Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/997

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CONVENTION-PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA. NOVEMBER 18, 1921. 2673 xx. CANCELAKENTO DAS TAXAS XX. CUSTOMS CHARGES TO BE CU8toI!lll charges. ALFANDEGARUS, CANOELLED. Desde que as formalidades prescritas ~las aut 0 rid a des alfandegarlas interessadas sejam curnpridas, as taxas da alfandega, propriamente ditas, impostas nas encomendas destruidas, devol- vidas ao paiz de origem, ou re- expedidas para urn outro paiz, seriio canceladas tanto na Africa Ocidental Portuguesa como nos Estados Unidos da America. XXI. REmANSMISSAO. As encomendas 0 r din a ria s erradamente transmitidas, serio reexpedidas para os seus destinos pela via mais directa de que puder dispor a Administra«;ao re- expedidora, mas nao deverao ser marcadas, por essa Admin,is- tra«;iio, com taxas alfandegarias ou outras. As encomendas regis- tadas ou encomendas com valores declarados, erradamente trans- mitidas, nao serio reexpedidas aos seus destinos a nao ser que 0 possam ser como registos ou como valores declarados, conforme 0 caso. Se nao puderem ser re- expedidas como registos ou como valores declarados, segundo 0 caso, seriio devolvidas ao paiz de origem. XXII. RECEPTACULOS . Cada Administra«;ao devera prover-se de sacos e caixas neces- sarios para a exped.i«;ao das suas encomendas. Todos eases sacos e caixas serao devolvidos ao paiz de origem pela primeira mala. Os sacos vasios constituiriio em- brulhos de dez (nove sacos in- cluidos nurn), sendo a totalidade desses sacos como tambem a totalidade das cains devolvidas mencionadas na gu,ia das enco- mendas. XXIII. bONOS 1. As importancias a ahonar pelas encomendas em transito, expedidas duma Administra«;iio Ii. outra e destinadas as possessOes de qualquer dos dois paizes ou a urn terceiro paiz, seriio fixadas pe- la Administra«;ao intermediaria, Provided the formalities pre- Cancelled, If parcel 'bdbhC h . destroyed, etc. serle yte ustomsautOrI- ties concerned are fulfilled, the customs charges, properly so- called, on parcels destroyed7 sent back to the country of origm, or redirected to another country shall be cancelled hoth in Portu- ~ese West Africa and in the United States of America. XXI. RETRANSMISSION. Retransmission. Missent ordinary parcels shall n:~;:~Ys. for ordl· be forwarded to their destination by the most direct route at ~he dIsposal of the reforwarding Ad- ministration but must not be marked with the customs or other charges by the reforwarding Ad- ministration. Missent registered or~.If registered or insured parcels shall not be forwarded to their destination unless they can be forwarded as registered or insured mail, as the case may be. If they can not be forwarded as registered or in- sured mail, as the case may be, tbE'!Y shall be returned to the country of origin. XXII. REoEPTACLES. Receptacles. Each Administration shall pro- Bags and boxes to be vide the bags and hoxes neces- provided, etc. sary for the despatch of its par- cels. All such bags and bOxes shall be returnecl. to the country of origin by the next mail. Empty bar shall be made up in bundles 0 ten (nine bags en- closed in one) and the total num- ber of such ba~ shall be advised on the parcel bIll as shall the total number of boxes returned. XXIII. CHARGES Charges. 1. The amounts to be allowed toTarmstroBot (talk)!.r;tted in respect to parcels sent from one Administration to the other for onward transmission to a possession of either country or to a third country shall be fixed by the intermediary Administration,