Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/994

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2670 CONVENTION-PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA. NOVEMBER 18, 1927. Restriction as to an- 3. As encomendas registadas ou other oountry. encomendas com valores declara- dos nao serao expedidas ou de- yolvidas para um outro paiz, a nao ser que 0 sejam como registos ou como valores declarados, con- forme 0 caso. Os remetentes poderao escrever nas encomendas reO'istadas ou encomendas com vaiores declarados: "Do not for- ward to a third country" (" Nao envie para um terceiro paiz"). Quando as encomendas nao levarem esta inscric:;ao, mostrando que os remetentes nao desejam que elas sejam enviadas par!!. qualquer outro paiz que nao seja o de origem ou dentro do paiz do primitivo destino, elas poderao ser expedidas para um terceiro paiz se forem enviadas como registos ou como valores decla- rados, segundo 0 caso. As en- comendas registadas ou encomen- das com valores declarados pode- rao ser devolvidas ao remetente V~iTarmstroBot (talk)mnltY pro- num terceiro paiz, segundo 0 en- derec:;o, para a devoluc:;ao, indicado nas encomendas, caso elas possam ser devolvidas como registos ou como valores declarados, con- forme 0 caso. Nos casas de ex- trllvio, furto, ou damno duma en- comenda. registada ou enc~menda com valor declarado, expedida ou devolvida para um terceiro paiz, a indemnizac:;ao a pagar sera em conformidade com as disposic:;oes Antt, p. 2M4 . do artigo XII, numero 3, desta Convenc:;ao. 3. Registered or ,insured par- cels shall not be forwarded or re- turned to another country unless they are forwarded or returned as ~registered or insured mail, as the case may be. Senders may indorse registered and insured parcels "Do not forward to e third country", in which event the parcels shall not be for- warded to any other country. Unless such parcels are indorsed to indicate that the senders do ~ot wish them forwarded to any country other than that of mail- in~ or within the country of orIginal address, they may be for- warded to a third country if they are forwarded as registered or insured mail, as the case may be. Registered and insured parcels may be returned to the sender in a third country, in accordance with a return address on the parcels, if they can be returned as registered or jnsured mail, as the case may be. In case of the loss, rifling, or damage of a registered or insured parcel for- warded or returned to a third country, indemnity will be J?aid only in accordance with the stipu- lations of Article XII, Section 3, of this Convent,ion. Other charges. XVII. NAo SERAO CoBBADAS XVII. POSTAL CHARGES OTHER TEXAS POSTAIS QUE NAO SEJAM THAN THOSE PRESCRIBED NOT TO AS ESTIPULADAS. BE COI.LECTED . Not allowed. 1. As encomendas abrangidas pelas disposic:;5es cesta Con- venc:;ao nao serao sujeitas a quais- quer taxas postais que nao sejam as estipuladas nos seus diferentes artigos. Retention of postage, 2. Cada Administra<'ao reserva etc., oollected. " para si a totalidade de todos os portes e premios e mais taxas que cobrar em conformidade com as disposic:;Oes desta Convenc:;ao. 1. The parcels to which this Convention applies shall not be subject to any postal charges other than those contemplated by the different articles hereof. 2. Each AdministratioJl shall retain to its own use the whole of the postage and fees and other charges which it collects under the provisions of this Convention.