Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/433

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cla. 339 . 1930 . to be carried on as meet their requirements and as may be available and are authorized by the appropriations from which such purchases Purchase price dis- are made . Any dispu tes utes as to the

qua lity, susu itabi lity or by designates arb itr ated character of theproducts manufacture price , in n prison industry and offered to ' any Government department shall be arbitrated ya board consisting of the Comptroller General of the United States, the Superintendent of Supplies of the General Supply Committee, Decision of board to and the Chief of the United States Bureau of Efficiency, or their be anal

representatives . The decision of said board shall be final and binding available forma f und upon all parties . There may be established a working-capital fund replacements, raw ma- for said industries out of any funds appropriated for said institu- terials, etc. tions ; and said working-capital fund shall be available for the purchase, repair, or replacement of industrial machinery or equip- ment, for the purchase of raw materials and supplies, for personal services of civilian employees engaged in any industrial enterprise, and for the payment to the inmates or their dependents of such Policy of Congress pecuniary earnings as the Attorney General shall deem proper . d eclared for de veloping SEC. 7. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Congress that system, t• classify and segregate Federal pris- th e said institutions be so planned a nd limited in size as to facilitat e oilers. the development of an integrated Federal penal and correctional system which will assure the proper classification and segregation of Federal prisoners according to their character, the nature of the crime they have committed, their mental condition, and such other factors as should be taken into consideration in providing an indi- vidualized system of discipline, care, and treatment of the persons committed to such institutions . Introducing nstitu institu- - SEC . 8. Any person not authorized by law or by the Attorney ics, etc. into a felony . General or his representative who introduces or attempts to intro- duce into or upon the grounds of the institutions herein authorized any narcotic drug, weapon, or any other contraband article or thing, or any letter or message intended to be received by an inmate thereof, Punishment for.

shall be guilty of a felony and punishable by imprisonment for a period of not more than ten years . tempting g ' to •escape . SEC . 9. It shall be unlawful for any person properly committed unlawful .

to the institutions described herein to escape or attempt to escape therefrom ; and any such person upon apprehension and conviction Puni shment for' in a United States court shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than five years, such sentence to begin upon the expiration of or upon legal release from the sentence for which said person was originally confined . Procuring etc., ex- SEC. 10 . It shall be unlawful for any person to procure the escape lawful .f inmates' "n- of any inma te pr operl y co mmitt ed to the inst ituti ons refer red t o above, or to advise, connive at, aid, or assist in such escape, or con- ceal any such inmate after such escape, and any person convicted in Punishment for .

a United States court of any such offense or offenses shall be pun- Exp ens es p ayab le ished by imprisonment for not more than three years . from annual appropri- SEC . 11 . The expense, not to exceed the sum of $35,000, incurred ation for "Support of United States prison- in the travel necessary in the selection of sites, the making of sur- ers °"

veys, the making of preliminary sketches, and the securing of options shall be payable out of the appropriation for the " Support of United States prisoners " for the fiscal year in which such expense Necessary sums au- is incurred . thorized .

SEC . 12 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums Pest, p. 881 .

as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act . Approved, May 27, 1930 .