Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1103

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. 2711 des frais considerables doive1lJ ~tre 8Vpporle. du fait de cet entre.p6t,les Adminjstrations sont autorisees a percevoir les frais d'entr~p6t prevus a l'article 74 de la Convention. 1O.-Comme mesure tempo- raire, Ie tarif de base a appliquer aux redements des comptes entre les Adininistrations du chef des transports aenens est ~e a 6 u1IJimu de franc-or par fraction indivisible de 100 grammes de ~ids brut et de 100 kilometres. Toutes fractions de 100 grammes et de 100 kilometres sont arron- dies respectivement aux 100 grammes et aux 100 kilometres supeneurs et cela separeme1lJ pour c!uu.J:u8 dep&h6 g:ui jau l'objet " la slatistig:ue-avion. Les depkhes aenennes trans- porMes en service inMrieur sont soumises auz mhnes regles. ll.- Les prix de transport spe- cifies ci-dessus ne s'appliquent p88 sux transports a longue di8tance efiectues au moyen de services dont Is creation et l'entretien nooessitent des frais extraordi- naires. Les conditions de l'utili- aation de ces services sont reglees de gre a gre entre les Administra- tions interessOOs; elles doivent ~tre uniformes pour toutes les Ad~inistrations empruntant ces . sel'Vlces. 12. - Les frais de transport pre- cites sont dus aussi pour les correspondances exemptes de frais de transit ainsi que pour les de~6ches ou oorrespondances mal dirigOOs, dans Ie cas OU elles sont acheminees par la voie aerienne. l3. -En thh,ors ths jrais even- ttulB d'e1lJrepot (§ 9 ci-du8U8), lu Administrations "s pays 8W'- voU8 n'ont droit 4 aucu'M rhntlt- nbtUion potJI lu dep&hu trans- porlu. par voie obien'M atlt- duswJ tk leur territoire. ARTICLE 12. siderable expense must be borne because of such warehousing, Administrations are authorized to collect the warehousing charges contemplated by Article 74 of the Convention. 10. .AB a temporary measure, the basic rate to be applied in the settlement of accounts among the Administrations for aerial trans- portation is fixed at 6 centim. of a gold franc for each indivisible fraction of 100 grams of gross weight and of 100 kilometers. All fractions of 100 grams and 100 kilometers are rounded off to the next highest 100 WamB and 100 kilometers respectIvely, and separately for each dispatch which forms the subject of the aerial statistics. Air-mail dispatches carried in the domestic service are subject to the same rules. AIIte, p. 2645. Temporal')' baalcrate. 11. The transportation charges ~~ ~ tJ'aDIo specified above do not apply to onC ell. long-distance transportatIon by means of services whose creation and upkeep give rise to extraor- dinary expenses. The conditions for using such services are settled from time to time among the Administrations concerned; they must be uniform for all Adminis- trations using such services. 12. The transportation charges gltber em- appll- above mentioned are also due C8 8. on correspondence exempt from transit charges, as well as for mis- sent dispatches or correspondence1 in case that they are transmittea by the air route. 13. In addition to the eventual DlspatcbeslntnDlll&. warehousing charges (Section 9 above), Administrations of coun- tries flown over have no right to any remuneration for dis- patches transported by air over their territory. ARTICLE 12 Frais de transport des correspon- Transportation cha:rges jor ~ o~. chargell tor dances-avion a dOOouvert. correspondence ~n open mail I.- Les correspondances-avion peuvent ~tre echangees a decou- vert entre deux Administrations par la voie a~rienne. 1. Air-mail correspondence may be exchana:n~ open mail between two A .. trations by the air route.