Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1316

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'2924 CONVENTION-PAN AMERICAN. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. tI'atantes, siempre que se acorn- panen pruebas fehacientes de que dicha trasrrllsi6n se ha efectuado y registrado de acuerdo con 180 legislaci6n interna del Estado en que se realiz6, y se cumpla ade- mas con los requisitos legales del pals en que debe tener efecto la trasrnisi6n. EI uso y explotaci6n de las marC9S puede cederse 0 traspa- sarse separadamente para cada pais, y se registrars. siempre que se acompanen pruebas fehacientes de que dicha trasmisi6n se ha efectuado de acuerdo con 1a legis- laci6n interna del Estado en que se realiz6, y se cumpla ademas con los requisitos legales del pais en que debe tener efecto la tras- misi6n. Articulo 12. ~1o~~cel by f Cualquier registro 10 dep6sito e ectuado en uno de os Estados Contratantes, 0 cualquiera solici- tud de registro 0 dep6sito pen- diente de resolver, hecha por un agente, representante 0 cliente del propietario de una marca sobre 180 que se hays. adquirido derecho en otro Estado Contratante por su registro, solicitud previa 0 uso co- mo talmarca, dara. derecho al prim- itivo propietario a pedir su can- celaci6n 0 denegaci6n de acuer- do con las estipulaciones de esta Convenci6n y a solicitar y obtener la protecci6n para sl, consideran- dose que dicha protecci6n se retrotraera. a la fecha de la 80licitud cancelada 0 denegada. Articulo 13. Minor changes per· El uso de una marca por su mitted, propietario en una forma distinta de 180 forma en que la marea ha sido registrada en cualquiera de los Estados Contratantes, por 10 que respecta a elementos secun- darios 0 no substanciales, no acarreara la nulificaci6n del regis- tro ni afectara la protecci6n de la marca. tracting States, provided that re- liable proof be furnished that such transfer has been executed and registered in accordance with the internal law of the State in which such transfer took place. Such transfer shall be recorded in ac- cordance with the legislation of the country in which it is to be effective. The use and exploitation of trade Plarks may be transferred separately for each country, and such transfer shall be recorded upon the production of reliable proof that such transfer has been executed in accordance with the internal law of the State in which such transfer took place. Such transfer shall be recorded in ac- cordance with the legislation of the country in which it is to be effective. Article 12. Any re~istration or deposit which has Deen effected in one of the Contracting States, or any pending application for registra- tion or deposit, made by an agent, repres~mtative or customer of the owner of a mark in which a right has been acquired in another Contracting State through its reg- istration, prior application or use, shall give to the ori~al owner the right to demand lts cancella- tion or refusal in accordance with the provisions of this COllvention and to request and obtain the protection for himself, it being considered that such protection shall revert to the date of the application of the mark so denied or cancelled. Article 13. The use of a trade mark by its owner in a form different in minor or non-substantial ele- ments from the form in which the mark has been registered in any of the Contracting States, shall not entail forfeiture of the re~s­ tration or impair the protectIOn of the mark.