Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/947

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TREATY-HONDURAS. DECEHBER 7,1927. 2628 Each of the High Contracting Parties binds itself uncondition- ally to impose no higher or other duties or conditions and no pro- hibition on the importation of any article, th~ growth, produce or manufacture, of the territories of the other than are or shall be im- posed on the importation of any like article, the growth, produce of manufacture of any other for- eign country. Each of the High Contracting Parties also binds itBelf uncondi- tionally to impose no higher or other charges or other restric- tions or prohibitions on goods ex- ported to the territories of the other High Contracting Party than are imposed on goods ex- ported to any other foreign country. Any advantage of whatsoever kind which either High Contract- ing Party may extend to any ar- ticle, the growth, produce, or manufacture of any other foreign country sha.ll simultaneously and unconditiona.lly, without request and without COl!lpensation, be extended to the like article the growth, produce or manufacture of the other High Contracting Party. All articles which are or may be legally imported from foreign countries into ports of the United States or are or may be legally exported therefrom in vessels of the United States may likewise be imported into those ports or exported therefrom in Honduran vessels without being. liable to any other or higher duties or charges whatsoever than if such articles were imported or eXJ>orted in ves- sels of the United States; and, reciprocallY i all articles which are or may be egally imported from foreign countries into the ports of Honduras or are or may be legally exported therefrom in Honduran vessels may likewise be imported into these ports or exported there- from in vessels of the United States without being liable to any other or higher duties or charges whatsoever than if such articles Cada una de las Altas Partee Most favored nation Contratantes se compromete in- treatment oflmpol'ta. condicionalmente a no imponer may-ores u otros derechos 0 con- diCIones, ni ninguna J>rohibici6n sobre la importa.ci6n de cualquier articulo, cultivo producci6n 0 manufactura de los territorios de la otra, que los que sa impongan a la importaci6n de articulos, cultivos, productos 0 manufac- turas iguales de cualquier otro pais extranjero. Cd d 1 Alt P~ .... ~... No discrimination of aaunaeas as .... ..., ., export charges, etc. Contratantes Be compromete tam- bien incondicionaImente a no imponer a los articulos exportados a los territorios de la otra Alta Parte Contratante, otras ni ma- yores cargas, restricciones 0 :pro- hibiciones que las estableCldas sobre los articulos exportados a cualquier otro pais extranjero. Cal · .vilegi. Extension of odvao- U .qruerpn 0 que una tagesgiventoanyother de las Altas Partes ContrBtantes foreign country. pueda extender a favor de un articulo, cultivo, producto 0 me.- nufactura de cuaIquier otro pais extranjero, sera extendido simul- tllneamente y de manera incondi- Clonal, sin solicitud y compensa- ci6n, a los artfculos, cultivos, productos 0 manufacturas iguales de 180 otra Alta Parte Contra- tante. Td I tiul Equality of imports o OS OS ar c OS quesean 0 orexportsbyvessels01 puedan ser importados legalmente either country. de paises extranjeros a los puertos po.t, p . 2639. de los Estados Unido8 0 que sean o puedan ser exportados legal- mente de ellos en barcos de los Estados Unidos, Imeden ser im- portados en aquellos puertos 0 exportados de ellos en barcos hon- durefios, sin estar sujetos a dis- tintos ni mayores impuestos 0 de- rechos que si tales articulos fueran importados 0 exportadcis en bar- cos de los Estados Unidos; y re- ciprocamente, todos los articulos que sean 0 puedan ser importados legalmente de paises extranjeros a puertos de Honduras 0 que sean 0 puedan ser exportados de ellos legalmente en barcos hondureiios, pueden de igual manera ser im- portados a esos puertos 0 expor- tados de ellos en barcos de los Estados Unidos sin estar sujetos