Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1067

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1024 Appropriations for fiscal year 1931, avail- able for pay and allow- ances. Ante, p. 839. S EVENT Y-FI RST CONGRESS . SESS . III. CHs. 3, 5. 1930. allow ance s of offic ers and m ember s of the fire depa rtmen t of the District of Columbia are hereby made available for the compensation of such personnel at the rates provided in the Act of the Seventy- first Co ngress e ntitled "An Act t o fix th e salari es of of ficers an d members of the M etropoli tan polic e force and the fire dep artment o f the Dist rict of Columbia . " Approved, December 4, 1930 . D ecember 8, 1930 . [H. R.736.1

CRAP. 5 .-An Act To auth ori ze the c ess ion to the city of New Yo rk of [Public, No . 542.1 land on the northerly side of New Dorp Lane in exchange for permission to c onnect Mill er Field wi th the said city's pub lic sewer system . Be it e nac ted by the Sena te and House o f Re pre sent ativ es o f the Miller Field, N . Y. United States o f America in Congress assembled, That upon receipt Portion of, conveyed by the authorities representing the Government of the United States to New York City in ex cha nge for per miss ion in charge of Miller Field in the Borough of Richmond, city of New to connect with ci ty York, and State of New York, of prop er authorization from the sewer system. board of estimate and apportionment of the city of New York, of the State of New York, granting permission to the said authorities of the United States Government in charge of Miller Field in said borough to connect with the public sewer system of the city of New York, and upon the city of New York bearing all expense incident to the mov- Expenses of transfer . ing of transformer station and transmission lines ; moving three meter kits and providing new service connections ; moving and rebuilding nonclimable fence, including three gates on the new southerly boundary of the reservation ; rebuilding approximately five hundred feet of retaining wall along new reservation boundary, southwest of the radio station, and rebuilding of breakwater on the new reservation boundary line at the southeasterly corner of the reservation ; all the right, title, and interest of the United States of America in and to the following described premises- Description. Beginning at a point in the northeasterly line of New Dorp Lane, as shown on a map entitled " Map of New Dorp Lane from Tenth Street to the Lower New York Bay," dated January 18, 1923, adopted by the board of estimate and apportionment of the city of New York on June 29, 1923, and approved by the mayor of the city of New York on July 11, 1923, said point being distant three hundred and two and sixty-nine one-hundredths feet southeasterly from the intersection of the northeasterly line of New Dorp Lane and the southeasterly line of Hylan Boulevard (Southfield Boulevard), the coordinates of which, in the system established by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey for the borough of Richmond, are south thirty-two thousand and fifty-five and five hundred and thirty- seven one-thousandths feet, west eighteen thousand two hundred and seventy-eight and eight hundred and forty-seven one-thousandths feet ; thence along the n ortheasterly line of New Dorp Lane, as adopted on the above map, (1) south fifty-five degrees one minute fifty-eight seconds, east seven hundred and t hir ty' and forty-three one-hundredths feet ; thence (2) south fifty-eight degrees seventeen minutes forty-five seconds, east one thousand one hundred and thirty- eight and forty-eight one-hundredths feet ; thence (3) south fifty- seven degr ees thirty-one minutes sevente en seconds, east four hundred and forty-three and seventeen one-hundredths feet ; thence (4 ) south fifty-sev en degre es thirt y minute s fourte en second s, east six hundred and forty-nine and thirty-five one-hundredths feet ; thence (5) south fifty-seven degrees twenty-seven minutes thirty-two