Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1183

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III . Cg. 187 . 1931.. vouchers, and that the claims so submitted shall be subject to the Surns rei mb urs abl e . approval of the Secretary of the Interior : Provided further, That any sums allowed and paid under this Act to the attorneys shall be reimbursable to the credit of the Seminole Nation out of any amount or amounts which may hereafter be decreed by the Court of Claims to said attorneys for their services and expenses in connection with the Seminole tribal claims and suits under the above-mentioned Act of May 20, 1924 . Osages, Okla .

For the suppor t of the Osag e Agency, and for necessary expenses Agencyexpenses from trust funds . i n connection with oil and gas production on the Osage Reservation, Oklahoma, including pay of necessary employees, the tribal attorney and his stenographer, one special attorney in tax and other matters, and pay of tribal officers ; repairs to buildings, rent of quarters for employees, traveling expenses, printing, telegraphing and telephon- ing, and purchase, repair, and operation of automobiles, $259,000, payable from funds held by the United States in trust for the Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma . Visits of tribal coun- cil, etc ., to Washington, For expenses incurred in connection with visits to Washington, D. C. District of Columbia, by the Osage Tribal Council and other mem- bers of said tribe, when duly autl prized or approved by the Secre- tary of the Interior, $5,000, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the Osage Tribe . of Utesd'rated Bands The sum of $93,000 is hereby appropriated out of the principal Distribution to, from funds to the credit of the Confederated Bands of Ute Indians, the tribal principal funds . sum of $48,000 of said amount for the benefit of the Ute Mountain (formerly Navajo Springs) Band of said Indians in Colorado, and the sum of $45,000 of said amount for the Uintah, White River, and Uncompahgre Bands of Ute Indians in Utah, which sums shall be support and self eying property ad property ,- char ed to said bands, and the Secretary of the Interior is also au- g ministering from a ccrued inter est . thorized to withdraw from the Treasury the accrued interest to and vol . 37, p. 934, including June 30, 1931, on the funds of the said Confederated Bands of U te Ind ians a pprop riated under the A ct of March 4, 1913 (37 Stat ., p . 934), and to expend or distribute the same for the purpose of administering the property of and promoting self-support among the said Indians, under such regulations as the Secretary of the In- Proviso .

terior may prescribe : Provided That none of the funds in this ara- Restriction on road

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p construction . graph shall be expended on road construction unless preference shall be given to Indians in the employment of labor on all roads con- structed from the sums herein appropriated from the funds of the Confederated Bands of Utes . Roads and bridges . ROADS AND BRIDGES Red Lake Reserva- tion, Minn .

For the construc tion and repa ir of roads an d bridges on the Red fr Con

w Chppeaetc ., Lake Indian Reservation, including the purchase of material, equip- funds .

ment, and supplies, and the employment of labor, $25,000, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the Red Lake I P ndi rovis an o l . abor .

Band of Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota


That Indian labor shall be employed as far as practicable . Road construction, For the construc tion repair, and maintenanc e of roads on Indian non-Federal aided high- ways . reservations not eligible to Government aid under the Federal High- way Act, including engineering and supervision and the purchase of material, equipment, supplies, and the employment of Indian labor, . Pr o"So

$500,000, to be immediately available :: Provided, That where prac- Local contributions . ticable te Secretary of the Interior shall arrage with the local authorities to defray the maintenance expenses of roads constructed hereunder and to cooperate in such construction . Gall up Shiprock For maintenance and repair of that portion of the Gallup-Ship- aigbway'N. Mex. rock Highway w ithin the Nav ajo Reservatio n, New Mexico , including