Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/160

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117 For an additional amount for personal services in the District of Services, Federal Re- serve and national cur- Columbia in connection with the Federal Reserve and national rency. curren cy, fis cal ye ar 1930, $36,780, to be reimbu rsed by the F ederal reserve and national banks . COAS T GUARD Pay and allowances : For an additional amount for pay and allow- ances, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act m aking approp riati ons fo r the Treasu ry De partme nt for the fis cal ye ar 1930, $42,0 00 . Fuel and water : The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to make transfers during the fiscal year 1930 from the appropriation "Fuel and water, Coast Guard, 1930," to the appropriations "Pay and allowances, Coast Guard, 1930," and "Mileage, and so forth, Coast Guard, 1930," of sums not to exceed in the aggregate $380,000 . Motor boats : For motor boats and their equipment, to be con- structed or purchased in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, fiscal year 1930, $260,000 . Communication lines : For an additional amount for communica- tion lines and facilities and their maintenance, fiscal year 19 30, $10,000 . For an additional amount for communication lines and facilities and their maintenance, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $30,000 . Repairs to Coast Guard vessels : For repairs to Coast Guard vessels, fiscal year s 19 3 0 and 1931, $150,000 . The limitation on expenditures for the services of skilled drafts- men and such other technical services as the Secretary of the Treas- ury may deem necessary to be employed only in the office of the Coast Guard during the fiscal year 1930 in connection with the con- struction and repair of Coast Guard vessels and boats, payable from the appropriation "Repairs to Coast Guard Vessels" contained in the A ct mak ing ap propr iation s for the Tr easur y Depa rtment for the fiscal year 1930, is hereby increased from $11,520 to $11,600. Coast Guard Academy : For commencing the construction and equipment of buildings and appurtenances for the Coast Guard Academy author ized in the A ct entitled " An Act to prov ide for the acquisition of a site and the construction thereon and equipment of buildings and appurtenances for the Coast Guard Academy ." approved February 16, 1929 (45 Stat ., p . 1189), including the prepara- tion of the nece ssar y pl ans, dra wing s, d esig ns, spec ific atio ns, and estimat es, $850,000, to re main availabl e until June 30, 1931 : Pro- vided, That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to enter into contracts for the construction and equipment of buildings and appur- tenances in sums whose total shall not exceed the limits of cost as fixed by law . PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals : For an additional amount for pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Health Service, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Treasury Department for the fiscal year 1930, $117 .753 . SECRET SERVICE DIVISION For s uppressing co unterfeiting a nd other crim es, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropria- tions for the Treasury Department for the fiscal year 1930, $1,941 .01 . Coast Guard . Pay, etc. Fuel and water. Transfers front appro- priation for. Vol. 45, p. 1036. Motor boats. Communication lines. Repairs to vessels . Limitation o f skilled dra fts me n, etc., in- creased . Vol. 43, p. 1036. Coast Gua rd Acad- emy . Construction and equipment of. Vol . 45, p.1189. Post, p. 145. Proviso. Contracts authorized . Public Health Serv- ice . Perso nnel and hos- pital maintenance. Secret Service Divi- sion. Suppressing counter- feiting, ete .