Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/924

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2532 Decision. U vote a tie. UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. la demande qui lui en sera faite, provoquer a son tour la designa- tion d'un arbitre par l'Office defaillant ou en designer un lui- m~me, d'office. 2.- La decision des arbitres est dO!lnee a la majoriM absolue des VOlX. , 3. -En cas de partage des Yoix, les arbitres choisissent, pour trancher Ie differend, une autre Administration e~alement desin- teressee dans Ie litige. A defaut d'une entente sur Ie choix, cette Administration est designee par Ie Bureau interna- tional parmi les membl'es de l'Union non proposes pe.r les arbitres. quest made of it to that effect, may call upon the defaulting Ad- ministration to appoint an arbi- trator, or may appoint cne itself officially. 2. The decision of the arbitra- tors is made on an absolute majority of votes. 3. In case of equality of votes, the arbitrators, for the purpose of settling the difference, choose anotherAdministrationwhich like- wise has no interest in the dispute. In case of disagreement as to a choice, that Administration is designated by the International Bureau from among the members of the Union not proposed by the arbitrators. Administrations 4. -Les· arbitres ne peuvent qualified to serve 4. Only such Administrations as are executing the Agreement under litigation may be desig- nated as arbitratol'E .. Withdrawals, etc. Congresses. Meetings. Representatives. etre designes en dehors des Offices executant I'Arrangement qui donne lieu au litige. ARTICLE 11. ARTIClE 11 Sortie de l'Union. Cessation de Withdrawaljrom the Union. Ter- participation aux Arrange- mination of participation in the ments. Agreements Chaque Partie contractante a la facult6 de se retire.l· de l'Union ou de cesser Ra participation aux Arrangements moyennant aver- tissemellt donne un an a I'avance par son Gouvernement au Gou- Vilrnement de la Confederation swsse. CHAPITRE II. Each contracting party has the option of withdrawmg from the Union or of ceasing to participate in the Agreements by notice given one year in advance by its Govern- ment to the Government of the Swiss Confederation. CHAPTER II Congr~. Conferences. nussIOns. Com- CONGRESSES, CONFERENCES, COM- MITTEES ARTICLE 12. Oongres. I.-Les delegnes des Pays de I'Union se reunissent en Congres au plus tard cinq ans apres la date de mise a execution des Actes du Congres precedent en vue de les soumettre a revision ou de les completer, :J'il y a lieu. Chaque Pays se fait representer au Congres par un ou plusieurs delegues pIenipotentiaires munis, par leur Gouvernement, des pou- voirs necessaires. II peut, au besoin, se faire representer par la ARTICLE 12 Oongresses 1. Dele~ates from the countries of the Umon meet in Congress not later than five years after the effective date of the Acts of the preceding Congress, with a view to revising or completing them as necessary. Eaqh country is represented at the Congress by one or more pleni~ potentiary delegates, provided with the necessary credentials by their Government. It may, if necessary, be represented by the