Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1296

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2904 TREATY-MILITARY SERVICE-NORWAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1930. Novemberl,1930. Treaty between the United State8 of America and Norway exempting from military 8ervice or other act of allegiance per;;ons having dual nationality. Signed at 08lo , November 1, 1930; ratification advised by the Senate, December 20, 1930; ratijied by the Pre8ident, Decem- ber 31, 1930; ro.tijied by Norway, December 19,1930; ratijications ex- changed at Washington, February 11, 1931; proclaimed, February 12, 1931. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. LI~bllltyformilitary WHEREAS a Treaty between the Udted States of America and serVIce, etc., of persons N gul . li bili' f mili' . dh wit? dual nationality, orway re atmg the a ty or tary serVIce an ot er acts UrutedStatesandNor- f II' f h . Ifbh . way. 0 a egiance or persons w 0 are natIona soot countrIes was con- Preamble. eluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Oslo on the first day of November, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and Norwegian languages, is word for word as follows: Contracting Powers. Plenipotentiaries. The President of the United States of America and His Ma- jesty the King of Norway being desirous of regulating the lia- bility for military service and other acts of alle~ance for per- sons who are natIOnals of both countries, have decided to con- clude a Treaty for that purpose, and have appointed as their PleniPotentiaries: • The President of the United States of America, Laurits S. Swenson, Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- ter Plenipvtentiary of the United States to Norway; His Majesty the King of Nor- way r.... Johan Ludwig Mowinckel, His .t'rime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs; Who, having communicated their full powers found in good and due iurm, have agreed as follows; Article I. Exemption of natives A person born in the territory of one party of parents of the. oth:r party of one party of parents who are sojourrung t erein. nationals of the other party, and having the nationality of both p,arties under their laws, shall not, If he has his habitual residence, Amerikas Forente Staters President og Hans Majestet Nor- ges Konge som onsker A ordne forholdet med hensyn til verne- plikt og andre troskapshandlin- ger for personer som er stats- borgere i begge land, har beslut- tet sig til A avslutte en traktat i det oiemed, og har opnevnt som sine befullmektigede: Amerikas Forente Staters President: Laurits S. Swenson, De Forente Staters overordentlige sendemann og befullmektigede minister i Norge; Hans l'.Iajestet Norges Konge: Johan Ludwig l'rfowinckel, Hans Stats- og Utenriksministeri hvilke, efter A ha meddelt hin- annen sine fullmakter, som fantes A vrere i god og behorig form, er kommet overens om folgende: Artikkel1. En person fodt pA den ene av partenes territorium av foreldre som er borgere av den annen part og 80m innehar statsborgerrett i begge land i henhold til deres lover, skal, hvi& han har sin