including all the buildings and improvements thereon, and all righ ts, ease ment s, a nd a ppur tena nces the reun to a pper tain ing Proviso.

Provided, That upon the acceptance of the title to the lands above To huge o on a part accept- the refuge

t- described by the United States they shall become a part of the Colum- ance of the title . bia River bird refuge established pursuant to the authority contained in Executive Order Numbered 4501, dated August 28, 1926, and shall be subject to any laws governing the administration and protection of said refuge. Approved, February 28, 1929 . March 1, 1929 . [H. R. 8295.] [Public, No. 864.] United States courts . Addit ional judge for ni nth circu it, to be appointed . Vol . 36, p. 1131, amended . Ante, p.1347. Vacancy due to death, etc., of present senior judge, not to be filled . March 1, 1929 . [H . R .12409 .]_ CHAP. 414 .-An Act To grant to the city of Fort W ayne, Indi ana, an [Public, No . 865.] easement over certain Government property . Fort Wayne, Ind .

Be it enacted by the Senate oared House of Representatives of the Easement post office to, United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary o ver of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to grant to the cit y of Fort Way ne, Indiana, an easement ov er the wester n portion of lot 113 (original plat of such city), being a strip of land ten feet wide and one tundred and fifty feet long, extending along the east side of Clinton Street south from the corner of Berry Street, such ten-foot strip being a portion of the present post-office site; su ch easement to continue so long as the land shall be used exclusively for street purposes : Provided, however, That the United States shall retain the right to have that portion of the base of the present tower which encroaches approximately one foot and three inches on the aforesaid ten-foot str ip, remain in place, undist urbed, as though such grant had never been made : And p rovide d furt her, That the city of Fort Wayne, as a consideration for such grant, shall perform all necessary work incident to the relocation of the steps, changes in entrance, approaches, and the grounds of the said post- office site; such work shall be performed under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Treasury Department, all without expense to the United St ates . Approved, March 1, 1929 . Provisos. Portion retained . City to perform nec- ess ary work . No Government ex- pense . CHAP . 413 .-An Act For the appointment of an additional circuit judge for the ninth judicial circuit. j Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and is hereby, authorized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, an additional circuit judge for the ninth udicial circuit . SEC. 2 . When a vacancy shall occur due to the death, resignation, or reti rement of the presen t senio r circu it jud ge of s aid cir cuit, such vacancy shall not be filled unless authorized by Congress . App roved, March 1, 19 29 .