Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/281

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230 Kitt itas divi sion . Pr ovi so . Balance available . Vol.44,p. 960. Post, p . 1592. Riverton, Wyo . Reappropriation. Vol. 43, p.1171. Post,.p. 1592. Proviso. Use of power reve- nues . Shoshone, Wyo . Provisos . Balance reappropri- ated . Post, p . 1592 . Use of power reve- nues. Secondary projects . Development of new proj ects , etc . Investigations to de- termine economic con- ditions, etc . Proviso . Expenditures supple- mentary to appropria- tion s for proj ects . Expenditures limited to specific allotments . Interchangeable ap- propriati ons . Emergency flood re- pairs. Use of m otor veh i- cles for travel, etc. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 137. 1928 . Yakima project (Kittitas division), Washington : For continua- tion of construction and operation and maintenance, $1,500,000 : Provided, That the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $2 ,000 ,000 con tain ed in the Act ma king app ropr iati ons for the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year 1928 (Forty-fourth Statutes at Large, page 934), shall remain available during the fiscal year 1929 ; Riv ert on project, Wyoming : For operation and maintenance, $ 3 0 , 0 00 ; conti nuation of const ruction under fo rce acco unt, $40 0,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 1926, which is hereby reappropriated : Provided, That not to exceed $20,000 from the power revenues shall be available d uring the fiscal year 1929 for the operation and mai ntena nce of the comme rcial syste m ; in all, $430,000 ; Shoshone project, Wyoming : For continuation of construction of dr ainage , Gar land divisi on, $ 115,0 00 ; Fra nnie divisi on, $ 20,00 0 ; Willwood division, $25 .000 ; in all, $160,000 : Provided, That of the un expen ded bala nce of the appropriation for this project for the fiscal year 1927 there is reappropriated for operation and mainte- nance of the Frannie division, $11,000 ; and of the Willwood division, $10,000 ; in all, $21,000 : Provided further, That not to exceed $20,000 from the power revenues shall be available during the fiscal year 19 29 for the operation and maintenance of the commercial system ; Secon dary projec ts : For cooperative and general investigations, $75,000 ; For investigations necessary to determine the economic conditions and financia l feasib ility of new proj ects and for inv estigati ons and other activities relating to the reorganization, settlement of lands, and financial adjustments of existing projects, including examination of soi ls, cla ssif icat ion of lan d, l and- set tlem ent act ivit ies , in clud ing advertising in newspapers and other publications, and obtaining general economic and settlement data, $75,000 : Provided, That the expenditures fr om th is appropriation for any reclamation pro je ct shall be considered as supplementary to the appropriation for that project and shall be accounted for and returned to the reclamation fund as other expenditures under the Reclamation Act ; Under t he provi sions of this Ac t no gre ater sum shall b e expend ed, nor shall the United States be obligated to expend, during the fiscal year 1929, on any reclamation project appropriated for herein, an amount in excess of the sum herein appropriated therefor, nor shall the whole expendit ures or obligations incurre d for all of such pro jects for the fiscal year 1 929 e xceed the w hole amount in the " reclamation fund " for the fiscal year ; Ten per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be available inter- changeably for expenditures on the reclamation projects named ; but not more than 10 per centum shall be added to the amount appro- priated for any one of said projects, except that should existing works or the water supply for lands under cultivation be endangered by floods or other unusual conditions an amount sufficient to make necessary emergency repairs shall become available for expenditure by further transfer of appropriation from any of said projects upon approval of the Secretary of the Interior ; Whenever, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, the Com- missioner of the Bureau of Reclamation shall find that the expenses of travel, including the local transportation of employees to and from their homes to the places where they are engaged on construc- tion or operation and maintenance work, can be reduced thereby, he may authorize the payment of not to exceed 3 cents per mile for a motor cycle or 7 cents per mile for an automobile used for necessary official business ;