Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/859

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IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS. November 8. 1927. JanuaryaO, 1928. 2467 The President of the Turkish Republic: Mehmed Kemal Bey, Con-quI a~ Geneva; who, b,aving communicated their full powers, fOUlld in good and due fonn, have agreed tl"; TarmstroBot (talk) fol- lowing pl"O~c~i(~ns: Arii('-u .1. The pruvisirns of the present C<'ovf"ntion . shall apply t·') pro- hibitions and TMtrictions imp088d on tae imporl"tion inH) the t~;­ ritoriM of any High Contracting Pa..rty of goods the produce or m&.nufactW'8 of the lterritories of any other High Contracting Party, and to prohibitions and restrictions imposed on the ex- portation of goods from the terri- tories of any High Contracting Party to the territories of any other High Contracting Party. Article S. Subject to the exceptions pro- vided for in the following articles, the High Contrecting Parties undertake to abolish within a period of six months from the date of the coming into force of the present Convention, in so far as the respective territories of each of them are concerned, all import and export prohibitions or restrictions, and not there- after to impose any such pro- hibitions or restrictions. During this period each of the High Con- tracting Parties will adopt all ap- propriate measures in order to reduce existing prohibitions and restrictions to a minimum and will refrain from imposing any new prohibitions or restrictions. Further, the High Contracting Parties undertake to adopt the necessary measures to ensure that the provisions of the present Con- Le Prblident de Ia R~pllblique de Plenfpotentlarlelt- COlltmUed. Turqde: M ehemed Kemal bey) Consul A Of:'Ul- v 6. Lesquels, a~)r~ avoir commu- "jqu~ leu:-s pleius pouvoirs trou v~ en bonne et due forme, BOnt ('()fi- venus dee dit-poMitiona .uiv&ntes: Art;dc 'Jrem"". Ia disn..itiun~ de I.. p~nte AppHrabUity of pro- ~ Yladona be:e1n. Clnvel.tion .'appli(ptent au pro- hibitions et au fMtrictiOns A l'importation dans lea territoireA de.t .; nautes PartiM, des marchandises-produit& na- turels ou fabriqu~-dC8 terri- toires de l'une queloonque <1M autres Hautes Puties oontrac- tantes et aux prohibitions et aux restrictions A l'exportation de produits des territoires desdites Parties vers ies territoires de l'une quelconque des autres Hau~es Parties contractantes. Arlicu B. Sous r~erve. des exceptions p=~o:! r: prt'ivues aux articles suivants, les tiona to be aboll8hed. Hautes Parties contractantes s'en- gagent a supprimer, dans un deIai de six mois a dater de la mise en vigueur de Ia prblente Conven- tion en ce qui conoome les terri- toires respectifs de chacune d'elles, toutes prohibitions ou restrictions a l'importation ou A l'exporta- tion, et a ne pas etablir par la suite des prohibitions ou restric- tions de ce genre. Durant ce deIai, chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes adoptera toutes les mesures propres a reduire au minimum les prohibitions et re- strictions existantes et s'abstien- dra d'instituer des prohibitions ou restrictions nouvelles. Les Hautes Parties contrac- tantes s'engagent, en outte, A prendre les mesures necessaires pour que les dispositions de la