Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/282

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CH. 137 . 1928 .

231 Total, from rec lamation fund, $ 12,644,0 00 .

yuma project, Ariz .- To defray the cost of operating and maintaining the Colorado Calif. River front work and levee system adjacent to the Yuma Federal Colorado River front work adjac ent to . irrigation project in Arizona and California, subject only to section Vol.44,p.1021. 4 of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes," approved January 21, 1927 (Forty-fourth Stat- utes, page 1010), $100,000, to be immediately available . For inves tigati ons t o be made by the Secr etary of th e Int erior Arid cut-o ver tim ber- lands, etc . through the Bureau of Reclamation to obtain necessary information Investigations for de- to determine how ar id and semiarid, swamp, and cut-over timber- vel•ping, "'- lands in any of the States of the United States may be best devel- Vol.43,p.704 . oped, as authorized by subsection R, section 4, Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1924, approved December 5, 1924 (Forty-third Statutes, page 704), including the general objects of expenditure enumerated Ante, p .227. and permitted in the fourth paragraph in this Act under the caption "Bureau of Reclamation," and including mileage for motor cycles and automobiles at the rates and under the c ondit ions a uthor ized herein in connection with the reclamation projects, $15,000. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY S ALAR IES For the Director of the Geological Survey and other personal services in the District of Columbia, in accordance with the Classi- fication Act of 1923, $125,000 . GENE RAL EXPE NSES Geological Survey . . Director, and oflice personnel . General expenses . For every ex penditur e requis ite for and inci dent to t he autho rized Authorizations for all services, etc. work of the Geological Survey, including personal services in the Ante.p.201. District of Columbia and in the field, including not to exceed $17,000 Vehicles. for the purchase and exchange, and not to exceed $40,000 for the hire, m ainten ance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horse- drawn passenger-carrying vehicles for field use only by geologists, topographers, engineers, and land classifiers, and the Geological Sur- vey is authorized to exchange unserviceable and worn-out passenger- carrying and freight-carrying vehicles as part payment for new freight-carrying vehicles, and whenever, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, t he Direc tor of t he Geolo gical Su rvey shal l find t hat the expense of travel can be reduced thereby, he may authorize the paymen t of not to exceed 3 cents per mile for a motor cycle or7 cents per mi le for an automobile used for official business and including not to exceed $5,000 for necessary traveling expenses of the Director and members of the Geological Survey acting under his Attendance at meet- direction, for attendance upon meetings of technical, professional, ings . and scientific societies when required in connection with the author- ized work of the Geological Survey, to be expended under the regul ation s from time to time prescribed by the Secre tary of the Interior, and under the following heads :

Topographic surveys . For topographic surveys in various portions of the United States, including lands in national forests, $505,000, of which amount not to exceed $260,000 may be expended for personal services in the Provisos . District of Columbia : Provided, That no part of this appropriation Restriction on co- operative shall be expended in cooperation with States or municipalities except Stat es, work with , etc . upon the basis of the State or municipality bearing all of the expense incident thereto in excess of such an amount as is necessary for the Geological Survey to perform its share of standard topographic surveys, such share of the Geological Survey in no case exceeding