Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/883

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IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS. November 8. 1927. January 30. 1928. 2491 fering with the practice followed by certain countries of subjecting the exportation of their products to certain conditions as to quality with the object of preserving the reputation of those products and at the same time of offering a guarantee to t,he foreign pur- chaser. They declare, on the other hand, that they interpret the paragraph in question as pro- hibiting recourse to any system of classifying or defining products which is employed as an indirect means of restricting the importa- tion of foreign products or of sub- jecting importation to a regime of unfair discrimination. (c) ad No.7 . The High Contracting Parties declare that prohibitions or re- strictions the sole object of which is either to prevent imported goods from escaping the payment of the customs duties applicable thereto, or in exceptional cases to prevent the importation of cer- tain goods which would reduce the revenue from the duties im- posed on certain other goods, may only be established or main- tained, if no other effective means exist of securing the said revenue. (d) ad No.7 . The High Contracting Parties declare that if, on account of the constitution of certain States and the different methods of internal control which they employ, it should prove impossible to secure complete similarity of treatment between native and imported products, any such difference in treatment must not have the stacIe a la pratique de certains pays de suhordonner l'exportation de leurs prod'lits Acertaines con- ditions de qualite,envuedesauve- garder, d'une part, Ie bon renom de ces produits et de donner, d'autre part, une garantie A I'acheteur etranger. Elles de- clarent au contraire qu'Elles in- terpretent Ie paragraphe en ques- tion comme interdisant Ie recours A tout system.e de classification ou de definition des produits, em- ploye comme un moyen detourne de restreindre l'importation des produits etrangers ou de la sou- mettre A un regime d'injuste discrimination. c) adN°7. Le~ Hautes Parties contrac- Payments of customa ~ duties on imports. tantes declarent que les prohibi- tionsetrestrictions dontleseul but est soit d'eviter que certaines mar- chandises importees puissent ~tre soustraites aux droits de douane qui leur sont applicables, soit d'emp~cher, dans des cas excep- tionnels, l'importation de cer- taines marchandises d'ou resulte- rait une reduction des revenus fiscaux provenant de droits aux- queIs sont soumises d'autres mar- chandises, ne pourront ~tre eta- blies ou maintenues qu'a defaut de tout autre moyen emcace d'assurer lesdits revenus fiscsux. d)adN°7. J~s Hautes Parties contrac- tt Unfalr on. tantes declarent que si, du fait de la constitution de certains Etsts et des methodes differentes qu'ils mettent en reuvre pour leur con- tr61e interieur, une assimilation complete ne pouvsit ~tre etshlie entre Ie regime des produits ns- tionaux et celui des produits importee, ce traitement differentiel