Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/777

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CLAIMS CONVENTION-MEXICO. AUGUST 16, 1927. Oonvention between the United State8 and Mexico ezlending duration of the General Claims Commission J!fovided j<Yf in the convention oj September 8, 1923. Signed at Washington, August 16, 1927; ratified by the President, October 8, 1927 in_ 'J.YUrsuance oj Senate re8olution~ February 17, 1987; ratified by Mexico, September 30, 1927; rati cations exchanged at Wa.shington, October 12, ta27; proclaime , October 13,1927. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. 2453 August 16, 1m. POll, p. 2455. WHEREAS a Convention between the ~nited States of America oo~lt~wii6!\k~x~ and the United Mexican States for the extension of the dura.tion of ioop=g~. the Commission constituted pursuant to the Convention concluded between the two Governments on September 8, 1923, for the settle- ment and amicable adjustment of certain claims therein defined, was concluded and si~ed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the slXteenth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-sAven, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: WHEREAS a convention was CONSIDERANDO que el8 de Vol.43 ,p 1730. signed on September 8, 1923, be- septiembre de 1923 se :firm6 une. tween the United States of Amer- convenci6n entre los Estados ice. and the United Mexican Unidos de Norte Am6rice. y los States for the settlement and Estados Unidos Mexicanos pare. a.m~ce.ble aqjustment of certain el arregl0 y. ajuste amistoso de claImS therem defined; anti las reclamaclones que en ella se WHEREAS under Article VI of said convention the Commis- sion constituted pursuant thereto is bound to ,hear, examiue and de- cide within three years from the date of its first meeting all the claims filed with it, except as provided in Article VII; and definen; CONSIDERANDO que se~ Vol. 43, p. 1m. el Articulo VI de dicha convenCl6n WHEREAS it now appears that the said Commission cannot hear, examine and decide such claims within the time limit thus fixed' The President of the United States of America and the Presi- dent of the United Mexican States are desirous tha.t the time originally fixed for the duration of the said Comxnission should be extended, and to this end have named as their respective pleni- potentiaries, that is to sa.y: The President of the United States of America, Honorable Frank B. Kello~, Secret&ry of Sta.te of the Umted States; and la Comisi6n que seltt1n aqu611e. se constituy6 estll. obllgada a oir, examinar y decidir dentro de 103 tres afios despu&,; de Ie. feche. de su primera junte. todas las reela- . d ell Vol. 43 , p. 1135. maclOnes presenta as ante a, excepto 10 que previene el Arti- culo VII;y CONSIDERANDO que ahora resulte. que diche. Comisi6n no puede oir, examinar y decidir tales .ciones dentro de ese plazo; El Presidente de los Estados Conttooting Powerll Unidos de Norte Am~rica f el Presidente de los Estados Umdos Mexicanos, deseando que Be pro- rrogue el plazo fijado origintl.ria- mente para 180 dura.ci6n de diche. Comisi6n, han nombrado como e. sus Plenipotenciarios respectivos: El Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Norte Am~rica, Hono- rable Frank B. Kellogg, Secretario de Estado de los Est8.dos Unid08 de .A.m6rica; y Plenipotentiaries.