Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/753

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PAN-AMERICAN POSTAL UNION. NOVEMBER 9, 1926. 2429 Articulo 10 PUBLICACIONES 1. La Oficina Internacional de Ill. Uni6n Postal Panamericana dirigira. una circular especial, cuando una Administraci6n solicite Ill. inmediata publicaci6n de alg6n cambio que haya in- troducido en sus servicios y distribuira. asimismo, gratuita- mente, a cada una de las Ad- ministraciones de los pruses con- tratantes y a Ill. Oficina Inter- nacional de Berna, los documen- tos que publique, debiendo acor- dar a cada Administraci6n el nlimero de ejemplares que Ie corresponda en proporci6n a las unidades con que contribuya. Los ejemplares suplementarios de los documentos que soliciten las Administraciones, ser{m abo- nados pOI' elIas a precio de costo. 2. Debera. tener al dill. Ill. Guill. Postal Panamericana, pOI' medio de suplementos 0 de otra manera que juzgue conveniente. 3. La Oficina repartira. entre los paises contratantes las pro- posiciones que reciba, conforme a 10 que establece el articulo 23 de Ill. Convenci6n Principal. AI efecto, todos los paises de la Union Postal Panamericana, daran a conocer, por conducto de Ill. misma Oficina, y con Ill. oportunidad debida, se~un se establece en Ill. ConvenCI6n, las proposiciones que formulen para los Congresos Universales, con el fin de que tales iniciativas sean apoyadas, en 10 posible, pOI' el conjunto de dichos paises. 4. El Director de Ill. Oficina asistira. a las sesiones de los Congresos y Conferencias de Ill. Uni6n Postal Panamericana, pudiendo tomar parte en las discusiones sin derecho a voto. 5. EI idioma oficial de Ill. Oficina Internacional es el es- pafiol. No obstante, los paises cuyo idioma no fuere ese, podran usaI' el propio en sus relaciones con ella. 54835°-29-PT 2 -48 Article 10 PUBLICATIONS 1. The International Office of Documents, etc. , thPAm· P t-1 U· from International Of· e an- encan OS tu mon fice. will send out a special circular whenever an Administration re- quests the immediate pUblication of any change that has been introduced in its service, and will likewise furnish gratuitously, to each one of the Administra- tions of the contracting countries and to the International Bureau of Berne the documents which it publishes, allowing each Adminis- tration the number of copies which corresponds to the number of units which it contributes. Additional copies of the docu- ments requested by the Ad- ministrations will be paid for by them at cost. 2. It must keep the Pan- Pan·American Postal American Postal Guide up to Gwde. date by means of supplements, or in some other manner which it deems convenient. 3 The Office will distribute p'istributl~n of prol>' • •• OSltlOn5 received. among the contractmg countnes the propositions which it receives in accordance with the provisions of Article 23 of the Principal A1iU, p. 2m. Convention. To this end, all the countries of the Pan-Ameri- can Postal Union will make known, thru the intermedia.r;r of the same Office and in due tIme, as is established b;r the Con- vention, the propOSItions which they may formulate for Universal Congresses, in order that such p,ropositions may be supported, If possible, by the whole of the said countries.· d 4ThD·t f th Offi Director to Btten . e trecor0 e ce Congresses, etc. will attend the sessions of Con- gresses and Conferences of the Pan-American Postal Union, and may take part in the discussions without the ri~ht to vote. 5. The offiCial language of the Ia~:e~ to be official International Office is Spanish. However, countries whose lan- guage is not Spanish may use their own in relations with the Office.