Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/754

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711 coal, or bun ker oil is found on board of any s uch vessel than is speci- ADMUMTRoNE PRO- fie d in the manifest , or if any such article s, whethe r shown on the if landed without man ifest or not, are landed without a permit therefor issued by the permit . collector, all such articles omitted from the manifest or landed with- out a permit shall be subject to forfeiture, and the master shall be liable to a penalty equal to the value of the articles . SEC. 433. REPORT OF ARRIVAL .

Ar riv al . Within twenty-four hours after the arrival of any vessel from a foreign port or place, or of a foreign vessel from a domestic port, or of a vessel of the United States carrying bonded merchandise, or foreign merchandise for which entry has not been made, at any port or place within the United States at which such vessel shall com e to, th e master shall, u nless ot herwise provided by law, report the arrival of the vessel at the nearest customhouse, under such regulations as the Secretary of Commerce may prescribe . SEC. 434. ENTRY OF AMERICAN VESSELS . Except as otherwise provided by law, and under such regulations as the Secretary of Commerce may prescribe, the master of a vessel of the United States arriving in the United States from a foreign port or place shall, within forty-eight hours after its arrival within the limits of any customs collection district, make formal entry of the ves sel at t he custom house by produci ng and d epositing with th e col- lector the vessel's crew list, its register, or document in lieu thereof, the clearance and bills of health issued to the vessel at the foreign por t or por ts from w hich it arrived, togethe r with th e origin al and one copy of the mani fest, an d shall make oat h that th e owners hip of the vessel is as indicated in the register and that the manifest was made out in accordance with section 431 of this Act . SEC. 435 . ENTRY OF FOREIGN VESSELS . The master of any foreign vessel arriving within the limits of any customs collection district shall, within forty-eight hours thereafter, mak e entry at the cu stomhous e in the same ma nner as i s requir ed for the entry of a vessel of the United States, except that a list of the crew need not be delivered, and that instead of depositing the register or document in lieu thereof such master may produce a certifi- cate by the consul of the nation to which such vessel belongs that said documents have been deposited with him : Provided, That such ex- ception shall not apply to the vessels of foreign nations in whose por ts Ameri can consu lar offi cers are not per mitted to have th e cus- tody and possession of the register and other papers of vessels enter- ing the ports of such nations . SEC. 436. F AILURE TO REPORT OR ENTER VESSEL . Every master who fails to make the report or entry provided for in section 433, 434, or 435 of this Act shall, for each offense, be liable to a fine of not more than $1,000 . SEC. 437. DOCUMENTS RETURNED AT CLEA RANCE . The register, or document in lieu thereof, deposited in accordance with section 434 or 435 of this Act sha ll be re turned to the mas ter or owner of the vessel upon its clearance . To be reported at c usto mho use wit hin 24 hours. Ame rican v essels . Formal entry, and deposit of papers with- in 48 hours . Foreign vessels . Formal entry, as for Ame rican v essels . Crew list, etc ., with consul of the nation. Proviso . Co ndi tion . Penalty for not re- porting, etc . Register, etc ., re- tu rned at cleara nce .