Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/637

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February 28, 1929. March 30, 1929. 2245 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-NOR'VAY. no other ax-raLgement has been made, the internal legislation, regulations, and rulings of the United States of America and Norway, according to the coun- try involved, shall govern. 2. The Postmaster General of the United States of America and the General Post Office of N or- way shall have authority to make from time to time by correspond- ence such changes and modifica- tions and further regulations of order and detail as may become necessary to facilitate the opera- tion of the services contemplated by this Convention as well as to provide arrangements for the registration of parcelpost pack- ages and for the exchange of parcels subject to collect-on-de- livery charges should both coun- tries. at .any time desire such serVIces. 3. The Administrations shall communicate to each other from time to time the provisions of their laws or regulations appli- cable to the conveyance of parcels by Parcel Post. XXVI. Duration oj Convention. 1. This Convention substitutes and abrogates that signed at Kristiania on the eleventh day of January and at Washington on the eleventh day of February, onE:\ thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, and shall take effect and operations thereunder shall begin on a date to be mutually settled between the Administra- tions of the two countries. 2. I t shall remain in force until one of the two contracting Administrations has given notice to the other, six months in advan\..(~, of its intention to termmate it. Either Administration may temporarily suspend the insur- ance service, in whole or in part, when there are special reasons for doing so, or restrict it to certain offices; but on the condition that previous and opportune notice of such a measure is given to the other Administration, such notice annen avtale, skal gjelde den innenrikske lovgivning forskrif- Internal legislation, I . N 'A . etc., to govern. terogreger1 orgeog men- kas Forente Stater, eftersom det gjelder det ene eller det annet av landene. 2 Poststyret i Norge og Ge- Changes, etc., Ly . .. mutual correspond· neralpostmestcren 1 Amenkas ence. Forente Stater har fullmakt til i forening it vedta fro. tid til annen gjennem korrespondanse de en- dringer og tillempninger og yder- li~ere detaljforskrifter som mAtte VIse sig n~dvendige for a lette arbeidet med pakketjenesten efter denne overenskomst samt til a treffe avtale om utveksling av rekommanderte pakker og post- opkravspakker, dersom begge land ~nsker innfSi$rt sMan utveks- ling. 3. Poststvrene skal gl' ensidig .Mutual communlca- hin "- 'd . tlOn of parcel vast meddele annen fro. tl til laws, etc. annen de lovforskrifter og andre forskrifter som gjelder for pak- kepostutvekslingen. XXVI. Overenskomstens varighet. 1. Denne overenskomst trer c16:07, 18 January 2013 (UTC)~i~~ of former istedenfor og ophever den som er Vol. 41 , p. 1729. undertegnet i Kristiania den el- levte januar og i Washington den ellevte februar nitten hundre Effecti ve date. en og tyve og skal tre i kraft og dens virke begynne fro. det tids- punkt som fa<;tsettes ved gjen- sidig avtale melleIr. de to land. 2. Den skal vrere i kraft inntil Duration. et av de to kontraherende post- styrer underretter det annet seks maneder i forveien om sin hensikt om it ophSi$re med den. Ht t k 'dl Temporary suspen- ver poS vesen ail Inl er- sion of insurance serv- tidig opheve verdipakkeutveks- ice. lingen helt eller delvis, nar de1i er spesielle grunner herfor, e11er innskrenke den til visse post- steder, men pa den betingelse at det i forveien gis betimelig underretning om sadan for- holdsregel til det annet post-