Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1246

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2854 SMUGGLING CONVENTION-CHILE. MAY 27,1930. searched, it shall be the speed of such other vessel, and not the speed of the vessel boarded, which shall determine the dis- tance from the coast at which the right under this article can be exercised. ARTICLE III Liquors listed as sea No penalty or forfeiture under stores, or cargo for a 1 fhU·dS foreign port, not sub· the aws 0 t e rote tates ject to penalty, etc. shall be applicable or attach to alcoholic liquors or to vessels or nersons by reason of the carriage of such liquors, when such liquo1'S are listed as sea stores or cargo destined for a port foreign to the United States, its territories or possessions, on board Chilean ves- sels voyaging to or from ports of the United States, or its terri- tories or possessions, or passing through the territorial waters thereof, and such carriage shall be as now provided by law with respect to the tranSIt of such liquors through the Panama To be kept under Canal, provided that such liq,!ors seal while in American shall be kept under seal contmu- waters. ously while the vessel on which they are carried remains within said territorial waters and that no part of such liquors shall at any time or place be unladen within the United States, its territories or possessions. Action on claims for losses, etc. Ante, p. 2853. ARTICLE IV Any claim by a Chilean vessel for compensation on the ground that it has suffered loss or injury through the improper or unreason- able exercise of the rights con- ferred by Article II of this con- vention or on the ground that it has not been given the benefit of Article III shall be referred for the joint consideration of two persons, one of whom shall be nominated by each of the High Contracting Parties. ne!~f~~::,:rlrtWr:: Effect shall be given to the tion. recommendations contained in any such joint report. If no joint report can be agreed upon, the claim shall be referred to the y registrado, sera la velocidad del primero de dichos buques y no 10. del buque visitado la que determi- nara la distancia de la costa dentro de 10. cual podra ejercitarse el derecho conferido por este articulo. ARTIClJLO III No esMn sujetos a penas ni comiso alguno, conforme a las leyes de los Estados Unidos, ni los licores alcoh6licos ni Ius buques o personas por raz6n del trans- porte de dichos licores cuando estos sean declarados como pro- visiones del buque 0 carga desti- nada a otro puerto que no sea de los Estados Unidos, sus terri- torios 0 posesiones, a bordo de buques chilenos que viajen de 0 para puertos de los Estados Uni- dos, sus territorios 0 posesiones, o que pasen por sus aguas terri- tonales, y dicho porteo se efec- tuara como dispone en la actuali- dad la ley con respecto al tr8nsito de dichos licores a traves del Canal de Panama, siempre que los referidos licores se mantengan continuamente bajo sello mien- tras el buque en que son trans- portados permanezca dentro de ilichas aguas territoriales, y que nin.guna parte de los licores se descarg'.le en ningUn tiempo 0 lugar de los Estados Unidos, sus territorios 0 posesiones. ARTICULO IV Las reclamaciones que se inter- pongan por los buques chilenos para que se les indemnice fundan- doJas ~~ q.ue han sufri~o J?e.rdi~as o peI'JUlCIOS por el eJerClCIO Im- propio 0 arbitrario de los derechos conferidos por el Articulo II de este Convenio 0 a causa de no haberseles concedido los benefi- cios del Articulo III, seran some- tidos a la consideraci6n conjunta de dos personas, una de las cuales sera nombrada por cada Alta Parte Contratante. Las recomendaciones conteni- das en dichos informes conjuntos seran ejecutivas. Si no pudiere llegarse a un acuerdo sobre el informe conjunto, la recIama-