Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/38

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1714 March:n,IG28. [H.R.7110.) SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SEB8. I. CBS. 257-260. 1928. OHAP. :a07.-An Act For the relief of Franoee L. Dtekinaon. [Private, No. <&5.] . B. it tmIJCUd by tM Senate and· H DUBe ot R6p!u6nttJtw6I 01 tM Frances L. Dlcltln· Umt«l Stata o/America in ODn{lr688 a88em1Jled, That the SecretarJ ao~bunement to, of the Treasury be, alld he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay,

~:~.atamps out of any money in the .T~ of ~he United St.tes not other-

wise appropriated, to Frances L. Dickinson the sum of $60 as reim- bursement .of a payment made to a former postmaster at Essex, Connecticut, for twelve war-saving stamps which were never delivered. Approved, March 27,1928. MI$l'eII:n,I" t4-tH. R. all;) OHAP. aB8.~An Act For the relief of A. B . Guffey. [ ft&e, No. <lO.1 · Bs it MI4CtetJ, by the Senate tmd Hovae of Repruentati'Du of the A B Ot11'rey UmtBd Statu 0-/ .4m.61"'boa W.001fl{JT688 aaiMnhled, That the Pc~t­ credit In pOstal IIC- master General De, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to credit counts. tbe·aooouate.of A. B. GuBey, late postmaster at Pittsbur!!'h, Penn- aylvauia, in the sum of $2,237.60 due to the United States on account or postal funds embezzled by Henry C. Schuster, late superintendent of the north side station, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the year 1920. Approved, March 27,1928. Karch :n, IG28. [H. R. 3873 .) CHAP. 259.- An Act For the reIief of Major F. Ellis Reed. [Private, No. '7.] Be it 6MCUd by tltis Senate and H 0U86 of Repre8Mtati1)uol the =!:m~~' Unit«l Statu of .America in Oonqre88 tl88emlJled, That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay to Major ~'. Ellis Reed, late captain in the Quartermaster Corps of the Ameri- can ~tionary Forces, the sum of $261.26, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise .appropriated, to reimburse the said Major F. Ellis Reed for t~e sum of $261.26, United ~tates cun:ency, which was stolen or lost wlthout fault or neglect on his_part while he was actiDg as disburs!!lg officer at the Second Signal Corps Schools, Chatillon-sur-Seine, France, and which said sum the said Major F. Ellis Reed has since paid into the Treasury of the United States in discharge of his liability as such disbursing officer. Approved, March 27, 1928. MIIl'Ch 'rl. 1G28 . ~ pW' R. 3146.] OHAP. aeo.- An Act For the relief of Willis B. Cross. [ vate, No. 48 .) Willb B C Be it enacted by the Senate and H 0'U86 of ReP!J!8entati1)6s of the Military' ~d cor· United, State8 of America in·Oongre88 a88errWled, That in the &droin- noted. istration of the pension laws Willis B. Cross shall hereafter be held and consi~ered to have been m~tered into the military service of the United States as a private of Captain Miner's Seventeenth Battery, Indiana Volunteer Light Artillery, and to have been honorably dischar~d therefrom after having served therein more ~pay.e'e. than ninety days: P1'O'tJided, That no back pay, bounty, pension, or allowance shall be held to have accrued prior to tlie passage of this Act. Approved, March 27, 1928.