Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1756

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INDEX. v Alaga, Ala., time extended for bridging Chatta- hoochee River at ,.___________ 309 Alaaka, appropriation for salary of governor and secretary __________ - __ __ __ _ 2 40,1604 for contingent expenses _________ 240, 1604 for legislative expenses_ _ _ _______ __ 240 for care of insane _____________ 240,1604 forjudges,attorneys _____________ SO,1111 for marshals, clerks _____________ 80, 1111 for district judges' expenses ______ 81,1112 for meals, etc., to jurors_________ 81,1112 for relief, etc., of shipwrecked Ameri- cen seamen in ______________ 68,1098 for marking boundary line between Canada and ________________ 70,1101 for expenses under treaty of 1925, demarcation of boundary line between Canada. and_ _ _ ______ 70 fo:- inspection, etc.1 of mines in ___ 101, 1131 for star route mall service in ___ 190,1052 for distinctive mail equipment for__ 192, 1055 for aative pupils brought to Indian schools from ______________ 216,1577 for investigating mineral resources of _______________________ 232,1594 for education of lJatives under Com- missioner of Education _____ 239,1603 for medical relief of natives; hospitals, etc_______________________ 239, 1603 for reindeer stations, etc ________ 239,1603 appropriations available for travel- mg, etc., expenses of new ap- pointees, and in change of sta- tion ______________________ 240,1603 for suppressing liquor traffic_____ 240, 1604 for Alaska Railroad ____________ 240,1604 for I!lss by exchange, Army Officers In ________________________ 329, 1353 for military cable, etc__________ 357,1378 for road, bridges, and trails _____ 358, 1379 for regulating Lowell Creek, for pro- tection of adjacent Government . property _____ _______________ 358 for agrieultural experiment stations in _______________________ 542,1192 sale of products _____________ 542,1192 amount for construetion, etc., im- mediately available ________ 642,1192 for weather service expenses in __ 543, 1194 for eXJ?CrimeJ?ts, etc., .for improving reindeer mdustry lD ________ 659,1210 for enforcing game law of _______ 659,1210 for making astronomio observations, etc., in_ _ _ ___________________ 1127 for topographic surveys of national forests in____________________ 1565 deficiency appropriation for education of natives______ 19,904,933, 937,1617 for increased compensation, judges, marshals, etc________________ 20 for medical relief ___________ 46,933,1617 for sch<><?l, power SC?W, and lighter at WhIte Mountaln______________ 904 for legislative expenses________ _____ 904 for storehouse at Golovin, construc- tion, eto__________ . _________ _ for reindeer______________________ _ for roads, trails, etc., in _________ _ for contingent expenses ___________ = for care (\f insane ________________ _ 904 933 936 1644 1644 Alaakol-Continued. deficiency appropriation for recovering, etc. bodies of American soldiers burledin_____________________ 1667 abandoned military reserva.tions, etc., in, to be surveyed, appraised, and disposed oL______________ 371 restored to publio domain subject to entry,etc____________________ 37i additional publio lands granted to, for Agricultural College and School of Mines_____________________ 1091 under exclusive control of the Terri- tory_________________________ 1092 no proceeds to be used for ascctarian institution_ _ _ _______ __ ___ __ _ 1092 lands granted, to be held in "rusL_ .. __ _ 1092 disposal of, only as herein provided._ 1092 for any other object deemed a breach of trust_______________ 1092 no mortgage, etc., of, valid_________ 1092 sale or lease to highest bidder at pub- r t· ad lC a!I~ 10n_ - -. ------ ------ ---- 1 10 092 92 vertismg reqwred____________ _ sales of timber, etc., in same man- ner ____________ .. _ __ ___ __ __ __ _ 1092 leases for five years, or less, allowed without advertising_ _ _________ 1092 appratt:al of all, timber, etc., before belDgoffered________ .. _______ _ minimum price required for land __ fund in Tercttorlal treasury established_ money derived from. lands to be de- 1092 1092 1092 positedin___ .. ________________ 1092 investment, etc., of________________ 1092 use of, for collegebetc., exclusively__ 1092 aPE~ieation to uildings, etc., for- ldden_______________________ 1092 sales, etc., not in conformity here- with, null and vOld____________ 1093 prosecution, etc., by Attorney Gen- eral _________________ ~__ ___ __ 1093 agricultural experimellt stations and • extension work extended to_ __ 1256 estunates based on ability to m.'lke effective use of the funds_ _ _ _ __ 1256 maintenance of two experiment substations__ _________________ 1256 appellate jurisdiction of circuit court 422 of appeals as to interlocutory .orders, etc., of district court of_ bond lSSue authorized by Anchorage for additional school buUding_~ 376 by Seward, for school buUdin~______ 375 bonds, etc., not required of, in legal proceeding in which illterested_ _ 422 branch of Federal land banks may be established in_________________ 1558 in~~st rate; term of loans limited__ 1558 proVlB10ns regulating pugilistio en- countersin ___________________ 1156 salaries of Federal officials in, appro- priated for by the legisiature may be paid by the treasurer up to March 31,1929_______________ 1228 h~reafter, to conform to Federal law_ 1228 sectlOn 1339, of Compiled Laws of 1913 Alaska F~~---------------:----~ 422 appropriation for protecting seal fish- Alaska Re:TarmstroBot (talk) 00:55, 25 September 2010 (UTC)c..-------------- -- 100,1130 appropriation for maintenance, etc. eXIH:nscs. _________________ 240, 1604 OptlratlOu of vessels, etc _______ 240,1604