Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/37

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SBSS. I. CBS. 241-244 . 1928. Navy Department, dated between June 1 and August 29, 1922; and check numbered 1000 in the amount of $16,676.71 drawn by Levin, Deluge and Kerschbaum, SIS South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on the National Bank of Commerce, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, certified by such bank, name of payee not ascertainable, date believed to be in calendar year 1921 or 1922. Approved, March 24, 1928. 1718 MIIlCh 24. U1l/8. OHAP. 848. - An Act Authorizing the Secretary of War to loan oertain field -"[Pri=v~[:~ie.'JJJ'}I)~N'2-J.""7.U."]­ guns to the ci.y of Dallaa, Texas. B~ it e1UICted by tM Serude and H t>u8e of Representati'Ve8 of tM United Stak8 of America in Oongres, auenWW, That the Secretary ~~Id JUD8 of War be, and he is hereb~1 authorized and directed to lend without W~fe~~ to. .. bond, without expen,ee to tile United States, to the city of Dallas, . Tens, for the purpose of display in the State fair park in that city, two three-inch lield guns, modellOO2l".serially numbered 161 and 158, with carnages, which were used by .Hattery A, Texu' National Guard, from 1006 to 1917, until such guns may be needed for national defense. App1"Jved, March 24, 1928. March 24. IIl28. OHAP. 248. - - An Act For the relief of Jacob F. Webb. PkH. R . 6256.] [ v&&e, No.G.] Be it enacted '!Jy the Senate and H0'U8e of Representati'VtM of the United StaUB ()f AmeNca in. OO'nfl'l'e88 au6'l'1fbled That in the ad- laoob F. Webb. .. . f If' . h . vil' d be eft MlUtary record -- lIllIllst1'at;o,'~ a '1ny aws con errmg_ ng ts, pn eges, an n ts l8Cted. upon honorably diScharged soldiers, J &cob F. Webb, late of Company II, Eleventh Regiment Rissouri State Militia. Cavalry, and Company L, Second Regiment Missouri State Militia Cavalry, shall hereafter be held and considered to have been discharged honorably from the military service of the United States as a member of the latter com- ProM. pany and regiment on the 18th day of December, 1862: Pf'O'D'ided, No back pay, etc.. That-no bounty] pay, or allowances shall be held as accrued prior to the passage of thIS Act. Approved, March 24, 1928. March 24, IG28. OHAP. 844. -An Act For the relief of Kate Mathews. [B.3.] [Private, No ....J Be it e71Mted by the Senate and H 0'U88 of Repre8entatwea of the United State8 of A~a i",Otmgre88 onembled, That the Secretary ~::U!~~:'&,r pw- of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to IIOnailDjuries. pay to Kate Mathews, of San Antonio, Texas, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated and in full settlement against the Government, the sum of $5,000 as compensation for in- juries received and expenses incurred by reason of haViJlg been struck by a United States Army automobile in San Antonio, ~exas, on the 30th day of September%,..1920t, the automobilebe!ng driven at the time she was struck by Jfirst Lieutenant Roscoe S. O'Hara, ProNo. Air Service, United States Army: Pro'lJided, That the United States Bubroptionofclalm.- be subrogated to the amount hereby appropriated to any claim said Kate Mathews has against said Roscoe S. O'Hara as a result of a judgment she may have obtained against said Roscoe S. O'Hara in the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Ohio, Western Division. Approved, March 24, 1928.