Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/753

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710" .kDMtN1STEA iva PRO- visioNs . American sell ing price. Part If. Report, en- try, and u .lading of ve ssels and ve hicles . Manifest . Master of vessel re- quired to make entry, to have, on board . Contents. Po rts of shipme nt, destination, etc . Proviso. Bulk cargoes for or- ders. Description, etc., of vessel. Detailed account of cargo . Na mes of consig nees . Passenger, baggage, etc . Sea stores on board . Sea and ship stores to be specified on man- ifest . Forfeiture for omis- sions, etc . SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. Cs. 497 . 1930 . (g) AMERICAN S ELLIN G PEIcE .The American selling price of any article manufactured or produced in the United States shall be the price, including the cost of all containers and coverings of whatever nature and all other costs, charges, and expenses incident to placing the merchandise in condition packed ready for delivery, at which such article is freely offered for sale to all purchasers in th e principal market of the United States, in the ordinary course of trade and in the usual wholesale quantities in such market, or the price that the manufacturer, producer, or owner would have re ceived or was willing to receive for such merchandise when sold in the ordinary course of trade and in the usual wholesale quantities, at the time of exportation of the imported article . Part 11-Report, Entry, and Unlading of Vessels and Vehicles SEC . 431 . MANIFEST-REQUIREMENT, FORM, AND CONTENTS . The master of every vessel arriving in the United States and required to make entry shall have on board his vessel a manifest in a form to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury and signed by such master under oath as to the truth of the statements t herei n con tained . Such manifest shall contain First . The names of the ports or places at which the merchandise was taken on board and the ports of entry of the United States for which the same is destined, particularly describing the merchan- dise destined to each such port : Provided, That the master of any ve ssel laden exclusively with coal, sugar, salt, nitrates, hides, d yewoods, wool, or o ther merc handise in bulk cons igned to one owner and arriving at a port for orders, may destine such cargo " for orders," and within fifteen days thereafter, but before the unlading of any part of the cargo such manifest may be amended by the master by designating the port or ports of discharge of such cargo, and in the event of failure to amend the manifest within the ti me permitted such cargo must be discharged at the port at which the vessel arrived and entered . Second . The name, description, and build of the vessel, the true measure or tonnage thereof, the port to which such vessel belongs, and the name of the master of such vessel . Third . A detailed account of all merchandise on board such vessel, with the marks and numbers of each package, and the number and description of the packages according to their usual name or denomination, such as barrel, keg, hogshead, case, or bag . Fourth . The names of the persons to whom such packages are respectively consigned in accordance with the bills of lading issued th erefor, except that when such merchandise is consigned to order the manifest shall so state . Fifth . The names of the several passengers aboard the vessel, stating whether cabin or steerage passengers, with their baggage, specifying the number and description of the pieces of bago-age belonging to each, and a list of all baggage not accompanies by passengers . S ix th . An account of the sea stores and ship's stores on board of the vessel . SEC. 432. MANIFEST TO SPECIFY SEA AND SHIP'S STORES . The manifest of any vessel arriving from a foreign port or place shall separately specify the articles to be retained on board of such v essel as se a stores, s hip's store s, or bunke r coal, or b unker oil, and if any other or greater quantity of sea stores, ship's stores, bunker