Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1584

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3238 INDEX. Militia, Organized, Pal[e. balances of appropriations for equip' - ment of armories, Coast Artil- lery, covered in__ _ _ __ __ _______ 365 Milk and Cream, appropriation for regulating sale, etc., in District of COlumbia__________ 1285 deficiency appropriation for regulating importation, etc., oL__________ 14 Milk Importation Act, appropriation for expenses of adminis- tration, etc ________________ 566,1218 Milk River Irrigation Project, Mont., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 229, 1591 MiUar1, ~atilda A. (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Miller,.A~eath E. (widow), penSIOn Increased __________________ _ Miller,. Agr;u (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Miller,.An?l E. (widow), ~nsIOn Increased __________________ _ MiUer,.An?Ul M. (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Miller •. An?lie M. (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ MiUer, B. C., , pay allowedz• as special master, etc., Ohio .Northern District Court __ MiUer, C. S ., etc., may bridge Ohio River, at Mound City, Ill _________________________ _ time extended for bridging Ohio River, at Mound City, Ill., by _________ _ Miller, Elizabeth L. (widow), pen ~on ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ __ _ MiUer,.Car;ie (widow), pen8lOn Increased __________________ _ MiUer,.Cat.herine A. (widow), ~nslon Increased __________________ _ Miller,.Do~a P. (widow), penSIOn Increased __________________ _ Miller, Eliza B. (widow), pension increased __________________ _ MiUer, Elizabeth (daughter), pension increased __________________ _ Miller,.Eli~abeth F. (widow), eensIOn Increased __________________ _ M1Uer, Ella (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Miller,.Bm,ma (widow), penSIOn mcreased __________________ _ Miller,.Em,ma C. (widow), penSIOn Increased __________________ _ Miller, Emma G. (widow), pension __________________________ _ Miller,.Ev~ H. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ Miller,. Gin,evra (widow), }Alnslon mcreaBEld ____________ - - - - - -- MiUer,.Ha~et (widow), penSIOn Increased __________________ _ Miller, Jamu, pension __________________________ _ MiUer, Jane (daughter), pension __________________________ _ MiUer,.JohfI-nna P. (widow), pensIOn Increased ______________ - - - -- MiUer, John A., pension __________________________ _ Miller, J03eph (son), pension __________________________ _ MiUer, Julia (widow), pension ______________________ - - -- - 2219 2079 1790 2203 2110 2100 2047 316 1529 1773 2289 2215 2184 2147 2234 2057 1961 2189 2189 2176 2084 2245 1891 1811 2189 2174 2311 1943 2286 Miller,.Lo~i3a E. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ Miller, Lydia (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Miller, Maggie (widow), pension increased __________________ _ Miller, Margartt A. (widow), pension __________________________ _ Miller, Mary (mother), pension __________________________ _ Miller, Mary (widow), pension ___ ~ ______________________ _ Miller, Mary A. (widow oJ George W.), pension increased __________________ _ MiUer,.Ma,ry A. (widow oJ Henry H.), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Miller,. Ma,ry Ann (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Miller,.Ma,ry E. (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Miller, Mary E. (widow oJ Thomas J.), pension increased __________________ _ Miller, Mary E. (widow oJ William H.), pension increased __________________ _ MiUer,.Ma,ry J. (widow), penSIOn Increased __________________ _ MiUer,.Ma,ry L. (widow oJ Albert H.), penSIOn Increased __________________ _ MiJ!er,. Ma,ry L. (widow oJ Newton D.), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ MiUer,.Ma,ry L. (widow oJ Pawel 0.), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ MiUer,. Ma,ry M. (widow), ~z:.IMdt~lJ:~d(TarmstroBot (talk)):------------ ~nsion increased __________________ _ Mdler, Robert W., summoned before Army retiring board to inquire into his disabilities, etc ________________________ _ on report of board, may be appointed first lieutenant of Cavalry and retired, or retained on active list ________________________ _ Miller,.Oll~e T. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ Miller,. Per.melia (widow), . jlenslon Increased __________________ _ Miller•• Ro~etta V; (widow), ~nslon Increased __________________ _ Mtller, Sarah (daughter), pension __________________________ _ MiUer, Sarah A. (widow). pension __________________________ _ Miller •. Sar,ah E. M. (widow), pension Increased __________________ _ MiUer,.Sar,ah H. (widow), penSIon mcreased __________________ _ Miller, Sinia E. (widow), pension __________________________ _ Miller,.S~an F. (widow), penSIOn mcreased __________________ _ Miller, Thomas, alias James W. Huston, pension __________________________ _ Millias.. M~hala J. (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Millica,n, F!lizabeth L. (widow), pensIOn mcreased __________________ _ Millican, Mary A. (widow), ~nsion increased __________________ _ Mzllichamp, F. ~tanley, payme~~cTarmstroBot (talk)l_o~_TarmstroBot (talk) _ 02:48, 7 January 2012 (UTC)e_s__t~_ ~i~ Milligan, Amelia (widow), pension increased __________________ _ PaKe. 2166 2063 1964 1814 2006 1809 2156 2157 2056 1864 2097 2197 1872 2218 1795 1892 2239 1878 2015 2015 2155 2164 1736 1788 2255 2157 2050 1765 2061 1845 2079 2183 2221 2326 1747