Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1202

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . Suss . III . Cs. 187 . 1931 .

1159 patients : Provided, That so much of this sum as may be required Ret D Urnfng inmates shall be available for all necessary expenses in ascertaining the who are not Federal residence of inmates who are not or who cease to be properly charge- charges . able to Federal maintenance in the institution and in returning them to such places of residence : Provided further, That during the fiscal Patients of the Dis- yea r 1932 t he Distri ct of Co lumbia, or any b ranch of the Gove rnment trict of Columbia, etc. requiring Saint Elizabeths Hospital to care for patients for which they are responsible, shall pay by check to the superintendent, upon his written request, either in advan ce or at the end of each month, all or part of the e stimated or actu al cost of such m aintenan ce, as the case may be, and bills rendered by the Superintendent of Saint Elizabeths Hospital in accordance herewith shall not be subject to audit or certification in advance of payment ; proper adjustments on the basis of the actual cost of the care of patients paid for in advance shall be made monthly or quarterly, as may be agreed upon between the Superintendent of Saint Elizabeths Hospital and the District of Columbia government, department, or establishments Sumspaidforpatients concerned . All sums paid to the Superintendent of Saint Elizabeths c redi ted to mainte- Hospital for the care of patients that he is authorized by law to receive shall be deposited to the credit on the books of the Treasury Department of the appropriation made for the care and maintenance of the patients at Saint Elizabeths Hospital for the year in which the support, clothing, and treatment is provided, and be subject to requisition by the disbursing agent of Saint Elizabeths Hospital, upon the approval of the Secretary of the Interior . For completing the construction and equipment of a male-receiv- 11falereceiving build- ing . ing buildin g, $750,0 00 : Provided, That the appropriation for the Pr0ri8o . Use of fund for relo- fi scal year 1931 for begi nning the cons truct ion a nd e quipm ent o f e atin g thr ee t uber cu- this building shall be available for the relocation of three tuberculosis to i n dp s324p units. buildings and one shop building . For t he co nstr uctio n and equ ipmen t of two conti nuous -tre atmen t buildings and dining hall and kitchen building, to be immediately available, $ 825,000 . COLUM BIA INST ITUTI ON FOR THE DE AF For supp ort of t he instit ution, i ncluding salarie s and inc idental exp enses, b ooks and illustra tive app aratus, and gener al repai rs and im prove ment s, $1 25,00 0 . HOWARD UNIVERSITY Salaries : For payment in full or in part of the salaries of the off icers, professors, teachers, and other regular employees of the university, the balance to be paid from privately contributed funds, $450,000, of which sum not less than $2,200 shall be used for normal instruction ; General expenses : For equipment, supplies, apparatus, furniture, cases and shelving, stationery, ice, repairs to buildings and grounds, and for other necessary expenses, including reimbursement to the appropriation for Freedmen's Hospital of actual cost of heat and light furnished, $225,000 ; For completing the construction and equipment of an educational classroom building, $260,000, to be immediately available . For reconstructing and improving the underground system of di stributi ng heat, light, a nd power at Howa rd Unive rsity, in cluding nonstructural improvements to land incident thereto, $225,000, to be immediately available . New construction . Columbia Ins tit u- tion for the Deaf. Maintenance . Howard University . Salaries . Equipment supplies, etc. Classroom construe- t ion and eq uipm ent . Post, p. 1455. H eat, li ght, and power . Reconstruction,