Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/693

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-INDOCHINA. April 5, 1929. July 3, 1929. 2301 Parcel post convention between the United States oj America and Jndo- _.... :A:;-' = PT 'ri•.:,;15'"-; .~192\J~-.- china. Signed at Hanoi, April 5, 1929, at Washington, July 3, July 3. 1929. 1929; approved by the President, July 12, 1929. Parcel Post Convention between The United States of America and Indochina For the purpose of concluding arrangements for the exchange of parcel-post packages between the United States of America (includ- ing Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, Guam, Samoa, and the Virgin Islands of the United States) and Indochina (includi~g Annam, Cambodia, Cochin China, Laos and Tonkin), the undersigned, Walter F. Brown, Postmaster General of the United States of America and Jean Walter Direc- tor of Posts and Telegraphs of Indochina, by virtue of authority vested in them, have agreed upon the following articles: I. Limits oj Weight and Size 1. No parcel shall exceed twenty-two :pounds (ten kilo- ~rams) in welght, three feet six mches (one hundred and five centimeters) in length, or seven feet (two hundred and ten centi- meters) in length and girth com- bined. 2. As regards the exact calcula- tion of the weight and dimensions of parcels).. the view of the dis- patching uffice shall be accepted save in cases of obvious error. II. Postage and Fees 1. The Administration of origin is entitled to collect from the sender of each parcel such post- age and fees for requests for infor- mation as to the disposal of a par- cel made after it has been postedl and also, in the case of msure<! parcels, such insurance fees and fees for return receipts, as may from time to time be prescribed by its regulations. Convention Concernant l'Echange de Colis Postaux entre L'Indochine et les Etats-Unis d'Amerique Dans Ie but de fixer les rela- Par~l post co~ven. . 1'.( h d li tlon WIth IndochIna. tIOns pour ·It:C ange es CO S Preamble. postaux entre les Etats-Unis d'Amerique (y compris l'Alaska, Territory alIected. les ties Hawai, l'tle Porto-Rico, l'tle Guam (Mariannes), les tles Samoa et les tles Vierges des Etats-Unis) et l'Indochine LV compris l'Annam Ie Camboclge, 1a Cochinchine, Ie Laos et Ie Tonkin), les soussignes, Walter F. Brown Postmaster General des Etats-bnis et Jean Walter Directeur des Postes et des TeIegraphes de l'Indochine, en vertu des pouvoirs qui leur sont conferes ont convenu ce qui suit: 1. Limites de poids et de dimen- Limits of welllht and sions size. 1. Aucun colis ne depassera Ie poids de dix kilogrammes (twen- ty-two pounds) une longueur de cent cinq centimetres (three feet six inches), ou deux cent dix centi- metres (seven feet) en longueur et pourtour combines. 2. En ce qui concerne l'appre- Baslsofcomputatlon. ciation exacte des poids et dimen- sions de colis, la maniere de voir de l'Office expediteur sera accep- tee, sauf en cas d'erreur evidente. II. Affranchissement et Droits Postage and fees. 1. L'Administration d'origine Collection from est autorisee A percevoir sur sender. l'experuteur de chaque colis tels affranchissement et droits pour les ~mandes de renseignements sur Ie sort d'un colis formulees posterieurement au dep6t et ega- Insured parcels. lement dans Ie cas de colis assures, tels droits d'assurance et droits pour accuses de reception qui peuve~t de temps en temps etre presents par ses reglements.