Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1253

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TREATY-~AVAL ARMAMENT LIMITATION. ApRIL 22, ~930. 2861 L'Amiral de Division Hono- rable Giuseppe Sirianni, Se- nateur du Royaume, Son Mi- nistre Secr6taire d'~tat pour la Marine; M. Antonio Chiaramonte-Bor- donaro, Son Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et PIenipo- tentiaire pr~ Ia Cour de St. James; L'Amiral .Honorable Baron Mredo Acton, Senateur du Royaume; Sa Majesta l'Empereur du Japon: M. Reijiro Wakatsuki, Mem- bre de la Chambre des Pairs; L'Amiral Takeshi Takaxabe, Ministre de Ia Marine; M. Tsuneo Matsudaira, Son Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et PIenipotentiaire pr~ la Cour de St. James; M. Matsuzo Nagai, Son Am- bassadeur Extraordinaire et PIenipotentiaire pres Sa Ma- jesta Ie Roi des Belges; Lesquels, apr~ s'~tre com- munique leurs pleins pouvoirs, reconnus en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des dispositions suivantes: PARTIE I. ARTICLE 1. LES Hautes Parties Contrac- tantes conviennent de ne pas exercer, de 1931 A 1936 inclusive- ment, leur droit de mettre sur cale des ba.timents de ligne de remplacement, prevu au Cha- pitre II, Partie 3 du Traita pour la Limitation des Armements navals, signe entre elles a Wa- shington Ie 6 fevrier 1922 et designe dans Ie present Traita sous Ie nom de Traite de Washington. Cette disposition n'affecte pas l'application de Ia clause rela- tive au remplacement des ba.ti- ments perdus ou detruits acd- dentellement, enoncee au Chapitre II, Partie 3, Section I, paragraphe (c) dudit Traita. ~dmiral of Division The Hon- Ple.nipotentlaries- blG · S··· Contmued. oura e lUseppe manm, Senator of the Kingdom, His Minister Secretary of State for Marine; Mr. Antonio Chiaramonte-Bor- donaro, His Ambassador Ex- traordinary and Plenipoten- tiary at the Court of St. James; Admiral The Honourable Ba- ron Afredo Acton, Senator of the Kingdom; His Majesty the Emperor of Japan: Mr. Reijiro Wakatsuki, Mem- ber of the House of Peers; Admiral Takeshi Takarabe, Minister for the Navy; Mr. Tsuneo Matsudaira, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the Court of St. James; Mr. Matsuzo Nagai, His Am- bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the King of the Belgians; Who, having communicated to one another their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows: PART I. ARTICLE 1. THE High Contracting Paxties Capital ship replace- . h' . h ment tonnage. agree nut to exerCIse t eIr ng ts Mutual suspension, to lay down the keels of capital during 1931-1936. ship replacement tonnage durm~ the years 1931-1936 inclUSIve as provided in Chapter Vol. 43, p. 1669. II, Part 3 of the Treaty for the Limitation of Naval Armament signed between them at Washington on the 6th February, 1922, and referred to in the present Treaty as the Washing- ton Treaty. This provision is without pre)'- Replacementsoracci· di h dis .• l' dentally lost or de- U ce to t e pOSItIOn re atmg stroyed ships. to the rer,lacement of ships accidental y lost or destroyed contained in Chapter II, Part 3, Vol. 43 , p. 16iO. Section I, paragraph (c) of the said Treaty.